Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1440 forcing the desperate situation

Sophifier didn't want to turn it down again with Austin, and angryly glanced at him, and hurriedly took the car.

The car is rushing, and Austin looked at the direction of the car. The lip raised the radians, went, waiting for you to arrive at the hotel, but only people go to the building! ! !

Things have become a foregone, Leizie will soon die in the slums, when the media expressed this Chinese young and a second-generation tragic died in a foreign country, even if the Lei Zhen Ting was pursued, it could not investigate the root. ...

And his Austin will eventually be happy, and step into the marriage with Williapi Dai! ! !

Thinking of this, Austin is very excited, playing a yawn, turning to your room: "What is you doing here? Sleep !!"

"Yes, master ..."


William Fei is in a hurry, a person drives the car to the Overseas Chinese hotel, her heart, my mind, full of Leles, she repeatedly said that Leles, don't have something, don't have something, don't Have something.

She has been accelerating, and she is urgent to fly to the destination, confirm that Leles is now safe. .

Sophifier took out, but he didn't see the shadow of William. She anxiously: "Do you have other roads to Overseas China? Feier is more than two or three minutes, how can I not see Human shadow? "

"Mrs. There is only one road, maybe the princess is faster." As soon as I said, "Don't worry, we can catch her soon."

"Heaven, Don't do anything else." Sophisticated Mrs. Ten, secretly praying, I hope everyone should not be dangerous.


On the road, Williafei's car is hit with a van, but also the other party quickly switched the steering wheel, Williapi also emergency brakes, which avoided.

The car is parked on the side of the road, Williafei's breath has not grabbed the steering wheel, and the heart is rumored, she looked at the rearview of the mirror, the van was already driven away, she did not find it at all , Sitting in the bread in the car! ! !

Leizie was hurt, the hands and feet were tightly tied tightly, and the black tape was sealed. He could not speak, but he kept "um," voice, just two cars staggered, he saw It was the Williapi who sat on the cab's cab. .

He stood up and wanted to call William Fili's name, but several black people hit him on the seat, not allowed him to move, but he kept struggling, but he could not resist their blocking.

In this way, he passed the shoulders with William ...

He turned his head staring in the direction of William Fiper's car, how would he want to tell her, he is here, but unfortunately, the distance between them is getting farther and farther, getting far away ...


Williapi doesn't have time to think, quickly start the car to the Overseas Chinese hotel, but when the car is open to the hotel, she stunned, and a big brand outside the hotel "temporarily suspended !!!"

William Fiier looked at the brand, incredible shaking head, impossible, impossible, her before, I have opened the hotel's phone, the hotel has been business, why is it suddenly stopped for a day? What happened here, someone wants to smoke the facts? ?

Williapi flies through the glass door: "Open the door, open the door -"

No one cares about her, there is no one, she took a long time no one for a long time, but she won't give up so easily, she found a big stone from the flower bed, moved to the past.

"Hey!" The auditory, the glass door was smashed, William Feier didn't care about everything ...

"Hey, what do you do ??" At this time, a good voice came from far away, Williafei looked back, two black security guards wearing uniform ran over, "even smashed our glass door, you Do you want to steal something? "

"I just called for so long, there is no one, this is there?" William Fei is staring at them, "the people in the hotel? Why do you have to stop business ?? What happened here?? "

"The hotel has happened tonight, so it is temporarily suspended, ready to renovate, you don't have trouble here, hurry, we want to report the police." Security impatiently drives Williapi.

"It's impossible, I haven't lived here before, how can I stop business? I don't believe it." Williafei's fearless shook his head, "must be an accident, Leizie must have an accident."

Said, she rushed to the hotel again, and the two security guards immediately looked at her, "I don't admit it here."

"Let me let me, let me go !!" William Fili kept struggling, the calf was scratched by the glass slag next to it, and the two security guards went out of her, and she could not help but speak. " Otherwise, we really want to report the police, you smash our hotel's door, we didn't let you compensate, just the benevolence. "

"You are hidden in fact, here must have an accident, I want to go in, I want to go in to find Leizie -" Williapi is rushing again to the hotel, two security guards still want to stop her, she grabs a glass piece to arrive I have my neck, "You dare to come over, I will die soon!"

