"Yeah, so I have always felt that I have been in power." Leizan said, "His ability is not under me, but the luck is not bad, but when I rank, my father is not interference. , And don't know my identity above, it can be selected, but also because the assessment is superior. "

"That is sure." Liu Kang took his shoulder, "Zhuo Air is very good, but it is better than you, but it is also a thing that is too affordable, you don't have to feel embarrassed. "

"No matter what, this time he is hurting me, I will compensate for him." Leisi said seriously, "the army arranged a chance to build a deputy in Hong Kong. I will give that opportunity to give it to He, where to stay in a year and a half, as long as there is a mistake, it will be promoted. At that time, he may not only be colonel. "

"Such a good opportunity, you let him?" Liu Kang happened, "Le Le, I just told you to press him, but not let you give him your own opportunity, you will take care of him in the troops. No need to ... "

"This is nothing, I am young, luck is better, and there are many opportunities. For excellence, it is one time." Leager smiled. "You, don't think more, and After I wake up from Zhuo Air, I have to go to France with Feier. When you come, you have to have a hard time, try to take a look at Zhuo Airlines every day. "

"I know, you will give it to me." Liu Kang is very refreshing. "I said that your kid is very bad, that night in the restaurant, do you already know that the princess I am looking for? Tibet it in your car? Harm, we have a bitter. "

"At that time, you didn't tell me who you are looking for. How can I know?" Leishabao is a bit, "Yes, Zhuo Airotes, I didn't inform him, you have his mother." Contact information? Do you help me inform her of her old man. "

"No." Liu Kang's look was stunned. "I got the old man's dementia last year. Now I don't know, even my son doesn't know, or don't tell her."

"How can this be?" Le Lee is very unexpected, "Z Zhuo usually cheerfully optimistic, I really don't know that his home is so difficult, he never told me."

"He is a good person, there is a difficult problem, you will have yourself, you won't tell others." Liu Kang sighed, "He is very filial, every time I go to visit his mother, I will go to see Look, but the old man is getting better and less than the body. "

"Which nursing home is his mother? You tell me the address."

"Okay, address is ..."

Leizie took out the address of the mobile phone, "This nursing homes are not very good, I will see the old man in turn, give her some arrangements."

"Thank you, you have a heart." Liu Kang was sincerely sighing, "Le Le, you have nothing to saying to friends, never gains more gains, always help us wholeheartedly, I will thank you for you."

"Don't be polite with me, it should be." Leizie put away the mobile phone, "You go back to rest, we are here, wait for Zhuo Air, I will inform you. But you don't have to hurry, first Take the work on work, Zhuo Airlines, I will give him a few medical care, and then arrange the soldiers to take care of him. In short, all will arrange it properly, and will not let you be too tired, will not let Zhuohang have not People care. "

"Okay, you can rest assured." Liu Kang said with a smile, "Then I will go first, let my wife gave Zhuo Air stewed tonic, I gave him tomorrow."

"it is good."


Liu Kang left.

Leigh , leaning on the wall for a while, for a long time, the sky is bright, there is a voice from the medical staff, Le Leisha hard, wakes up, prepare to wash your hands, and the mobile phone is ringing, he When I took it out, I woke up on my sleep, and I carefully walked William Fi. I went to answer: "Dad!"

"How about Zhuohang?" Thunder Ting's news will always be very spiritual, no such thing as Leres, he already knows what happened.

"Don't live danger, the doctor said that I will wake up today." Leigh relief.

"Since Zhuo Airlines did not have a big problem, and this is an accident, I don't want to scold you, but ..." Lei Zhen Ting's commander's order, "I tell you, don't go to France !!!"

"Dad, you send people to monitor me ???" "Leager is very incredible, how can his father know these things? It is definitely a conversation of his conversation with Sophie.

"Is that called monitor? The name is protected !!!" Lei Zhen Ting is angry and drink. "Do you know the girl for a few days? Do you know what is her home with Austin ?? You followed the past? What ability do you have to solve those problems? It's impossible to play my name. "

"You can rest assured, I guarantee that you don't hit your name." Le Leng angryly said, "I will find a way to solve."

