"People are fine, otherwise we owe that the comrades are too much." Sophored is a breather, "Fei, you will go back to me in the hotel first, let's visit him tomorrow."

"I don't go back, I am here to Zhuo Airlines until he woke up." Williafei said, "He will make this, I can't lose him alone."


"Bo mother, Feiier is right." Le Lee advised, "No matter what, Zhuo Air is hurting this, we all have a responsibility, now he is still lying in the hospital, Feather is rich, even if you go back with you. I can't sleep, it is better to let her stay here for a night, I will take care of her. "

Williamfi looked at Le Lee, he usually had a hiji, and it was a vinegar.

"Well." Sophie said that Leles said, it is not easy to stop, "But I want to talk to you, I don't know if you don't mind?"

"Of course, I don't mind." Leisi smiled slightly, "Just, you have no dinner, I know that there is a French restaurant nearby, we go to eat while you have a chat."

"Good." Sophored, "Fei Dare, let's go."

William Feier is uneasy, she is worried that her mother will mention the matter to Leizie, and Leizie is still a strong opposition as before, it is more difficult to do.

However, things have to be solved, and the light is not an approach.

It is gathered to be scattered, and she should be brave.


Three people came to the French restaurant, Leizan had a box, some of the pure french dinner, then let the waiter returned, politely said: "Bo mother, are you the first time to come to Hong Kong?"

"Nor isn't the first time, many years ago." Sophor people remembered some past events, and the look was somewhat.

"I should receive you well, I didn't expect to suddenly happen, I really apologize." Leiso said, "I blame me, today I should not quarrel with Fi."

"You know is good." Williafei is white.

"I can't blame you, I don't know what is young, I don't have a good time."

Sophored is very impressive to Leles. Although this young man has a unique ordered identity, there is no one, there is no more proud her mind.

Moreover, Lei-Lie is still very stable. First solve the problem, then apologize, in fact, the Sophia does not know the personality of the daughter, let me know, not very good, don't stand in the Leles, I just want to think about things. He yourself, anxious to ask Leles, exchanged with any man, will have something to think.

Leizie will refuse to be angry, it is not surprising, but he only does not mention William Feier.

This kind of character is worth enjoying.

"Mommy, how old is you always helped?" Williamfi is unfortunately.

"If Leles is outsiders, it will not sit here with Mommy." Sophisticated blame, "You, from small to most, the whole world is around you, so you never never Consider the feelings of others. "

"No, the mother." Le Le quickly guards William Feier, "Feiier is very good to explain, and she is very worried, she is only very worried about the comfort of the uncle, said using our Chinese, it is chaos, this can't blame her. "

"You know is good." Williafi's face was turned fine.

"At this time, you still maintain her so much, it is really rare." Sophie watched the Leigh, and the words were seriously said -

"I have seen it, you are a young man who has a responsibility, a steady. I have a good impression on you, but you and Fei's time is very short, you may not know her and her. family.

In fact, our family is not as beautiful as others, although her father is expensive as the prince but is just a virtual name, there is no hierarchical power, even because of the young man, I was barefast by the Queen, so even an ordinary royal is better.

Moreover, we now have some mistakes, it is a big trouble, this trouble is probably not able to solve it in a short half, and it can even say that it is a problem that I can solve it.

And Feier, because of this, she can't talk to you like ordinary girls, and may bring you trouble in the future. I hope that you can recognize these reality and carefully consider the relationship with her. "

"Mommy is right ..." Williafi's sadness is low, "I am a big trouble, with me, you will have endless suffering, you have to consider clear."

"I don't know how much you are in your family. These are not a problem." Leisha is seriously answered, "the mother, I really like Fei, really want to be with her." I am not afraid to face any setbacks, I will do my best to protect her, love her, but ... "

Speaking here, Lerentton lived, and looked at William Fi ...

Williapi's heart is flustered: "But what?"

