I haven't been a result overnight and there is no result. .

Even if this is related to Austin, Williafi also took him without helpless, she was angry, I can't kill him, but she couldn't move him at all;

She wants to call, Sophia told her that evidence has been destroyed by Austin, even if she is alarm, in addition to let the media add a topic of a speculation, there is no effect ...

Williapi is going crazy, the whole heart is hung in Leishe, just want to see him soon, prove that he is fine, but now she can't do anything.

Sophia took the tongue to persuade her to rest in the bedroom. At this time, Williafi still didn't sleep halfway, like a crakheat that crashed into her hair: "I blame me, I blame me, I am tired. He, if not because of me, he will not do something ... "

"Fili, you don't do this." Sophia was anxiously, "Fei, Mommy knows that you are worried about Le Le, I have sent people to find him, don't think about it, I will soon will take Leizie. Looking back. "

"You can't find it, you fight Austin ..." Williafi is very desperate, "no one can help me, what should I do? What should I do?"

Sophored is like a daughter. I feel very distressed. But she didn't know how to comfort the Virgin, I thought about it, she suddenly litted: "Yes, Zhuo Airlines said to you, Leigh Does the father send people to France to catch him back ?? You have touched Leles with Leles, and his part is elite, and you can find Leizie. "

"Yes." William did raised his head, and finally saw hope, "now can save the race, only Lei Uncle."

"Hurry and call." Sophor handed the mobile phone to Williafi, "I called Leizie's father and told him what we know."

"Will." Williafi took the mobile phone, but when she was prepared, she remembered, "I don't know the phone number of Lei Uncle."

"Ask Zhuo Air, he must know." Sophor reminded.

"Well." William Fili immediately dialed Zhuo Airlines, but no one answered ...


The First People's Hospital of Hong Kong.

At five o'clock in Beijing, the nurse pushed the sun in the garden of Zhuo Airlines in the garden of the hospital, and Zhuo Airlined looked at the sky, and his heart was deep.

"Zhuohang!" Liu Kang hurriedly ran, "I was here, I am looking for you everywhere."

"I am not in the ward, just here, where can I go?" "Zhuo Airlines smiled at him," How do you get angry? What is so urgent? "

"I am flying at 8 o'clock in the evening. I have to go home to pick up my bags. This is not, hurried to come and find you, just keep with you, you can't see you in a short, you will forgive me, The things of the table have been settled, you don't worry. "Liu Kang said to the two bags of items in his hand over the two bags of goods." Fortunately, Leles gave you three reliable nurse, otherwise I I'm really don't worry about it. "

"How suddenly I want to go to France?" Zhuo Airlines frowned him, "I will not be a Le Le, what is it?"

"Hey ..." Liu Kang sighed, first condemn nurse, then whispered, "Leizan lost contact, the people of Thunder couldn't find him, now I am so crazy."

"How can this be ???" Zhuo Airlines asked, "Will Leased to escape the head of the thunder, turn off the mobile phone?"

"Of course, not, now there is still a mobile phone, even Leizie arrived in Paris, I heard that there is a fire, the hotel is closed, the guests are going, the Leizie is sometimes a rebellious, but he is still Very sluggish, how can I disconnect because of escape? "

"Will n't really do something?" Zhuo Airlined brow frowned tightly, "I heard that the fiance in Fid, Fei, is not good, is the man who moved Leles?"

"This is not clear, in short, there is no evidence, the head of the thunder will not act rashly." Liu Kang did not say, "Lei Zhou sent people to investigate Williapi address, I want to contact Williator. Yes, you I have been very close to Williapi, do you have her contact information? "

"Her phone number I know, but that number has already been stopped." Zhuo Airlines said, "Right, Yesterday I called me, asked that Leles didn't go to France, I was not still Ask you? At that time, I felt that I could do it, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. "

"What number is called to you? You sent me." Liu Kang took out the mobile phone number.

"I have to find it on my mobile phone." Zhuo Air was looking for mobile phones on his body, and found that the phone didn't bring it. He quickly said, "Almost forgot, my mobile phone is charged in the ward."

"Hurry back."