"What do you think?" Lei Zhen Ting's laughed, "If you are not the son of Lei Zhen Ting, what is your value? ??? I will use a small colonel, and it is also equipped with the Austin ??? here is China He dare to get to your home to make trouble, go to France, he wants to play you, it is easy to be strong !!! "


"Leigh !!!" Lei Zhen Ting interrupts Leizie's words, "I think about the night's thing," the night flame is strong enough? It is not to be a whole one. Your heart, Strategy, which point is better than him? You will not know how to fight with those sinister people from small to most. I don't know how to be with those whispered. I want to have a strong amount of my own, in China, I am, no Small people dare to close you, go to France, you have become the sky, your mother has broken your heart, don't let her sad for you. "

"It turned out in your eyes, I am useless." Leizie can't hear his father's advice, "Yes, from small to big, I live under your shelter, no one dares to move me, I don't experience anything. When the big wind is big, but when the night flames do, I also have a power, and I have seen the despicable means of those whisks. I don't believe that I fight Austin. Isn't you teach me? Evil is not pressed, I What is the fear??? "

"Why don't you listen to my words ???" Lei Zhen Ting is angry with teeth, "You are in the US, the Ni Ni, the corpse body, if someone is not recognizing that you are my son, you have been caught in the police The bureau, you really think that you can not be ?? If you go to France, you will have something. "

"I am so big, I know how to protect myself, protect my woman." Le Lee coldly said, "Dad, I don't know that you will not mention your identity, but I don't want to be a life forever. Coward, so please don't block me. "

"Your child ..."

Lei Zhen Ting also wants to say something, Leizie is hung by phone, holding mobile phones, and it is still very ugly.

"Leager, what happened?" Williafei's voice came from behind, Le Leng looked at her, lips, "Nothing!"

"The tone you just seem to be arguing with people." William Feier asked uneasy, "Is your father ??"

"Well." Leisi nodded slightly, there was a little low, "he trained me a meal, but it didn't matter, from small to big, he is like this. At home, you have to put it in the right, what is going to listen to his arrangement. "

"You don't do this, uncle is also concerned about you." William Fiier moved softly. "Does he know what Zhuo Air of the car is?" Because this is a matter of you ???? "

"No ..." Leizie avoided lightly, "Don't worry about him, he is like this. We often quarrel, you will be good after you have quarrel."

"The uncle knows that you have to go to France with us?" William Feather's testicity, "he disagree ???"

Le Lee was a few seconds, nodded: "Well! He felt that I was fighting Austin, I went to the event, and he came to the official Qingming, I didn't like me to use his name to do anything, no one in the army I know my identity. So I told him, I went to France, I won't use his name. At the time, I will find a way to solve the problem, you don't want to say my identity for others. "

"Sorry, I think it's too simple ..." Williafei's face became embarrassed. "I have considered not thoughtful, uncle is right, Austin is a very difficult person, you went to France, he will definitely Give you, if you have any accidents, what should I do? "

"Fool, why don't you confidence in me?" Leigh Brow wrinkled, "Is it so unbearable? You also saw it, and all of Austin is not my opponent."


"Which is so much?" Le Leng pinched her cheeks, "I am relieved, I will protect you. You see you, the eyes are swollen, the hair is also messy, we went to wash your face together, eat one Breakfast. "

Said, he took William Philippine's shoulders to the elevator, and the blink of her hair, "Stupid, don't worry !!!"

"Will." Williafei smiled, but the heart was gone, she felt that she was really simple before, Austin is a very difficult person, Leizie is so lonely, I went to France with them. Not only can I solve the problem, but it is very dangerous. In case of what he has surprised, she will not forgive himself in her life. .

Moreover, he can't use the identity of Lei Zhen Ting, the Queen, the Queen will not care, he can't get any effect.

However, if she is now talking about these reasons, he will think about it, what should I do? ? ?

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