"William princess, you don't mess." A security guard was stupid, and the wrong words were in a hurry.

"You know, I know that I am William? Do you know me?" Williafei immediately found the problem, "Are you all Austin? It is he to close the hotel, don't let me go in?" "

"You go up with TV, so I only know you." The security of the security is panicked.

"You don't want to come, if you go out, we can't afford it." Another security guard is also very afraid. "You hurry, there is no one, really."

"I don't believe it ..." Williafei is still with a glass piece with a glass of his neck, and the footsteps are slowly close to the door. "You don't come over, if I die, Austin will pull you together."

This sentence is very effective, the two security guards don't dare to follow her, take this opportunity, and William Fiier quickly rushed into the hotel. I wanted to take the elevator, but I found that the elevator had failed, she had to go up from the stairs ... ...

"What can I do?" Two security anxiously, "Do you want to notify the boss?"

"Strap, hurry to do it, if the little princess is really, how do we afford?"



"Feier!" At this time, the car of Sophia hurriedly opened, and took advantage of the hotel to chase Williapi.

The two security guards have no complaints, just calling the phone to tell the current situation, the boss is calm: "Let them go, soon, they will come out."

When the black people attacked Leles, their accomplices broke the fire pile downstairs. The whole hotel sounded a fire alarm, and the customer and staff had escaped, and there was no one to pay for the thirteen floor.

Later, Le Le was arrested, and the thirteen floor also left a obvious fight mark. In order to cover the mobility, Austin sorry was really in the hotel, so that the police could not find any clues.

Anyway, the owner of this hotel is also a friend of Austin. The Austin family is rich, that person wants to be a bar knot, and now I can do something for him, I feel that it is a blessing of myself.

Austin gave him a lot of money, let him renovate the hotel, especially the thirteen, must decorate people can't see the original traces. .

This is why, the hotel will now shut down ...


William Figer ran to a layer of look upstairs, found the fifth floor, she stunned, the wall here is black, the surrounding wolf borrows, it is indeed a fire after the fire, she runs more serious There are some places that have been damaged, the door of the room is open, and there is a mess, the higher the floor, the more you ...

There is no one in the entire building, Williafi runs to the top ten, and it has been running, and the stairs are around with a mess, she can't go, she is depressed, standing in the stairs, thinking that Leles It is possible to funeral in this fire sea, can't help but cry: "Leager, Leles ..."

"Fili !!!" Sophist will climb up, see William Fiier standing in the stairry, crying, hurriedly asking, "Do you see Leigh? Do you really have an accident? "

"He didn't see it, he didn't see it, I couldn't find him ..." Williafei's excited crying, "he did something, he must be an accident."

"Fili, you don't think about it." Sophia quickly appeased, "Sometimes there is no news is good news, maybe Le Leizhen fled out before the fire ?? Are you not saying that he is very good? He can protect yourself, not so easy!!! "

"Yes, right ..." William Feier suddenly awake, "Yes, he must escape, must be."

"Hey, go back to me first."

Sophia helped William Fili to go downstairs, followed by flashlight with the road of their feet, William Fei did not intend to find a watch on the ground, which is a Leles' watch! ! !

"Le Le !!!" Williafi immediately picked up the watch, there were a lot of blood on the watch, she was holding a watch, excited to shake, "It is him, he really comes to France to find me, he did something It must be Austin. He sent people to kill him, then set fire, hide the evidence, I want to kill him, I want to kill him ----

"Fili, you calm, you went to Austin like this, he won't admit." Sophored is anxiously, "We have to check the truth !!!"

"What? Check it clear?" "William Fili Hyster's crying," The things of the land can't find it clearly, the Leles' things can check clearly??? We are a royal family, why is it to be That animal is in the palm of the shalad ????

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