Liu Kang pushed Zhuohang back to the ward, found a mobile phone, seeing nine missed calls, open a look, Zhuo Airlines is anxious: "This is the Philippine mother's phone number, she is looking for me."

"Hurry and call." Liu Kang Dynasty.

"Well." Zhuohang quickly returned the past, very fast, the phone was connected, "Zhuohang !!"

"Fili, sorry, I didn't bring my mobile phone ..."

"Now not to say, I ask you, how much is the mobile phone number of Lei Shu? I have an urgent matter to contact him." William Fi is asked.

"Just, the head of Lei is also looking for you." Zhuo Airlines said, "You will wait."

He turned his head asked Liu Kang, "How much is the private phone number of Lei Yang? Feier asked urgently."

"Mobile phone to me ..." Liu Kang took the mobile phone from Zhuo Air, first told Williapi to Williafei, and then asked, "William, Leigh Lead, the head of Lei, you know his drop ??"

"He has an accident, I will call Lei Shu to call this thing ..." Williapi said, and didn't have a call.

Liu Kang and Zhuo Airlines face each other, both people panic -

"I really have an accident !!!" Zhuo Airlines won the eyebrows, "How can it be? Leigh is so good, it should not be."

"It is definitely that Austin dry." Liu Kangyi's indignation is filled with fists. "The bastard is simply no king law, even Leles also dare to move, see how I went to France how to pack him."

"You said it just now, there is no evidence, you can't act rashly, you don't have to be so impulsive, and you have to stay in France." Zhuohang advised.

"I am a fart." Liu Kang is angry, "the bastard is a bit of power, and the Director Zhao is flattering him. Let him take a gun in Hong Kong. If he is arrogant, it is now actually Dare to move, this account, I will not be so much. "

"You are always like this, just like a gunpowder, it's a little, no wonder for so many years." Zhuoa frowned said, "No, let you go to France to save the Leie, I don't worry, I will go with you."

"What do you say nonsense?" Liu Kang looked at him, "This is going to do something, you are still hurt, stand can't stand up, how can I save people with me?"

"The combat must have a commander, let alone we are in other people's sites, do things have to make strategy and mind, you don't understand French, English is also a half-scoop water, go to French language, how to find people? I will French, follow You have a photo with each other, let alone, if I finger Le Le, my business, I am the clearer, so I am responsible for this redemption action is better. "

Liu Kang thought that Zhuo Airlines said it also, nodded: "You are also, but this is not that I can be the owner, you have to ask the thunder, see him."

"You will take me now to find the leader, I personally tell him."

"Well, just right, there is something to report to him."


William Fiier dialed the phone of Lei Zhen Ting, very fast, the phone was connected, a low voice came: "Hey!"

"Hello, Uncle, Lei? I am Williafei." Williamfi is a little nervous. She has only seen Lei Zhen Ting once once. I feel that he is a very serious person.

"I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact me." Lei Zhen Ting is a little accident, "Leisha lost, I found him in the hotel, the hotel has a fire, now he doesn't know how to go, do you know what is going on? ?"

"This thing is ..." Williafei's words have not finished, the phone is robbed, she looks back, "Austin, how did you come in?"

Austin smashed the mobile phone, and the sound of "", the phone was dropped four minutes.

"You this bastard -" Williafei fluttered and played against Austin, Austin went to her, and she fainted in him.

"Fili !!!" Sophifier quickly pushed the Austin, "Let her go."

"Madam, I think, we should talk." Ostrin raised his hand, waiting outside the house.

"Austin, you don't want too much !!!" Sophie's excited anger "now we don't want to make things big, so I will bear it everywhere, if you continue to get inch, you will not sit down."

"You don't have to take the Queen to take me down." Austin put Williafi in bed, thoughtfully replaced the quilt for her, "I won't hurt you, I am distressed, I can't get it, I am a family, I am a family. You should go to my side, how can I elbow? "

"If you really like Fei, you won't force her to do anything, and will not hit her, bully her, and now there is no sincerity." Sophisticed Mrs. said angrily. "You Don't think that you can do whatever you want, I will tell you, you are committed to the sin, you will still have it. "

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