When I heard this sentence, Leizie's whole person was shocked. He didn't dare to believe his ears. Is this true? Is it what his Philippine said? ? ?

"Baby, you haven't finished it, continue ..." Austin buckled William Feier's post-strength, forced her to continue, "What did you promise me? Talk with Thunder."

"I ..." Williafi bites the lower lips, can't continue to hurt Leigh.

"Fili, where are you? Is it the baking of you ????" Le Lee urgently asked, "I know that you will not be so for me, is he forced to be right? Don't be afraid, I am right Just arrived at the airport, I will protect you. "

"Le Leh ..." Williafei's tears couldn't help but she would like to tell him, yes, Austin forced her to say this, she didn't want to leave him, I don't want it.

The face of Austin became very gloomy, and the photo of William's count was on William, and Husen glanced at her, and made a gesture, and immediately called France.

William Fiji immediately panicked, realized that he had just lost his father, hurriedly said to Leizan: "No, you think more, I have decided to get married to Austin, you don't look for me anymore. "

Sophia laughed, mood tangled, she didn't want her husband, and she didn't want to sacrifice her daughter's happiness. She didn't know what to do.

"It's impossible, you don't love him at all, how can you be willing to marry him?" Le Lee is anxious, "Don't be afraid, here is China, he dare not treat you, I will save you ... "

William Fi is thinking, yeah, in China, he dare not treat me, but I am dangerous in France.

Williapi has to be ignored: "I have been with him, so I will hate him, I am with you, just because I am empty, I have no true feelings at all, I don't have any feelings. Otherwise, I will not be one more, I will lie to you again ... "

"Feier ..."

Leizie still wants to say something, Williafi directly grabbed the phone, hung it, then shut down, she didn't dare to say anymore, she afraid that she couldn't worry, and finally before. ...

She hated the bones in Austin: "Is it enough now? Can you take off?"

"It is very good." Austin smiled coldly, "This is right, and the time worker is Junjie !!!"

He waved commands, "Notify, prepare to take off!"



Leizie redial, but Williafi's phone is turned off. He is in urgent to rush to the airport with the fastest speed. Use the powers to help him check the special plane booked by Williapi and Sophia, but airlines Tell him that there is no special plane that does not have these two names.

Le Lee's heart is cold, according to his previous speculation, Feiier is deliberately invited Qiao Qing to open him, then with her mother to return to France, because she doesn't want him to take risks.

However, now, airlines do not have their maid registration, this shows that his speculation is wrong, perhaps, from the beginning, this is a deception and premeditated. .

"Thunder school, what else needs to check?" The staff asked softly.

"You can help me, have a special plane for the name registration of Austin."


Leizie hated a heart, I hope that I can't find it in my heart, maybe he misunderstood her, it is not what he imagined, not. .

"I found it." The staff stared at the computer, reported data. "Mr. Austin booked a special plane to France at 9 o'clock this morning, the flight number is XXXX, and there are people who take him with him ... "

Staff transferred the information, including Sophifiers and William, and their assistants and others.

Lei Lie is standing there, the whole person is like a cold cold until the extreme water from the head, really early?

She is lie to him from the beginning, why? Why do she lie to me? why? ? Is it threatened by the Austin? No, it is impossible. She clearly know that Austin fights in Hong Kong, how can it be threatened by him? ? ?

Maybe this is like she he said, from the beginning to the end, she is not really like him, she is with him, but it is another reason ...

He is not willing, not willing, not willing ...

"Lei school, what information needs to be investigated?" The staff asked.

Le Le came back to God, and urgently asked: "Is it a special plane?"

"I have a look." The staff calls out the information, "Ready to slide."

"Which waterway ???" Leles directly shielded the computer to see, find the waterway where the special plane is located, he immediately ran in the past. .

"Leishaleti, Leighing school, you can't go in, dangerous ..."

The staff followed it behind, but unfortunately, the Leizie did not hear. He must chase William Fiier, asked clearly, what is going on? ? ? ? He can't end this feelings so unclear, can't ............

