Leizie would want to take a girl to the restaurant to eat, but she wears the patient's patient, light, and many people look at her.

The girl is somewhat uncomfortable, saying to Leisi: "We still pack it back to eat."

"Well, you first get on the bus, I will pack it." Leizan gave the car key to the girl, "Do you know how to open?"

"Know." The girl took the car key to the roadside, accidentally found that the street slowly opened several Aston Martin, the license plate number came from another city, her face changed, hurry, rid of the car ......


Le Leida has a few light foods in the restaurant, then sitting next to wait for them to pack it, at this time, many policemen have come to see the people.

The head-headed police officer is Leizie's previous colleagues. He saw Leizie, and he greeted and greeted: "Thunder school, so!"

"Liu Kang, is still on duty so late?" Le Lee's enthusiastic colleague held handshake.

"Yeah, there is a big man in Hong Kong, now let us work overtime." Liu Kang low said, "I only give us a photo, you must find people within three days, still To be secretly looking, it is not allowed to open, it is really enough, people are in the sea, how do we find it? "

"Who is so big?" Asked in Le Le.

"It's big, she is ..." Liu Kang said half of it, I got a eye, transferred the topic, "Sorry, I have made it, this is not possible."

"Oh, understand." Leigh smiled and said, "Do you want to eat nightclub? I invite guests."

"Well, we have been hungry, eat something, then continue to find." Liu Kang is also welcome, calling brothers into the store, "Anyway, your kid is a money, the son of the tall, the son of the tangle, with us The police can not be the same. "

"I haven't eaten again." Leager said.

"Hey, comply, don't dare." Liu Kang smiled, "You also sit down together."

"I don't sit, I pack it back to eat, and friends waiting for me in the car." Leigh said.

"Who? Will it be a girlfriend?" Liu Kang asked.

"Multi-tube idle." Leager did not care, took out a stack of money to pay the boss, "should these should be enough? Let him click."

"Where is it so much?" The boss smiled.

"Excessive giving me, we will have breakfast tomorrow." Liu Kang horses the past.

"You are a little bit of greed." Although Lei Li's mouth said, but his face still laughed, but also said to the boss, "more money gave him."

"Good!" The boss said refreshing, "Lei Yao, your dinner is packaged."

"Thank you." Leis took a good dinner and greeted his brothers. "You will eat slowly, I will go first."

"What is so anxious? Do you have a while." Liu Kang followed it.

"Don't sit." Leigh swayed and hurriedly left.

Liu Kang, long neck, looked at the girl sitting in Leizan car, light brown long hair, it seems to be a foreign girl, but because he didn't see it, he didn't care, then turn it back. on.


Leizie went to the side of the car and slowed his footsteps. He found that the girl huddled in the co-pilot.

"What are you doing?" Leizan asked.

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