Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1409 Dare to move my woman, find dead

"It's okay?" Lei Yan looked at Fili, "The small head has been so tired so much?"

"Hey .." Feier is sinking, "You just like it as a master."

"I am born, even if I look at the feet," Leigh hippie smiles. "

"Haha ..." Fei Lei smiled, "I like you this kind of thick look."

"Halo, how can I be shameless?" Leizie felt very speechless, "I just ..."

"Okay, don't say this, I ask you a serious thing." Fei is close to him, squatting the feet, whispering, "What did those people should be the high level of this business building? Why do they call you Thunder? Do you have a boss of this building? "

Leigh laughs and not speak.

"Will n't it be?" Feier is incredible to look at him, self-question, "your small inventive selling patents cannot be sold so much money, it is too exaggerated. Unless you invent the aviation carrier or the spaceship. But this is more impossible ... "

"These things don't leave you, you don't think about it." Leisan interrupted her, "Look at what I want to buy, pick it, I pay, but I have to hurry, come to the meal, there are A very well-known Sichuan Restaurant, business is very hot, to order a location, and only one hundred tables per day. "

"You are transferring the topic." Feier is now interested in his identity, "How many things do you have?"

"How is this? You are hitting you? You are not mine." Leles out.

I heard this sentence, the heart of Feier is half a bit, yeah, she is not his, what is the obligation to treat her, she took out his hand, turned forward.

"I, I don't mean ..." Leizie realized that he had a mistake in his mouth, immediately explained later, "I said, that, you don't know, you don't know, what is your business? I……"

"You don't have to explain with me." Feier said disdain, "We know a day, there is no relationship."

Leighing wrinkled, no more, yeah, they only met a day, why he always seems to be very familiar, familiar with ... has already been a feeling! !

"I want this, this, this, all help me into the package." Feier entered the Chanel specialty store, and selected a few new clothes, "there are these bottoming shirts, shoes, and the like. My size is ... "


For two hours, Feier chosen ten clothes, from the outside, from top to bottom, from the head to the foot, did not polite with Leisha, and she didn't try to pass through, completely for the gambling Mentality.

Lei Lie also doesn't matter, the woman is like this, the mood is not good, take the money, so in these few money, he still spends.

After the brush card, Leisi took Fei Dei to the parking lot from the elevator, put the clothes in the trunk, and said with the mouth: "The position of the boy is big enough, otherwise, Prouded."

"How? Heart hurts?" Fili smiled coldly. "This is, you let me pick it, say you pay, will you repent it so quickly?"

"When did I talk about it?" Leisi is a glance. "Just say a word, you are so sensitive?"

"It's not my sensitive ..." Filipotic acid spoke, "I am not your, I will spend hundreds of thousands of people without any reason, it is very distressed, very normal."

"It doesn't matter, do hundreds of thousands are not a big number." Leizan closed the trunk and sat on the driving position.

"Yes? You can't see you so big." Feier deliberate him, "Then you buy a car again."

"There is also a white Maserati, new, very suitable for girls, if you have a driver's license, you can take it." Leles said seriously.

"You ..." Feier is so angry, she did so much, said so much, nothing more than I want to stimulate Leis, I want him to face the "relationship" between them, I don't want to have the development. However, he actually responded to the stream, and the dead plate will be pulled, and how we will not return to the topic.

"What's wrong? What is wrong with me?" Le Lee foggy water, I don't understand where I don't do it well.

"You are not bad, I am wrong." Fili's anger glassed him.

"Ming Mingqi." Leizan felt very wronged, put the car, didn't look for it, "When you choose clothes, I booked a position in the restaurant, but have you been? Sichuan cuisine is very spicy. "

Fili twisted the head and looked at the window, ignored him.

"If you don't want to eat, will we go home?" Leager looked at her.

Fili is still not talking.

"Do you say a saying?" Leizie is a bit anxious. "How is your temper so strange? Let's turn face. It must be a person who is being worn by your family."

He remembered thousands of feathers, although sometimes he fierce him, but the temper of Qian Yu is very good, and it is very reasonable, it will not be as good.