"But ..." Le Leng Holds Williapi's hand, "I hope that the feelings between us are pure, I didn't add any impurities to your love, I hope you are also the same as your mummy. Face, I ask you the last time, are you really like me? You are with me, there is any reason for other reasons? "

"You still don't believe me?" Williafei is anxious, "I want you to say that you believe that you like you, there is no other reason, I ask you to help me, just because I think, anyway we All must be together, announced in advance to save me, this is not conflict ... "

"Okay, I believe in you." Leizie hug Williafi, said in her ear, "as long as you really love me, you are not a problem. Waiting for me to confirm that Zhuo Airlines did not have an occasion, Go to France with you to save you. "

"Really?" Williafei is happy, "Are you really willing to go to France with me?"

"Of course." Le Leng is holding her face, "I will do something in the future, how can I sit?"

"Hey, thank you." William did excitedly kneadly.

"But in the future, what do you have to tell me honestly, don't lie to me again, it is good?" Leishake asked seriously.

"Well." William Fi is nodded, "I am not right, but I really don't have a heart, I just want to tease you, I didn't expect you to be true."

"You know that I have not experienced, of course, I will be true." Leager is sorry, "The key is to mention the matter before, I thought you were deliberately lie to me."

"Of course not ..." Williafei pinchs his cheeks, "I have to believe in me in the future, I don't want to doubt me."

"Okay, I promise !!!" Leigh a military ceremony.

"Haha ..."

The two are so good, laughing, the atmosphere is happy and sweet.

Sophifier looked at them in a close look, and the lip raised the curvature of Xin Yue, but his heart was still full of worry.

Leles and Williapi are so simple, no matter in love, or other aspects, they have no heart, but their identity background is destined to have a lot of hearts around them, and their future roads are also destined. Full of rough.

This pure love can really be tested, go to the end? ? ? ?

Sophie did not confidence.

However, Sophia is willing to keep ourselves, every person is in a lifetime, only one mind, the dust, the dust, and Leles are like this, if this love can go to the end, it will be the best ,The most happy thing.


Sophia did not sleep for a few nights because of the Duke of William. They could not stay up late at the hospital tonight. After coming out of the restaurant, she took back to the hotel.

Leizie and William Figer were guarded by Zhuo Airlines in the hospital, and Leizie was looking for a living doctor asking for specific situations, but also arranged medical care and quite experts to Zhuohang. I hope Z Zhuo will recover as soon as possible. He and Feier's heart can be better. .

In the middle of the night, Williafi couldn't stand, leaned against the shoulders of Leishe.

Le Le took off her jacket, and she was considered her, she wanted to sleep with her for a while, but was buddy.

Liu Kang hurriedly hurriedly came over. When I rushed out of the elevator, I was still panting, and I shouted far: "How is Leizie, Zhuohang ??"

"Hey!" Leizie said that he does not have a small point.

Liu Kang quickly went to his mouth and looked at Le Lee's sleeping beauty. He wrinkled with his brows. The small voice said: "This is the French little princess Williapi? Your girlfriend?"

"Well." Leisi nodded, whispered, "This is all at four in the morning, how come you?"

"Zhuo Airlines are not only your comrades, departments, but also my brother, he did something, can I come?" Liu Kangbai gave him a look, "I have handled the case, I can't open. This is not enough to come, I can't stop it. How is he? There should be no bigger? "

"There is no danger of life, but there are too many blood loss, there are several serious injuries, need to be treated." Lei sighed a breath, "this time, I really owe him a big man."

"Zhuo Air is really nothing to say, you are in you first, this time, in order to save your girlfriend, don't live, you will have to press him in the future." Liu Kang is sincerely, "he is not like you." There is a good father, he has grown up in a single family, he has been very bitter, and after the participation of the army, he has been fighting for a few times in the disaster relief incident, which has been promoted, this campaign Colonel, he hopes to be big, if you don't encounter you, the colonel is definitely him, but he is not lucky. Who can't make a piece? When you meet you, he will fight you. "

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