"Le Le!" Qiao Qing quickly helped Leigh, with his injured head, ... he afraid that he touched the wound.

"Fei Lier ..." Leigh in a confusion, still whispering William Feier's name, Qiao Qing listened, my heart gap, but I can't show it.

"At this time, I was still thinking about the girl. People have already thrown you, follow the fiance." Thunder Ting remembered that Williafei's doing is burning in anger, "I just thought she was a simple kind." Good girl, although the family background is complicated, and it is entangled with people, I still don't have forcibly blocking you, now I am fine, I have already premedited, everything is just using you, deceive you. "

"You are noisy ..." Le Le finally wakes up, I am irritating, and the head is good. "

"Pain is right." Lei Zhen Ting did not say goodness, "hurts can ® you remember the lesson."

"Uncle Lei, you don't scold him, he is hurt, the heart is also sad, it is already pitiful." Qiao is breathed, giving Leizie's cup warm water, feed him.

Leizie drank water, his face was slightly, and he also resumed the spirit, pushing Qiao Qing, swaying and slamming.

"Le Le, where you are going," Qiao Qing hurriedly held him.

"I want to find Fei." Leishaki walked out, weakness, "I have to ask, why do she lie to me ..."

"How did you go this? You first sit down, wait until your body is better." Joe Qingxu said.

"Let him go." Thunder Ting is three feet, "But I tell you that your colonus will immediately be removed, you will use the power to make anything, you will do something, no more, you will save you !!! Before you go, let me relieve my father and son !!! "

"Uncle Lei ..." Qiao Qingxin was shocked, this is really a lot.

"What are you talking about? When did I abuse the power?" Le Lee frowned his father.

"You investigate flight information at the airport, isn't it to abuse your powers? If you are an ordinary person, will people help you investigate?" Lei Zhen Ting is angry and drunk. "You still don't know how to live, you want to die, don't tarnish The name of the troops. "

Le Leng's head is sitting on the sofa, not talking, just groggy, awareness is not awake, now the father's reminder, he also remembers the wrong thing you have before, the situation is urgent, he Dark your own documents, airlines gave him the investigation, although it is just a small thing, but it is indeed a violation of discipline, it is no wonder that the father is so angry.

Lei Zhen Ting saw him have any remorse, and he couldn't bear to continue to scold him. The voice was slightly gentle: "You have a good review of yesterday, what do you think is wrong?"

"I know that I am impulsive yesterday, but I am still not willing, I have to find Fei's asking." Leigh said.

Qiao Qing Xiao Xin Wing's persuaded: "Leis, you can't calm down, there is anything to say to Uncle Uncle, don't fight, Feier has returned to France, you are going to chase now, first make things clear , You will not be late to go to France to find her. "

"Well." Leizie has calm down, now think about it, it is really too impulsive. "Qiao Qing, sorry, yesterday I was so emotionally excited, my mouth was unobstructed, in fact, I am not that I mean. I hope you don't blame me. "

"OK, for many years, who will be careful with you." Qiao Qing wiped the hot towel for him, "Philippine said with me, worried that you will be dangerous with him to return to France, let me help her Branch, I measured light, I feel that she is talking, so I agree, I really don't want to dismount you. "

"I know ..." Leizie raised his hand, "Just started me, I also thought she was because I was afraid of tired of me, so I didn't let me go to France, but later ..."

"Later, you only know that she is intentionally lie to you." Lei Zhen Ting said that "the special plane is Oskin, it is ok, they can't know."

"Is the Austin is the fiance of Feier? Is he not condemned to France?" Qiao Qing asked.

"It should be just condemnated and returned." Thunder Ting said, "It is not like this according to the rules. He must use private rights, these young people, for love."

"Philippine looks like it is a lying, should she won't be deceived?" Qiao Qing's pity looked at Le Le, "maybe there is something wrong."

"Can you have any misunderstanding?" Lei Zhen Ting felt very ridiculous, "If she has a bitter, or is threatened, why can't I be honest? Do you have to lie to deceive? Interest ??"

"To ..." Leizhen raised his head, "I have long said with her, I hate others to lie to me, if she really has a hard work, I will help her solve the problem, why should she lie to me?"

