"Oh!" Lei Ren's laughter, directly responded directly, "How, you still dare to kill me?"

Austin made a gesture, two followed by the boxing to Leigh ...

"Don't ..." Feier panicked and shouted, the next consciousness wanted to protect Leigh, but the blink of an eye, Leizie had already smashed the two people, and the Philippine was surprised to look at him, and doubt itself. Is it a flower?

The Austin brow wrinkled, and the other followed all the way to Leilie, Feier shouted: "Be careful!"

Leles is not shocked, it should be free, he is exquisite, strong strength, soon will knock more than a dozen followers ...

This time, Austin's brows wrinkled: "It seems that I am underestimating you !!!"

"You are overestimation yourself." Leizan smiled, "This world is a saying of Wang Fa, not how you want !!!"

"Do you know who I am? I am afraid that you can't afford it." Austin glared at him.

"I don't need you." Le Leizhen disdains at him, "Even if it is Tianshi Laozi, I will take the Feier from me."

Said, Leizie took the Philippine on the bus ...

"Standing." Austin lived in Philippine, "What is your relationship with him?"

"Guan you fart?" Fili was cold and glared at him.

"You are my unmarried wife, how can you talk to other men?" Austin said, "Go back with me."

"I won't go back to you." Fili said coldly, "The marriage is I promised, I haven't need to do it, you have to find him."

"Do you fall in love with this guy?" Austin pointed to Leigh.

"Yes, I am falling in love with him, how?" Feier said straightforward, "I have never been half an emotion for you, you die, let go !!!"

"I heard it? Let's let go." Leizan wanted to push the Austin, Austen a fist, Leizan immediately reached out and gently, the arm was played by him, Leizie is a little accident, I didn't expect Austin's skills so strong powerful.

"Leigh, are you nothing?" Fei's asked.

"Nothing ..." Leigh shook his head.

Austin looked at them so close, and the heart was a roast in anger. Forced to press the Philippine on the car cover, fierce her chin: "Do you dare to betray me?" "

"What are you doing? Let her go." Leizie rushed to save Fei Dei, after you can, "I dare to move again, I immediately explode your head."

Leigh is holding a double punch, biting his teeth, staring at Austin: "Here is China, not France, you dare to use guns here?"

"No matter where it is, there is money." Austin scorn, "But you can't understand this kind of person, there is a little small money to learn people, you are in front of me, even ants are not as good as "

"Austin, you are shameless." Feier angrily said, "If you have a little money, you will have a good thing, there will always be a retribution."

"Report?" Austin stared at Fei, "You are remind me, because your fur is running, your father has been retributed."

"You ..." Fili's horrified wide eyes, "What do you mean? What happened to me?"

"Go back with me, you will know." Austin forcibly took the car.

"Let's let go." Le Leng screamed, strolling over to save the Philippine, completely the muzzle behind him.

That is a panic, hurriedly buckle the board machine, but the Leizie has already played with Austin, which is not aimed at all. .


Feiier panicked Lie Lie, Austin learned Thai boxing, and a head was a buretitude, she worried that Leigh is not Austin's opponent, and in fact, the two dozens of rounds are inconsistent.

"Take her first on it .." Austin is low. "

"Yes." Subsequently came to grab the Feifei, Fei Dei played and kicked, but it didn't help, soon he was taken to the bus.

"Fili ..." Le Le was in a hurry, and Austin took him a punch. He planted it later, and a few guns immediately resist his head.

"Fighting with me, you are still tender." Austin took a gun, directly buckled the board machine, pointed at Le Le's temple, "Go to death !!!"

"Hey -" At this time, it is not far from the police, followed by an eager report, "the owner, the police came."

"For you to walk." Austin glanced at Le Lee, and she was ready to leave. Le Le rushed to stop him. "There is not to go."

"I don't want to make things big, I will roll up with a dog life, and I quickly roll." Austin glanced at him.

"There is a kind of you will shoot, I promise, if you move me, you are absolutely unknown." Leizie did not show his eyes.

"You are really turning!!!" Austin once again pointed with the gun, "I want to die? I am all you."

