Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1445 Strong Tour Melon is not sweet

time flies. .

In the past two days, Austin has arranged all the marriage. It will be in ten days later. He in the morning, he informs Williapi, held a reporter reception in the afternoon, and announced their marriage.

William Feather is very matched. It is now, she only wants to keep Leigh's security, other things, she has not thought about it.

In order to prove that his sincerity, the special belt with William Figer and Sophia went to prison to visit William Earl, the lawyer told them that the Pisher's case had already found a favorable clue. After a few days, after a few days, it should be Can be released without being released. .

When I heard these words, Sophia was very pleased that as long as William is safe, other things can be discounted from a long.

After these things, the Earl of William also learned the lesson. When I think about my own, I feel very embarrassed to Williapi. Williapi has nothing to say. It is also silent. If it is not a father? If you have a lot, Le Le will not fall into a desperate, she doesn't have to be forced to marry a man who doesn't love ...

But she didn't want to scold him, no matter what, he is her biological father, she loves her from a small to most. I have done a lot of things for her. Now it is a timely paste to be on Austin.

From the prison, Austing said to Williapi: "I booked a position at the seaside restaurant. We went to dine there, and held a reporter reception in the open air square after dinner!"

William does not speak, just numb the pace of the car.

Sophia looks like William Feier, very distressed, she doesn't want William Fiier to marry a sinister, despicable man, but she is now unable to change the situation, only to pin all hopes in Lei Zhen Ting I hope that Lei Zhen Ting can save Leigh in time, so Williapi does not have to marry Austin. .

"Mrs.!" The voice of the Austin interrupted the thoughts of Sophia, she turned his head to see him, "What ??"

"My father wants to talk to you about a wedding. He has been waiting at home, I will drive you in the past." Aust Ting politely said.

"What about Na Feier?" Sophisticed Mrs didn't rest assured that William Feli was followed by Austin.

"She takes lunch with me, then participate in the press conference, rest assured, I will take care of her." Austin said, "She is a wife, I won't hurt her."



Sophored, I still want to say something, Williafi suddenly interrupted her, "Go, I will not have something."

"Fili ..." Sophie worried about her, "I am not around you, I don't feel relieved."

"Nothing is not worried." Williafei smiled faintly. "If he really wants, even if you are around, it will stop can't stop."

Sophored, thinking about it, she deeply sighed, turned around and took the car under the depths of Austin.

"We also go too." Austin glared at William Fi, "I know you like to eat Chinese food, specially invite famous Chinese chefs to make a seafood dinner, you will love it."

Williapi is eye-catching, not talking.

"I also let them make a variety of Guangdong desserts." Austin said, "Have you used it to eat?"

William is still there is no sound, as if Arstein is not talking to her at all.

She is so silent in front of him, no matter how he pleases, care about her, she doesn't talk, not responding.

Austin consciously, but he has to stop the topic.

After getting on the bus, he still wants to talk to her, but she closes her eyes, holding forehead with hand, a tired look.

He is very uncomfortable, but it can only be the case. He said to himself in his heart, it is a bit patience, she takes time, wait ...


Austin pressed the anger in his heart and pressed, regardless of how Williafi is indifferent to him, he is not angry, but when lunch, he still turned, throws the meals in the hand on the table, angry low drink : "Clicks give you food, you don't eat, call so much delicious, you have no appetite, my mother is so whispered to please you, your fucking is ignorant, are you a dead? Don't you do not work? "

"I am like this, the future for decades, you have to marry me, you have to be mentally prepared ..." Williafei finally spoke, but unfortunately, he was cold and alienated, no temperature.

"Is it only for Le Le, you laughed?" The eyes of Austin slammed the blazing anger, and the fire squatted at her. "When I saw you with him, smiling, but it was very bright. "

"Can you control my people, can you control my heart?" Williafei smiled coldly, "even I can't control it."

"Yeah, I can't control your heart." The nodding of Austin bite his teeth, "But I can control Leigh's death !!!"