In the corner of the distance, several black people saw this scenario, chasing it immediately, and playing the head while running: "The first long, Lei Shao rushed to the waterway to chase Williansi, the situation is very dangerous !!"

"I immediately stopped him, bringing him back." Thunder Ting is angry, "this mixed kid, it is really fainted."

"Yes, we know what to do."


Le Le was stopped by the airport policeman at the entrance, and the police asked him strict, let him show the documents, Leizie looked at the special plane in William, William, did not explain so much, a fist Turn them back, then regardless of all rushing waterways. .

At this hairdressing, the part of Lei Zhen Ting is like the arrows, and the Leigh will live: "Thunder, you can't go in, dangerous !!!"

"Let me go !!!" Leigh is struggling, but unfortunately unable to break free.

The few officers were extraordinary, where was willing to let their hands, not to struggle with Leles, forcibly take him away, the airport police, the head of the army, show the documents, they immediately retreated. .

On the special plane, Williafi saw this scene through the cabin, panicked, the windows, excited, crying: "Le Le, Leiland ..."

"It's really touched. For you, I don't want to live in order." Austin woken the laughter, "I really hope that he can rush in, watching him being flattered by the plane, then it is happy."

"Austin, youth metamorphosis -" William Feier hit Austin, vent all anger in him.

"Yes, I am a metamorphosis, who told you fucking me?"

Austen a slap in the past, Williapi is played down on the seat, nose blood DC ...

Austin stunned, looked at his hand, and his eyes were surprisingly complex. .

"Fei Dare!" Sophisticed Madame panicked over to help Williafi, angry roar, "Austin, you don't let her marry you."

"Fili, sorry, I don't deliberately ..."

Austin looked at Williafi, don't know why, he recently lost control, but he really loved her, I really want to get her, why do she hate him? ? ? why? ? She has been completely forgotten. When she was young, she said that she had to marry him. For the promise, he is paranoid, even if he is disgusted by everyone, he will never give up. .

Unfortunately, she doesn't have a feeling. .

"Ah ----" William Philippine Hyster's crying, not because of beating, but because she hurt Leles, she felt desperate and collapsed.

Austin looked at her look, lost his eyes, he didn't want to have a means, but she had her, but her mind is completely not in him, but not tight, wait for her to become his woman, one day, heart will slowly go to him Open ...


Leles smuggled like a madman, and the officer had to fain him and brought him back to Leijia.

Qiao Qing sat on the roadside outside the suburban nursing housing, and closed his eyes and immersed in the sadness. Leles did not trust her emotions fell into the bottom of the valley. She felt very sad. .

"Miss Joe !!" A voice came, Qiao Qing looked up, a soldier appeared in front of her, not far behind him, the person said, "Thunder," Let me Take you, please !!! "

"How do Shu uncle know that I am here?" Qiao Qingxin faintly uneasy, "Is it Leizie an accident?"

"Thunder has been taken back by my boss, you can see him soon." The soldier opened the door and helped the luggage.

Qiao Qing did not speak, followed them together, still uneasy, it seems that things are not as simple as she imagined, if Williapi is really smooth, Lei Shu will not come out so much, is it? I didn't go at all? Still, what happened? ? ?


When Qiao Qing was taken to Leijia, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening.

In the study, she saw Le Le Lee, he was lying on the sofa, his face was not very good, and the brain was covered, because the officer was too hard, he was injured.

However, Lei Zhen Ting not only did not punish the military officer, but also praised people. He learned about his son's martial gas. If you don't have to force him, he did not faint him.

"Uncle Lei, Le Le!" Qiao Qingxin hurts the injury of Leigh.

"A little skin injury, it is not worth mentioning for the soldiers." Lei Zhen Ting said coldly, "this stinky boy, for a woman to make such a lot of things, there is still abuse of power, this time I really have to teach him well. "

"What did he do?" Qiao Qing asked uneasy.

Lei Zhen Ting did not speak, but the face is gloomy staring for Leizie, Qiao Qing turned his head, Leizie is going to wake up ...

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