"Stop !!!" An anxious shout came, saying from the whisper, "the master, the Director Zhao."

Austin looked back, arrogant: "Director Zhao, your citizens are too arrogant, even I dare to felt, I have to punish him in replacement."

"The Duchess, Mills can't make it." Zhao Director saw Leizie's eyes, and said that it is not an ordinary citizen. This is the Lere-Tianting of my country's Ministry of China. The seniors of the head !!! "

When I heard this sentence, Austin shocked, it was unbelievable, and he didn't think of it. It turned out that Leigh is the son of Lei Zhen Ting! ! !

Those who have been very shocked, it is the person who is the military, it seems that it is true.

The Philippine in the car, I thought, Lei Zhen Ting? This name is cooked, but she can't think of it.

"The Duchess, you quickly let the gun, if you hurt the thunder school, things can be really a lot." Director Zhao was anxious.

Austin slowly put down the gun, indeed, here is China, he will not dare to provoke people.

"Director Zhao, is he bringing the arms weapon?" "Leles asked Yan.

"I ..." Zhao's weak look at Leizie, and looked at the Austin. The atmosphere did not dare.

"If I am an ordinary citizen, I am afraid that I have already fell on the ground?" Le Lee is staring at Austin, "When is there such a prestimacy on our land? This matter, I really have Ask my father. "

"Sorry, I am sorry ..." Zhao Director is in a hurry, "Lei Yao, counts me, don't tell this matter, this matter is ..."

"I don't have interest to listen to you nonsense." Austin interrupted the words of Zhao, said coldly, "I will go first, let's talk slowly."

Said, Austin is ready to get on the bus.

"Standing." Leisi is cold, "" You have a military weapon in Hong Kong, I will inform the relevant departments to investigate, now, give me a Philippine, otherwise, I will tell you a hijacking. "

"You really think that you are the son of Thunder, I am afraid of you?" Austin glared at him, "Feiier is my unmarried wife, do you tell me to hijack? I still tell you kidnapp !!!"

"Fart." Fei Dei rushed from the car. "I am willing to be with Le Le, I am not willing to go back to you, you are hijacking me."


"Duke adult, you will do it, don't be difficult for me." Zhao Director is looking for a whisper, "I will come here now. If this is a big, it is not good for everyone, you will let William The princess chooses. "

William Princess?

Lei Yan is shocked, is it a granddaughter William? ? ?

Austin was very uncomfortable, but he had to take care of the general situation, pointed to Feiier warned: "You don't return to France a day, your father doesn't have a good day, you look at it !!!"

Said, Austin turned and left. .

"Thunder, today's things, I will slowly report it later, please have a lot of people, don't tell the head of the thunder, good, good, good."

Director Zhao did a few , then he was panicked to chase Ostentin, and the policemen were all taken away, saying that there was no case.

Leizie looked at his back, cold and said: "This kind of people who see wind rudder do not match the people's police, I must strictly investigate."

"You are fine? Is there any injury?" Leigh turned his head to look at Fili.

"Nothing." Fei's shake his head.

"What's wrong?" Leager asked, "Is it he threatened? Are you worried about your family?"

"I don't know how I am." Fili's face is very embarrassing, "Austin is sinister, what is done, he will not let me let me go."

"I don't understand, are you not a prince? One is a royal family, how can he be afraid of him?" Leager asked.

"This is a long ..." "Feier has long sighs a sigh of relief, dignified -

"When you are young, you don't have a long time. My queen's grandmother doesn't like him, so I have made him Bordeaux very much. I only gave him some land, let himself die, he is only over. A falling royal family, there is no power, even those land almost become gambling lost, but also a good mommy compares home, saving some economic losses, these years, our home is slow, plus Shangqi's grandmother loves me, the attitude towards the land is also a little bit.

But he still has no financial situation, but he is a prince born, and he is not satisfied with his heart. He always thinks to climb your aristocrats and make a achievement to the Queen's grandmother. And Austin is the first rich in France, and there are many families, and the power of the political circles. If you want me to get married with Austin, so the two are good, he will be good, and where where is the Ostein Calculate him? If I don't agree to marry Austin, Austin will not let him go. "

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