When the sun sets, if the blood of the blood should be on the sea, Haitian is transferred into a piece, more beautiful!

A group of recruits were unmatched here, and they were free to fight in the sea.

"Let the point hard, don't like a mother." The military officer is bold.

"Yes." The soldiers responded with sounds.

Such as the bloody sun is spreading on a backs of an angry, for the bronze skin, plated with a layer of golden yellow, strong muscles exudes men's charm in the sun, this back is more sacred!

He is Le Le, twenty-seven years old, one meter, there are two strong legs, and a handsome face that is handsome and dead.

When you are young, you will be a colleach, and you will be responsible for training recruits in the army.

From sunrise to sunset, the newcomers he led have been trained here for 12 hours, except for 10 minutes and dining time every hour, they have not stopped accepting this devil training.

There are a few newcomers can't stand it, but Leles still don't stop what it is.

He has been standing in the deepest place in the waves, working with recruits, fighting together, so, although the recruits are exhausted, they don't dare to make objections.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" A panic voice came.

Le Leng recruited, a new soldier fell on the beach, and his face became very ubiquitous. Other recruits saw this scenario, and suddenly chaotic, a new soldier said: "The colonel, today has been trained for twelve hours, our body Really can't afford, you look at Wang Qiang fainted, it's almost the same. "

"You two, let him go back." Leisi pointed to two soldiers, "let the military examination treatment, you continue."

Those soldiers face each other, many people are dare to arger, one of them is finally could have been reluctant: "Colonel, are you too much? Just don't take us, training is a step by step, you want to let Will us return to the sky? "

"Just step by step, now I only give you preliminary training." Le Le is serious, "I can't stand it," I can't stand it, I will go to the intermediate level, how is the top training? Is it necessary to cry? "

"This is a primary?" The soldiers immediately exploded the pot.

For a week, it is training for twelve hours every day. Free fight and various projects have never stopped. So far, there have been three soldiers who have not allowed to have a hospital, if this is a primary, the later period Do you have to live?

"It's just a metamorphosis, I can't stand it." The soldier took the hat and walked.

Other people, look at me, I look at you, there are several soldiers who follow.

The Subway officials stopped and stopping them: "You don't think about the school, when you train, he also training together, when you take a break, he is still sorting out the site, he is not more relaxed than you, he also wants you to train you. Be the strongest soldier. "

"How can we compare with him? He entered the army for so many years, I have already exercised, we just have to be trained, is this not torture?" The soldier said with anger.

"He came to the army for three years." The Assignment Officer said, "At the beginning, he also trained one step by step, never complained."

"When you are school, who is you?"

"Less nonsense." Leizie said coldly. "You want to go, just after leaving, don't want to go back to the army."

"Don't return back, who is rare!" The few people turned.

"Escape soldiers shall be disposed of military law." Leizan added a sentence.

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