The people of Austin, all of the people of Austin, each room is hidden in each room, they don't take a gun, all use the knife, and it is necessary to set the Leisure to death! ! !

Leigh is agile, full with them, just started to occupy the wind, but later with the number of people, he gradually fell into the wind, he knew that he would continue, he only had a dead road, now you must leave here.

Thinking of this, Le Lee will take those people, while retreating at the elevator, one hand holds the machete that is hitting the folding chair, and the other hand urgently goes according to the elevator button, but unfortunately, no matter how he press, the elevator door does not fight Open, he only knows that the original elevator has already passively passively, has stopped, it can't be used.

He can only escape from the stairs ...

The stairs have long been defended, the sword sword, Leizie should be inseparable, soon being injured, physical strength is not supported, what should I do? Is it really going to die here?


Sophie is sleeping with William, although she can't sleep at all, but it is temporarily quiet. Now I can only wait for the news. She just called the trusted line to the hotel to investigate, but I have passed for more than an hour. There is no news yet, don't say William Fi, even her is still anxious. .

"Mommy, why don't they find it yet? Will it be?" Williafei has already asked N, "You ask."

"Well." Sophored has been working with William, let her wait patiently, this time has not rejected the inquiry ...

The phone is open, but no one has answered, the face of Sophia is very dignified, what is going on? The few people have always been a lot, never have a mistake, this time just checking this little thing, it should not be out of the problem, how can I have no news for so long? Have lost contact? ? ?

The more I want to be more uneasy.

"What happened?" Williafei asked with fear.

"No one answers the phone." Sophisticated Mrs. "maybe, still in the investigation, don't worry, I will ask again later."

"I called the hotel."

Williapi Piper picked up the phone at home to call the number of the hotel, she always remembered very well, as long as I saw it, I didn't forget, she called the phone phone, but this time, even the hotel phone didn't do it.

"How can I do this?" Williafei is more panicked, "overseas Chinese is a five-star hotel, 24 hours of business, how can people do now?"

The Sophifier's look is dignified, but also feels embarrassed ...

"No, I have to go to the hotel to find Leizie." Williapi jumped out of bed and hurriedly changed clothes.

"Fili, you can't go now." Sophisticed Mrs. Sophia was anxiously pulled William Feier. "You squatted out, Austin will follow you, in all, Leles really come to Paris, you are harmful He. "

"What should I do?" Williafei is so embarrassed, "This is not good, that is not, can you sit here???"

"I will send a few people to the hotel to investigate, you calm, wait." Sophisticated Mrs. "" Soon, there will be news, you will be for Leigh, you must calm. "

"I am going to be crazy." Williafei grabbed his hair.

"Yes." Sophor Sudu suddenly remembered a question. "Do you have Leishagers, or a friend's phone? Do you want to ask for a phone? Maybe they know that Leles is not coming to Paris."

"I only know Zhuo Airlines, but he is now lying in the hospital ..." William Feier is awkward, "Although he has been in the past three days, his injury should have improved, but he should not know Leigh Do things. "

"Ask a phone call." Sophored.

"Will." William Fili immediately called Zhuohang's phone with Sophie's mobile phone, very fast, the phone was connected, and a weak voice came, "Hello!"

"Zhuo Airlines!" Williafi dried a little.

"Feier ??" Zhuoa is very surprised, "I didn't expect it to be you, I heard that you are going back to France, are you okay?"

"Sorry, harm you, don't stay, take care of you, just alone, I am really reporting." William said.

"It doesn't matter, I have recovered very fast, it is fine." Zhuo Air of July strongly played the spirit.

"Waiting for me to return to Hong Kong, I must repay you, but now I have something to ask you." William said.

"what's up?"

"Do you know where Leles is now? Is he coming to France?" Williamfi asked urgently.

Zhuo Air was stunned and said, "This, I really don't know, I have been lying in the hospital in the past few days, I didn't receive news about him."

"Well ..." Williafield is depressed low.

"Do you call him? Why don't you ask him personally?" Zhuo Airlines said.

"His mobile phone can't do it, I am worried about him." Williafi's voice with a crying, "I am not very good now. If he is really coming, I am worried that he will do things ..."

