"It's all whited by all, you still say they are good?" Le Lee wrinkled, "I have a little regret now, let you live, it is right or wrong."

"Hey, your vinegar is really big." Williamfi couldn't help but laughed. "People just talk to me, see me a few eyes, you are not happy."

"Of course, you are my girlfriend, is my private object, how can I let others?" Leizan said that it is very straightforward, "I will be far away from them later, know?"

"I know, the little ghost." William Fiper picked him with his feet.

Leizie was satisfied with a smile. Take your luggage from the car: "Let's go, I will take you to the dormitory."

"Well." Williamfi took his arm and followed him.

"Colonel, where are you going?" Zhuo Hang returned to the dormitory.

"You are just right, I just want to find you .." Leigh stopped, waiting for Zhuo Air, "My single dormitory will give me a girlfriend, so I have to squeeze with you this time. Squeeze, don't you mind? "

"Of course, I don't mind." Zhuohang said, "If I don't let my room gave you, I went to the collective dormitory of the soldiers."

"No need, your room is very spacious, I will add a single bed again, there is no need to trouble." Leizie patted Zhuo Air of the shoulders, "I will go back to pack up now, etc. You will pass the past, hard work! "

"All is brothers, so polite," Zhuo Airlines smiled, "This is a nephew? You don't tell me?"

"Oh, right." Lei Li used French to introduce Williapi, "Fei, this is Zhuo Airlines, Zhuo Air," Zhuo Air, my girlfriend. "

"Hello!" Zhuo Airlines said fluent English, communicating with William, is not a problem.

"Hello." Williafi is a big square with him.

"Do you still remember me? When I saved you, I was also present." Zhuo Airlines smiled.

"Hey, I am sorry, I don't remember." William Feier said, "I only remember Leigh."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, we go upstairs." Zhuo Airlines is very peaceful, "I will help you pack things. Everyone is neighbor, what is needed to find me."

"Okay, thank you." Williafei smiled at him.


Although Leles's single dormitory is not as luxurious in home, but also is clean, full of books, before he lives here, so the items should be all, it will take it directly.

Le Le will clean up his private items, ready to move to the next room, Williafei is pulling him: "What are you doing?"

"I got things to Zhuo Airlines, I will live there in the future, here, I will live it out," Leizie said in French.

"Why? Why do you want to move out? Don't you live with me?" William Fiper asked.

"Here is a troops, we are not married, so we can't live together." Leles whispered, "You are awkward, I am next door, we can meet every day."

"Don't ..." Williafei's unfolded frown, "If so, I am not like living in your home, you will come back every night, we can sleep together."

"Do you want to sleep with me?" Le Lee evil, "I still want to eat it now."

"I hate." Williafei smashed his arm, "You know that I am not what I mean, I just like to sleep with your arm, this is more practical, I can't sleep at all, I can't sleep at all."


"I don't care, if you don't live with me, I can't live here, simply go back to count." Williafei played a small child.

"If you go back, what should I do if I have a danger?" Leigh in front of her, patience her, "I will accompany you every night, waiting for you to fall asleep, I will go there again." "

"Even if you sleep in me, no one knows it." Williafei bite the lower lips, "You don't say, I don't say, Zhuo Airlines don't say, who will know?"

"This, this is also." Leizan thought that you can sleep in Williafifei every night, "Hey, that's so, let me talk about Zhuo Airlines, let him keep our confidentiality "

"Well." Nodded by William Fiier, "this is right."

"What are you talking about? I can't understand it." Zhuohang is helping them to pack things, seeing their two intimate dialogue, Zhuohang felt very envious.

"Waiting for you." Leager stands up, "Don't pack it, you will go to breakfast first, wait for me to change your clothes and walk with you."

"Are you not going to be late?" Zhuo Airbeze.

"No, I have something to talk to you, in advance." Leizan pushed Zhuo Airlines, "You go out, I will come to the clothes."

"Do you change clothes here? Do you want to change it?" Zhuohang asked.

