This night, the two were sleeping.

William Fiier snuggled in Leizie Huai, I feel particularly practical.

Leigh lightly patted her back, gentle, she fell asleep, before he was always alone, the heart was empty, and occasionally felt loneliness, now his world has her, everything has become enriched, he has New hope, new goals, new direction, he feels that your life is full of happiness. .

He will protect this happiness and will not let it flow ...


In the morning, I just gave up, Leizie got up to prepare breakfast. Today, he has to go to the army early. William Feather is temporarily stayed in the army.

William Fiier has also been very early today. Although Leles knows that Leles is busy in the kitchen, he doesn't have him, she can't sleep.

Washing clothes to the living room, Leles has already placed the table on the breakfast, and smiled brightly: "Come and have breakfast!"

"Good fragrance." Williafei's eyes stared at the food in the plate. "What is this? I never eaten."

"Eggs." Leles cut into a piece of a piece, "I will change a new pattern every day, this kind of cake is very fragrant, you taste it."

"Well." William Feat took a piece of it, "Well, delicious, really delicious."

"You like it, sit down and eat." Le Le handed her fork, "Today because of the time, breakfast is more simple, only egg pie, fruit salad, there is milk, you don't mind "

"This is simple, it is already very rich." Williafei's big mouth is eaten, "I especially like to eat Chinese food, colorful, more than our cold-ice bread sandwiches."

"I will do it every day." Leizan gave her a few pieces on the plate, watching her to eat what he did, he felt that this is also an enjoyment.

"No." Williafei shook his head, "You work so hard every day, how can you let you take care of me? Anyway, I have nothing to do at home every day. When I live in the army, I should take care of you."

"It's hard to have this mind." Le Leishi is pinching her cheeks. "Who is taking care of who is not important, as long as we sincerely love each other."

"It's right." Williamfi smiled sweetly.


After breakfast, Leles made William Fiper packed a few pieces of change clothing and supplies, and then drove her to the army.

On the road, his mood is very embarrassed. Yesterday, it was seriously explained, and he was seriously explained. It should be nothing to accept, but let William Fei's lives, it will not agree.

After all, the army is a very rigorous place. In addition to the official family, the average person will not let go, he and William do not marry, according to the truth, should not be approved.

You can only live for up to two days according to the rules of temporary visit.

How to do?

"What are you thinking about?" Williafei looked at him, "Is it worried that I don't let me live in the arm?"

"Nothing, I will find a way." Le Lexin smiled, "In short, I promise to protect you, I will not yet."

"You are so good." Williamfi made a close.

"Oh ..." Leilly smiled, his face was a red cloud, and the heart is beautiful ...


When I came to the troops, I made a registration in the door guard, directly put the car into the army, and Leizan said to Williapi: "You wait for me in the car, I will apply to the leader, wait for you to pick you. "

"Well." William is nodded.

Leizie took William Fei's documents to the teaching office, is preparing to find a leader, and Zhuo Airlines, who said, "Lei Yao!"

"Zhuo Air, what?" Le Leng looked at him.

"Jiang's head lets you go to his office." Zhuo Air came over, "I just came out from his office, he saw your car on the window, and ... you have a girl on your car."

"Hey." Le Leie is a little uneasy. He wanted to find his superior leadership application. I didn't expect to be discovered by Jiang's head. Jiang's head is his father's department. It is very strict for people. It will never introduce him. Since fulfilling him to bring Williapi to the army, what can I do?

"The girl seems to be the French girl saved by the sea that day? How did you bring her to the army?" Zhuoa is curious.

"She is my girlfriend." Leigh is a simple answer.

"Wow, you are too powerful, this only chasing people a few days." Zhuo Air of expression is very exaggerated.

Leisha licensed him, knocked on the door of Kai Jiang's head: "Leaden in the school!"

"Come in." Jiang's head responded faintly.

"Yes." Le Le pushed in and went to Jiang's head.

"Le Le, what is you going to leave the post last night, what is going on?" Jiang's head opened the door to ask.

