The soldiers were in vain, and the face was difficult. The fists cleared and released, did not dare to go, and they didn't come back.

Leizie no longer ruveraged several, but he told two soldiers to send a fainted soldier to camp. The two soldiers quickly lifted people away.

Leizie did a gesture, and the advice continued to practice soldiers.

Soldiers did not dare to speak more, followed by Leizie in the water.

The few fleeing soldiers stood there, not, not, they knew that the consequences of fleeing soldiers, not only in their lives, the family will follow Meng.

But no one gave them steps, they are not willing.

It is about half an hour, Le Lexin: "Okay, the end is over in advance, go back to rest, continue tomorrow."

"Oh, great!" The soldiers were ecstatic.

"You all, packed the venue, and then return to the camp." Leigh the three escapes.

"Yes." They immediately went back to pack the venue, got on the mat and various props, and did something positive.

Leigh is going to urinate behind the rock. When the army is like this, it is the bed, and it is not so worried.

The advice patted their shoulders, whispered: "Don't be like this later, the colonel is only hard, every time some people have fainted, he will end training in advance, and usually take care of you, self-payment You buy some kind of nutrition, you have to understand his suffering. "

"Know it." The three escapements were sorry, and they were young and mad. I just had a moment of breath, so they would be so impulsive. In fact, they also know that Lei is good.


After a while, everyone has packed up, ready to drive back.

Leles completed the problem, preparing to return to the team, but inadvertently found that the seaside of the not far floating alone, he immediately rushed over there ...

"Colonel, where have you been?" Asked the vicelet.

Leizie did not respond, rushed to the arrow, and the policeman saw the people who were floating at sea, and scared, immediately took the soldiers of the three packing venues to help the view.


Leigh is very fast, even in the sea in the sea, it will be flying in the sea. The person floats in the shallow sea. The sea has went to Leigh's shoulders. He can only swim in the past, and put the person The down-bart coach, carrying her back.

In this process, Leles found that this is a young girl, but because of the case of emergency, he didn't care about her look, just think about saving her soon.

"Colonel !!!" When the advice and soldiers rushed, Leles had saved the girl to the beach, checking her breathing and heartbeat, the girl was still alive, he immediately rescued the girl, do artificial breathing ...

After a while, the girl had a few mouthfuls of water, gradually woke up, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Leizie, it seems to say something, and then coma.

"This is a foreigner." The soldiers looked at the girl, "I was so beautiful."

"She seems to be hurt later." The deputy teaching official reminded.

Leigh lifted the girl's head and checked it. It was indeed, her back is a wound, and should be caused before, because in the sea, the wound has been flourished, nor will it bleed.

Leizie hugged the girl and hurried to the team: "You go back to the army first, I will send her to the hospital."

"Oh." The Association of the Assignment took the soldiers left.


(Now written the story before Leizie and William Feathers.)

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