"Don't worry, this way, I will help you call, and I will reply you immediately."

"Well, then I will return to this number."

"Okay, wait for me to reply."

"thank you."

"You are welcome, hang it first."


Hanging up the phone, Williapi frustrated low: "Leizie must be something wrong, people who call us must be him, definitely he, I heard his voice."

"You don't think about it, hey." Sophored is softly at her, "Leigh is so powerful, and there is a huge family. Austin does not dare to take him."

"Austin is a madman, what do he can't do it?" Williafei thought that Austin burned in anger.

" -" At this time, the mobile phone rang, William Fiper quickly listened to the phone, "Zhuohang !!!"

"Just", I wrote that Leles, I asked Leizie's situation. He knew that some internal conditions, Leizie did to go to the United States, according to time calculations, it should be around 9 o'clock last night !!! "

"That must be him, must be him !!!" William Feather is very excited, "he must have an accident, I want to go out to find him ..."

"Fili, you are calm." Sophie took her, "Let's quite negotiate a good countermeasure, don't worry."

"How can I not urgently? What should I do if I don't do things?" Williafei's emotions are some out of control.

"Fili, Feier ..." The phone came from Zhuo Air, Sophored pulled the Flipper, "Zhuo Air of the Air Shouting you."

"Zhuo Air, I will not tell you first, I am going to save the Lerent ..."

"You are cold, I know that Lei Zhou sent people to come back to Paris, and those who are elites, they should protect Leis, you don't have to worry, everything is calm."

"Thank you, I know." Williapi should have a sentence, hurriedly hanging the phone, and rushed out of the room. .

"Fili, Feier ..." Sophisticated Mrs. Sophied is anxious, but Williafi does not listen to her. When you turn your eyes, you will rush down the building and go directly to the parking.

"This is down." Sophisticed Madam is in a hurry, and I quickly called a few followed up to protect Williapi, and then went back to the room to change clothes.


"The owner, the princess of William, maybe I may know the news of Leizan, now I will go to him now." Subcommit to the Austin.

"Let her go." Austin sat on the sofa, elegant and lifted legs, swaying high wine glasses in his hand, "Leizie has been caught, even if she turned over overseas Chinese hotel, it is impossible to find him."

"I said." Nice, "The owner said that Qing Ding did they sent Leizan to the slum, and the accident he was robbed and killed. Now they should be on the road."

"The evidence in the hotel should be destroyed in time." Although the arrogant order of Austin, "Although it is timely clearing the leisurely, but the floor will still leave obvious traces, Sophia is very savvy, if she holds it, send it People will be thorough, I am afraid I will find a clue, you must do it clean, don't leave any clues. "

"Reassured, we know. Sophored, the few people who have just started to send them, they have been in the 'car accident', they also provide any clues. Although the things tonight look out, as long as we regard evidence Destroying clean, they can't find anything. "

"It's right." Austin Yinssen smiled, "As long as Le Lee is dead, Williapi does not have anything, when she will follow me, for a lifetime !!!!"

"Oh, I will wish the Duke's heart to make things !!!!"


"Don't say it first, let's go out to see the lively, if I am too quiet, people will feel unsatisfactory." Austin put the wine in the cup, put down the wine glass, got up, and walked out.


When the Sophifier chased the clothes, Williafei had already opened a Maserati, and the few followed up, but unfortunately her speed is too fast, they can't stop.

"Feier, Feier ..." Sophia shouted a few times, Williafei didn't care about her, she quickly drove, "What is it? How do you do? Bope !!!"

"Yes." As soon as I quickly took the car.

"Don't sleep in the middle of the night, what is it here?" Austin stepped out, pretending to be tired, "What is this? What is Fei's driving ????"

"Don't be installed." Sophia was angry at him, "Austin, Leizie said Lei Zhen Ting's pro-child, if he yet, you can't escape the responsibility !!!"

"Hey, what do you say? Future mother-in-law? How can I not understand?" Austin is innocent, "Le Lele is not in Hong Kong? He Laozi is so embarrassing, and I can contend to return to China, I can How is it ???

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