"You are too right." Austin mysteriously smiled, "So, you are here to repay the sin made by younger ..."

"What are you talking about?" Sophisticated her eyes flashed, and immediately became guilty.

"Some things, everyone still don't pick it up." Austin lips smiled, meaning deeply, "I know, you know that I know it. In case, let the third person know, don't say the reputation of William family Insurance, even your mother and daughter can keep it ... "

He gently touch Williafei's beautiful cheek, "is a problem !!!"

The Sophia was shocked, and the warehouse was sitting in bed, and it was full of horror. .

Their secret is the secret of 19 years, is it already found by Austin? No wonder you dare to be so arrogant ...

"You don't have to be afraid." Austin changed a respectful attitude, "Feiier is a favorite woman, and you are my future mother-in-law, I will not let you have something. However, you have to work hard. OK, if you have been with me, I am afraid I can't protect you. "

Sophored, the whole person is afraid to shook: "What do you know?"

"I know." Austin turned on the sofa chair next to it, "But it doesn't matter, Philippine is not a princess, all don't want her, I like her, not because she is unique and distinguished !! Even if she is a civilian The woman, I love her too. "

Sophia raised his hand, this time, all of her heart was broken, it seems that Austin knows that secret: "What are you thinking?"

"I just want to be a wife." Austin looked straight to the eyes of Sophia, sincerely said, "I really love her, I just want to be with her, as long as she marry me, all everything The hardship is over. After that, you can enjoy the Ronghua, the Earl of William, and Feier does not have to be surprised, and your family can live a happy life, this is not good? "

"You really love her ???" Sophored laughed, "You don't fight against her, and always try to force her, this is love? This is just a kind of desire and winning I want to stop. You are not willing to lose to Leizie, so you don't want to be killed, forcibly getting Fei, you want to announce to the world, you are a winner, this is your purpose !!! "

"If so, I can make things a little more." Austin smiled, "Although it is your home, but you have already served me, who I really want to do, who Also stopped, wait for me to take Fei Dei, how can I use me? I will take me? I have a Queen's Majesty. I have lived with Fei. You feel that someone can cure me. ?"

"You ..." Sophored is full of face, but she has to admit that the fact is indeed that Austin said.

"Moreover ..." Austin's face became gloomy, "I have already known your secrets. If I really just do so much, I have to use the secret to suppress you, but also Do you play me a slap? Let you take the Fei Dei to find Leizie? Let you support the people who have a person with Leijia? "

"Are you still doing it now and threaten me?" Sophisticedly smashed him.

"That's because you really don't know how to know." Austin sighed, "You are a smart person, you should recognize the momentum, Lei Zhen Ting is some power, but that is in China, not in France, he can Is it possible to manage the national border, can you come to France ?? You can't immigrate to China ?? Leis is destined to be my hand, Feiier is destined to be mine, you shouldn't ignore her and Leizie !! "

"At least Leles is a hive boy, unlike you, mean shameless !!!" Sophored said angrily.

"He is not straightforward, good is not kind, you can see it?" Austin continued to persuade, "I have a 10 years old, I have been playing with me for eight years old. I started with me. I like her, I have never changed. Lelarie is a few days to understand the Feier a few days? Do you really understand him ?? He likes his own herish, will he tell you? ""

"What do you say ??" Sophored looked at him horror.

"Leisha is in a mess, it is not as good as you think ..." Austin sighed, "Leisha's father was young for his own future, and he helped his wife and helped his own career. The woman married, Le Lee's mother married three men, everywhere is illegitimate, private life is messy, there is a name in the international business, there is Leigh, actually pursue my own father's sister ... "

"These things, where did you listen?" Sophisticated, "You don't want to say."

"I have no messy, you don't believe, you can check it yourself. Many people know." Austin booth, "Leisha's mother is called cold, before the President of Shen's Group Now I will settle in the United States now, Le Le Lie, the sister of the father is called Blue Qianyu, is the wife of the first Flag of Asia, but it has been spent with many men. Those rhymes are unclear, than The movie is also wonderful, let me compile such a story that falls so, I believe you should have ever heard. "

Sophia is going to the eye, and the mood is very heavy, cold if ice, night flaming, blue thousand feather, these names she have heard that their private life is indeed confusing, although in the business world calls rain, but private but people Jinjin Taoist topic, is it so complicated by Leigh's families? Do he really like his own sister? That kind of taboo is not a good thing.

Austin saw Sophie, Sophisticated, continued to persuade: "Leizie is not suitable for Fei, he still remembers his sister, if Fei is really told him, will only fall tragedy. I will not The same, knowing the roots, the family is innocent, loyalty, loyalty, although temper is some violent, but I will change, as long as Feiier is with me, I will love her ... "

"Enough!" Sophie interrupted his words, said coldly, "You don't have to say it, I am not young and unbelievable, I will not go to your. It is right and wrong, I know how to measure !! Thunder! The fierce family is not confusing, his personal emotions are unclear, those are after, in short, you can kill the fire is a criminal act, and Lei Jia will not let you, I can't help you with Feier !!! "

Austin has gradually awakened Forte, and the mouth: "If I say Leigh is not dead?"

"What are you talking about?" Sophored is very excited, "Le Le Yan is dead? Is it true?"

"Of course, it is true." Austin said, "How do he say that Lei Zhen Ting's son, even how to hate him, I don't dare to kill him, I just give him a little lesson, I have been going to take him a few days. Creditting home, of course, my ultimate goal is to hope that Feier is dead to him. "

Austin lie to smashed, and even almost believed. In fact, he always thought that Leigh is dead, but now, it is just to deceive Sophored.

"Where is the Leles now?" Sophisticated asked.

"I can't tell you this." Austin continued to lie.

"You ..." Sophored is preparing to say something, suddenly found William Fiier woke up, she quickly helped William Fi, "Fei, how are you ??"

"I just seem to hear you say, Leizie is not dead? Is this true?" Williafei is excited, "Is this really true?"

"Of course it is true .." Austin looked at her deeply. "He is now in my hand, as long as you promise to marry me, I will put him."

"Do you want me to believe in you?" Williafei is staring at him.

"This, do you know?" Austin took out a mobile phone, which is a Leles' mobile phone. The above is full of blood, the phone screen is broken, but it is still booting, just the phone card is taken away, mobile phone Screensapping or Williapi's photo ...

"This is Leles' mobile phone." William Fili immediately grabbed mobile phone, carefully observed, "Yes, he is really his."

"If you still don't believe, I can let people look down on his fingers to see ..."

"Don't !!!" William Fiier holds the shoulders of Austin, I am eager, "How is he seriously injured? He's okay?"

"You really care about him." Austin gas bites his teeth, "Yes, he was injured, there were two shots, and he was burn, dying, he is blood, if you don't agree with me, I will He sent a dog, let him be killed by wild dogs, and then eat it ... "

"No ----" William is mad as screaming, "You can't do this to him, can't !!!" She tightly grabbed the Austin's arm, hysterically crying, "Find a doctor to save him, I beg you to find a doctor to save him, I beg you ... "

Austin looked at her, and the heart couldn't help but soft. I reached out to put her in his arms, gently tuned her long hair: "As long as you promise to marry me, I will put him, we get married, I will Let the doctor gave him the treatment, his body should be so strong, temporarily should not die, but you can't wait too long, otherwise he can't help ... "

William Fei's grief is crying for a long time, she finally closed her eyes, looking back: "Well, I will marry you, you can prepare the wedding, the sooner, but if Le Le, I will die. I will die. Look!!!"

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