Williamfi is a shock, and it looks at him wrong: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Austine Yinson's smile, "You let me feel uncomfortable, I will let Leizie's body is uncomfortable !!!"

Said, he took out the phone called ...

"What do you want to do ??" Williafei's mood is so excited, reach out to grab the phone, Austin Express, raise mobile phones, open the hands and hands ...

"The Duke"! "The phone has been turned on.

"How is Le Lie? Isn't it dead?"

"Death is dead, has always made him self-destruction, the wound is inflamed, it seems to be high fever, if you don't treat, I am afraid it is dangerous." The other side said that I have already thought about it. Lies.

"Hey, have you heard?" Austin smiled coldly, "He is still not okay."

"Don't, you quickly let the doctor gave him the treatment, fast !!!" William Fi is so crazy.

"You palate my face every day, don't talk to me, I don't have a good heart." Austin made a sense of injury. "These don't have a good time because of Le Le, how can I save him? ?? I will not only save him, but also torture him. "

"You don't want this, I change, I will change it, you don't want to be afraid ..." Williafei cried. "As long as you let the doctor treat him for him, I promise you."

"Really?" Austin looked deeply.

"Really, really." William Fiier nodded again, "You want me to talk to you, I said it is, you want to laugh, I laugh, you don't want to be difficult, please ask you."

"Then you kiss me first." Austin pointed his face.

Williafei said, or got together to kiss the cheeks of Austin, but her tears fell on his face, there is a hot touch, that feeling, let Alussing are like fire, very uncomfortable He frowned her: "You hate me so much?"

"I beg you, don't be difficult for him ..." Williafei's tears, humble begged him, "As long as he is safe, I listen to you, if he accidents, I would rather death, I will not marry Give you."

Austin looks deeply at her, and the eyes are full of complex thoughts. He is like a fire like a fire, but he can't bear to lose his temper, just thinking in his heart, if she loves people, then How good is it ..

"Master, how to deal with Leles? Please tell me!"

Summary from the phone, Austin came back to God, and I was cold: "Treat him."



Hanging up the phone, Austin looked at William Feather: "Now you are satisfied?"

"Thank you!" William Fiper finally made a breath.

"Eat it." Austin gave her picking, "You didn't eat well in these few days, thinned, I don't like you."

Williapi does not dare to provoke him, eat the dishes in his clips ...

Austine looked at her, he couldn't eat it at all. He couldn't help but think that after getting married, what method he wants to use? ? When she knows that Leles is dead, will it really suicide? ? ?


William Fiier eats the chew wax, but in order not to let Leizie are sin, she still has done a bowl of food.

"Is it still eaten?" Austin handed a bowl of soup to her, "Drink some soup."

Williamfi looked at the soup, frowned, she didn't like to drink duck soup at all, but she was afraid that Austin made her hand to fold the Leie, she had to pick up and drink, drink a few mouthfuls, she did a fight against the stomach, almost spit come out……

"What's wrong?" Austine quickly got up and see, "You don't want to drink, don't drink, why do you want to support? I didn't force you."

"If I don't drink, you have to get defeat Leles ..." Williafi whispered, "For Le Le, even if this bowl is poison, I will drink."

"You ..." Austine is full of face, "Do you have to stimulate me?"

Williapi did not speak, she didn't dare to continue.

Austin strongly held the anger of the chest, said to her: "I tell you, this world, no man loves you more than I, including Leles !!! One day you will understand ..."

Said, he helped her into the elevator and pressed the seventh floor. .

William Fiier pays attention to the seventh floor is room, she asked uneasy: "Where?"

"There are still two hours from the press conference, let's take a break upstairs." Austin said.

"I, I am not sleepy." Williamfi is very popular, she is worried that he will make things happen to her.

"It's not sleepy, I have to rest." The Austusi eye wrinkled. "I just got people to treat Leizhe, do you want me to smash it again?"

"Ah?" Williafei was scared to scream, "Don't !!!"

"That's going to me."

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