"No, you really have it."

"Hey, you have developed very fast, you are very powerful."



Leager closed the door, pulling the curtains, turned to hug Williafei: "I can't help you, wait for me to practice the soldiers, are you really no problem?"

"Can you have any questions?" Williafei took his waist and buried his face in his chest. "I brought a few French books. I will read a book at home today, waiting for you to come back."

"I took the time noon and I saw you." Leizan took the face of William, and kissed her affectionate.

William Feather is a pointed, nervous adheres, his kiss is lingering, gentle and greasy, so that she can't help to add fans, each other's heartbeat is quickly accelerated, and the burning breathing is together, and happiness is like honey.............................................................................................................


The two are intimate for a long time, Leizie is reluctantly let go, holding William Fili's cheek, I have a deep kiss on her forehead, helpless sigh: "I should go."

"Hold again." Williafei held his waist tightly, refused to let it, "We know a few days, but I think, I seem to fall in love with you for a lifetime."

"I am also." Le Leng loves her hair. "I really want to stick to you every day, even if you have a minute, you are not willing to let you leave my sight ..."

"Do you always love me so much?" Williamfi looked at him, confused, "will it change later?"

"Fool, of course, no." Leizie kissed her again, William Philippine's warm response ...

At this moment, two people who love to love, how can they think that in the near future, Leles will personally break their commitment, betray this feeling ...


Zhuo Airlined waited for a long time, Le Lere did not come out, the time was coming, he couldn't help but rose the door: "Colonite!"

In the room, Leigh was awakened, looked at the clock on the wall: "Worse, it is late, this time I really have to go."

"Go, I am waiting for you at home." William Fiier worn her clothes, "I work hard, don't distract me."

"Know it." Le Le quickly wore the military uniform, got a bite on William, and then left, went to the door, he also looked back at her, "I waited for me to come back!"

"Well," Williafi took a smile and sent him to leave.


Leizan went to the training base with Zhuohang, on the road, Leizan took Zhuo Air of the shoulders, whispered: "That ... I am with Fiier, you just have a close eye, what is wrong Where you have to help us keep secret. "

"Well, no problem." Zhuo Airlines said, "I understand, young people who are junior, all this, ."

"Thank you." Leles is sinking.

"But your kid can really do it. This is only a few days, just chasing people's girls, too powerful." Zhuo Airlines admired, "I have the opportunity to teach me, let me learn."

"Learn what, this kind of thing is to see the fate." Leizie is a bit proud.

"Cut, I am proud." Zhuo Airlined smiled, then said, "Right, I received Liu Kang this morning, he asked you, what happened?"

"Liu Kang?" Leishami, Liu Kang first found Lei Zhen Ting, telling him that William Feier, to save Williapi, now call Zhuo Air, ask Z Zhuohua asking him The situation, proves that Liu Kang's friend is still very deepening.

"What are you unpleasant?" Zhuohang and Liu Kang were also old friends.

"No." Le Leng shook his head, "Yesterday, I didn't contact him. However, this time he helped me a big busy, I should find a chance to thank him."

"That's good." Zhuo Air took his shoulder, "all the brothers, no need to be too polite, there is nothing to contact."



The army's career is busy, because there is Williafifei to be around, Leles is more passionate, and the whole morning is a special training soldier.

William Feier is bored, in the dormitory, but think of the family's things, she is still very unrestrained, and try to call the mother of the mother Sophie, this time finally opened, soon someone answers: "Hello!" Which? "

"Mummy, I am." Williafield said excited, "I finally opened your phone, I was eager to die, are you okay?"

"Feier, thank you, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact me at this critical moment. I am also ready to ask you." Sophie said, "I just took a special plane, now in China, Hong Kong. Airport, you where is it???"

"You have come to Hong Kong?" "Williafei is very surprised," No wonder your phone has been unlocked. It turns out that you are in the plane, why do you suddenly come to Hong Kong? "

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