"Your animal ..." Qin Xiang is so disappointing. "If Xiai and your child have anything, I will never let you go !!!"

"If they have something, I will commit suicide, can you ??" Xiao Han didn't say goodness.


"Forget, Qin, Qin." Night flames, Qin Xiang, "Strong totrite melon is not sweet, his mind is not there, you have to bring him to him, don't mean, let's go, I will go with you to Switzerland "

Qin Xiang's blood pressure rose, and even said it.

The night flames took him away, and said to the Sichuan: "You will go with us, he is the German, you are also guilty."

"Thank you, night, but I can't go, the owner is now very unhappy, I have to accompany him." Si Hui took the wound on the forehead, and strive to squeeze out a smile. "I will pray for Miss Qin and children." , Their guilly people have a day, there will be no things, you take care of them. "

"Okay." Night flames knew the loyalty of Si Hui, did not force her, leaving Qin Xiang.


I got on the car, Qin Xiang still cursed Xiao Han, the emotion was very excited, and the forehead green rigid, the hands did not stop.

Night flames did not comfort him, nor did it say, just listened quietly, waiting for him to vent your emotions.

The car is coming to the airport. Qin Qixi stopped cursing, and the emotions became very low, and the sadness said: "Xia is really pitiful, encounter such a man, now there is a child, then the born is not willing to see her, I will not be willing, my poor daughter "

"In fact, I think about it. I didn't taste it." The night flames appease, "Xiao Han is now unfold, Xia can die early, will have a new life in the future. Otherwise, I have been entangled with him. Hermed her. "

"Oh." Qin Xiang smiled bitter, "Are you comforting me, or protect him?"

"Comfort you." Night flames sighed a sigh, "I didn't protect Xiao Han, in fact, he is a poor person, in the future, I am afraid it will really be alone."

"Yes, like the warm sea." Qin Xiang said angrily, "there is a father who has his father."

The night flames, the lips, the twist looks at the window, others can't understand Xiao Han, but he can understand that Xiao Han is not really uncomfortable, he just can't face her and children, just as he said, He went to Switzerland and couldn't do anything, even gave her sad emotions, so he didn't go.

The two grievances of Qinwen are destined to be unsuined. Xiao Hanno has made things a little, and the Qin family is completely broken, and it will not coexisten each other in the future.

Perhaps this, he can do himself, a lonely yourself ...


At the airport, the night flame received the phone of Harley, and the Director Harley said that the Wen's basement found the Wen Dynasty.

Wen Dynasty was locked with a chain of iron, like a dog, only a few bottles of sputum, hunger, hungry for a whole six days and night, have been dying, there are his teeth around the wooden table around the wooden table.

I saw someone, Wen Dynasty was like grabbed the rescue straw, and he had always shouted: "Give me a food, give me ..."

The Director Harley took a burger and seducted him to say the truth. He did not hesitate to admit things that teach their round J Qin Wei. He knew that he couldn't escape, sitting in a prison, no need to sentence death, The ability of human nature makes him only want to fill the stomach first.

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