"Yeah, I am getting people who are all being exhausted by my family. You will find a girlfriend in the future, don't look for me, otherwise you have to be." Feiier said coldly.

"I have to feel the most important thing to find a girlfriend. I have a feeling. Many things can be moved. If you don't feel, even if she is better." Leizie finally opened, "Love this kind of thing, not buy something Who bought anything, right??? "

"Yes?" Fili's face was turned fine, so he made a test mode. "Who is you feeling?"

"Do you want me to answer you?" Le Leizhi asked, "You have been turning around, is it going to this topic?"

"You ..." Feier's face was red, "You said hello, I don't have this idea at all."

"Your face is red, it is definitely." Le Leisheng opened, "Hey, will you like me?"

"Isn't it?" Fei Earer vetoed, "We know that you will like you?" It is impossible. "

"I used my sister to teach me a way." Leizie suddenly made her, "I want to test a person, I don't like you, can ..."

"What can I?" "Fili looked at him nervous.

The two are close to very close. They can feel the breath of the other party, and the heartbeats of each other have accelerated, and the eyes are surging.

"It can be like this ..." Leizie suddenly kissed Fei Dei. He admitted that this is the most daring and most arrogant since his life. He didn't know where he came to the courage, perhaps because of instinct, maybe because last night After being toned by her, he has always thought that this kiss is, in short, he wants to kiss her, kiss her, kiss her.

Fili's eyes are great, look at him, sitting in the body, no movement, breathing has stopped, heart, almost hit the chest.

Leizie is clear, completely does not experience, I know how to kiss it, he just uses the lips to block her lips, there is no more in-depth move, but it is such a kiss of water, it is enough to disrupted them.

"Dudu -" The car came from behind, Le Le immediately returned to God, this remembered that he was still driving, he hurriedly held the steering wheel and continued to go forward.

Fili is ashamed, bite the lower lips, and did not say a word, but the heart is like a small deer, and the jump of the throne is not stopped.

Le Leidane aimed at her, and immediately recovered his eyes, seeing front, nervous, he was sweating.

The atmosphere is very embarrassed, and both people don't talk.

For a long time, Feier asked: "Are you tested?"

"Ah?" Leizan's heart jumped, nervous words, "I, I, I ..."

"You don't say, you have to try a man, you can do it, can you use that way? So you tried it?" Fili's red face, nervously looked at him.

"I ..." Leisha's heart is about to jump out, and he can't speak.

"I tried it out." Fili did suddenly said.

"Well?" Leigh Head looked at her.

"You like me!" Fei is embarrassed, "Otherwise, you will not be so nervous, so, so panic, but also ... take the initiative to kiss me."

"I, really ..."

"Hey!" Le Lele did not finish it, and a car hit from the back. His instinctive grabbed Fei, put her in his arms, but he hit the windshield The airbag popped out. .

Fortunately, the Leles' speed is very slow, and there is still a flower bed in front. Fortunately, there is no big accident, Leizie quickly reacted, lifted his head, looked at the rearview mirror, hitting his car, the blue Bentley The Bentley's modified cars surrounded by his car group, it is intentionally provocative.

One followed from the car, opened the door of Bentley, a tall man from the car from the car ...

Leighbrows, frankly stare at that person.

About one meter nine one, slightly somewhat is thin, wearing a silver gray suit, wearing a camouflage ink, hair is meticulous to the future, five official English military, this should be a handsome guy in the eyes of foreigners, but Leles He has no feeling.

The man picks up sunglasses, a pair of silver-gray eyes are coldly glaring, and the eyes flashed the cold light.

"Austin !!!!" Feier is shocked, "Worse, he will definitely catch me back, I don't want to go back, I don't marry him."

"Don't be afraid, there is what I am, no one can move you." Leles opened the door and prepared.

"Don't go, he will hit you." Feiier panicked Leigh's hand, "We alarm, the police can at least protect you from harm ..."

"Nothing." Le Lee took the back of the Philippine, and took the car directly.

"Moving my woman, do you know what price will there ???" Austin slowly came to Le Le, using a hard Chinese, "I am afraid you don't even know how to write !!!"

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