"It is also." Lei Li Chong girl smiled slightly, "But you will be very anxious, you will notify my police officer to think about it, maybe they are looking for you now."

"No." The girl refused immediately.

"Ah? Why?" Lei Yan looked at her.

"I ..." The girl's eyes flashed, "I don't know why, just listen to you just then, I have an instinct rejection, I think, I am probably just a person."

"Maybe, you are quarreling with your family to go out of the sea, then accidental." Leager looked at her, "But you don't find your family, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." The girl is confused outside the window, "The world is big, is there no giving place?"

"You don't want to be so pessimistic." Leager looked at her. He suddenly took an idea, perhaps, let her stay a big home, can't, can't do this, you have a single man, no reason to pay a single girl, people I will think that you have an attempt.

"If you don't live your home." The girl suddenly said.

Leager, I looked at her, and my heart jumped very quickly. He just had such an idea in my mind, she took the initiative, is this a heart rhinoceros? ?

"How? You don't want?" The girl looked at the look of Leles, "I know that you are very strong, you will not easily take a strange girl."

"No, not this." Le Leiso said, "In fact, I have this idea, but I am afraid that I am Tang Tang, so I didn't say it."

"Really?" The girl is looking out, "" That's good, it seems that we have a tacit understanding. "

"Oh ..." Leigh smiled.

"It seems that this is still a lot of people, although I am still in the world today, but the key moments encounter you, it is also more walking." The girl's mood suddenly turned over.

"You are quite big, isn't it afraid of me?" Leager trials, "In case I have an attempt to you, you are dangerous, a girl, still be careful outside."

"I first saw you, I think you are a good person." The girl holds the chin with one hand, and it is carefully lined up, "and there is a special trust in you. This may be the fate of your Chinese. Let's? "

Leizie is sinking.

"Hey, your blush." ​​The girl hid the lips, "The skin is so thin, it seems not a love veteran."

"Of course, not." Le Lee is very embarrassing, but he doesn't want the girl, so he said, "How old is your childhood, how big is the courage? I am still afraid of me, you are not afraid of me ... "

Under the unintentional collar of the girl, the snow peaks that want to come, accelerate the heart, hurriedly opened his eyes.

"What? What?" The girl smirked.

"That, there are several restaurants, let's go to eat." Leigh transfers the topic, holding the hand of the steering wheel, revealing your nervousness.

The girl smiled and smiled. She saw it, this boy is really simple, she can live with him ...

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