Qiao Qing did not speak. She also said this question with Williafi, when Williafei explained is that Leles is too solid, she refuses to hear, she thinks it is also right, but she didn't think of Williafi. Together with the fiance, this thing is complicated, it is no wonder that Lei Zhen Ting will be so angry, even Leles feel disappointed.

Lei Zhen Ting said solemnly

"Le Le, I just said with you, the girl is complicated, the love world is even more messy, I don't want to oppose you, but at least she should handle my own things and come to you, but you can Do not listen, do not have to be with her, I understand your young people, sometimes it is good, sometimes there is no reason, so I don't want to force you, but now, the fact that she is not a trusted girl. After you have a violation of the military discipline since then with her, it is even more bad thing today. It is really disappointed. I will not allow you to be with her, if you have to Go to her, then let me relieve my father and son relationship !!! "

"You don't have to move anything else to lift your father and son?" Leizie is a little irritated. "If this father is able to solve, there is no resolved father and son in the end of the sky."

"Your child ..."

"Don't say it, I will return to the house." Le Leng took the pace, Qiao Qing was busy helping him. He stopped to say that "Qiao Qing, I just want to be quiet, you also Take a rest, stay in Hong Kong a few days. "

Said, Leigh gently pushed the hand of Qiao Qing, one person left ...

Qiao Qing looked at his back, and the mood was very low. She knew that Leles thought Williafei, this feeling is not able to put down, and she, no matter how to do it, I can't replace Williafi in his heart. The status, she just wants to accompany him, comfort him, let him not be so sad, but he doesn't need it.

She can only refuse to refuse, so as not to let him upset.

"Qiao Qing, you don't have to manage him, he is this German." Lei Zhen Ting thinks that you will come, "He is good for him, he is not seen; what Fei is playing him, he turned to people Land, this is a bone. "

"Uncle Lei, don't say this, the feelings of others are unpublished, only the master is the clearest." Qiao Qing lightly advised, "You don't give him too much pressure, he is now sad now. "

"I have a good understanding of you." Lei Zhenwei knows that Qiao Qing likes Leizie. In fact, he feels that Qiao Qing is very good, honest, loyalty, and the relationship with cold ice and blue thousands of relationships is very close If it is a family, it is a big joy, but unfortunately Leizie only regards Qiao Qing as a sister, there is no male or female.

Qiao Qing smiles, did not speak, how about understanding it? He doesn't like it, she has no chance.

"Yes, how is your mother ??" Lei Zhen Ting wanted to ask this question, just have been suffering from no chance.

"Gong Mom ... is very good." Qiao Qing hid the truth of coldness, before the past, cold if the ice was killed, let her leak the thing, including Leizie and Lei Zhen Ting Can't let them know.

"She, okay, and good?" Lei Zhen Ting Trial Question.

"They are very good." Qiao Qing said, "Shen Shu is particularly good to the mother, everyone is envious."

"Oh, then it is good." Lei Zhen Ting smiled slightly, there was some pain in his heart, this big half, his heart is only a cold alone, but unfortunately, when you are young, you don't know how to cherish, let her suffer Nowadays, she has a better man, although he is very lost, but can only bless her.

"Uncle Lei, the mother made me asked you, but also said ..." Qiao Qing said, "Let you give more space and freedom to Leizie, don't take him too strict."

"Oh, she is a standard kinder, I am a strict father, I really don't want to like it." Lei Zhen Ting smiled, "I am relieved, I will listen to her, to relax in the right."

"That's good." Qiao Qing said, "I will tell your original words to the mother."

"Well." Lei Zhen Ting nodded, "Right, how is the night flames and Qianfei? A few days ago, the case should be a knot?"

"The case is a knot, but it is still a bit trouble without processing." Qiao Qing remembered the blue millet, he didn't help but worry, "Hey, Qian Yu is really difficult ..."

"Is it a company?" Lei Zhen Ting's concern, "Your mother and Shen Sanghai return to the United States, is it going back to help them?"

"Well." Qiao Chiang Ying said. Uncle, you don't worry too much. "

"Well, you are tired, go to rest, I will take you to the room."

"Thank you."

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