"Because my girlfriend is in danger, the situation is very urgent, I have to go back to save her, so I have not come to the head and report it ..." Le Lie is real report, "I know is my dereliction of duty, I will be willing to accept punishment."

"Well, the attitude is good." Jiang's head is nodd slightly, "this, the head will be punished according to the regulations, it is a small problem, I don't have much to say. But what is the girl in your car? Just Zhuo Air learned about the situation, he said that it was three days ago, you saved the girl in the sea, saving people is a good thing, should give praise and award, but why do you bring her to the troops?? If she is missing, there is no You can go, you should hand it to the police to handle it. "

"She is my girlfriend." Le Leng said out, "She is not familiar in Hong Kong, the language is no, I am worried that she will suffer danger, so she will bring her to the troops, I want to apply for her temporary Down. "

"Girlfriend ???" Jiang's head is very surprised. "You also admit that she is a girl saved by you three days ago, now I am a girlfriend ..."

"This is not contradictory." Le Lean said, "I saved her three days, then gave birth to her, she just girlfriend."

"Three, three days ????" Jiang's head of the glasses have to fall, "I know that the current young people are different from our era, but this is not too fast? You said three months, I can still accept it, I will define the relationship between three days??? Are you joking with me? "

"I didn't kids with you." I am really saying. "Le Lee said," She is really my girlfriend, even my dad knows, yesterday he is in my house, he helped me save People. "

Leizie moved his father for the first time. In fact, it is not necessary to use his father's official position to press Jiang's head, just want to prove his relationship with William.

In the troops, Jiang's head is the only person who knows the real identity of Leles. However, Lei Zhen Ting has already told that there is no need to have any special care for Leles, and it is more unhappy, so Jiang's head is public, and the Leigh is Come on, but now listening to Leigh, Lei Zhen Ting, the head of Jiang, is still some scruples. .

I thought about it, Jiang's head said: "Since this matter, your father also knows, there should be no problem, but here is the troops, you are not married, you can't live together, and your single dormitory is in the male house The building, she is not very convenient to live, this way, I will give her a room alone in the female house, and let her stay in the house. "

"But she won't take care of himself, and the language is not true, let her live in the female house, I don't worry ..." Leigh is weak.

"What do you want?" Jiang's head staring at him coldly.

"I will let her live in my single dormitory." Leisha was bold, "I was squeezed with Zhuo Airlines in the next room. He failed to have no problem, and so, I can take care of my girlfriend. "

"That floor is a man, she lives there, do you think it is convenient?" Jiang's head frowned.

"Nothing is inconvenient, no one in the day, I will go back at night, I have seen it, there will be no things." Leisha is carefully said, "Jiang's head, you will do it, thank you. !!!

Jiang's head hesitated, finally nodded: "Well, look at your dad, I will turn once, but I warn you, you have to take care of her, if there is any accident, I will have to pay for it. Also, here is a troops, can't live, you can only live for half a month !!! "

"Yes Yes." Leizie Xinxi is mad, "I must take care of her, you put a hundred and twenty hearts."

"Ok, arrange it." Jiang's head waved.

"Thank you !!" Leilan once again thanked the building, and came to the parking department. It was found that William Feier has taken the car, and several soldiers who have eaten with those who are not happy.

The soldiers said in English, with gesture actions, express William Fiper to troops.

Williamfi smiled with them, but also said that he would like to live here, they listened to not understand, in short, it was very happy, and a large group of soldiers were standing far away, I looked at Williafi. Just like appreciating a beautiful landscape.

"Fili Dare!" Le Le is striding over, and his eyes are fiercely glanced at those soldiers. "It's nothing to do.

"Colonel, have not been drill time, we are preparing to go to the canteen to have breakfast." The soldiers said weak.

"That is not going to go? What is it here?" Leigh.

"Oh." The soldiers left, but they still couldn't help but see the Feier's eyes.

"Why are you so fierce, they are all very good." Williamfi smoked the Leigh arm.

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