Austin is forcibly bringing Williapi to the room. When the hand is closed, Williafi has escaped to the window, panicked to see him: "Don't mess, we haven't got married, I won't give you ... "

"I don't have a heart today." Austin walked to the bed while taking out the jacket, "I only want to raise the spirit, participate in the afternoon press conference, there are two beds here, where you sleek, But you have to obey, otherwise I will not be happy. "

When I heard these words, Williamphi had a slight breath, he didn't have the kind of attempt, maybe she thought more.

"Do you want to wash a face?" Austin is solving the shirt button.

William Fiier looked at him and quickly walked into the toilet and looked up in the door ...

Austin listened to the sound of the lock, helpless sighed, he didn't understand, how did he ask? It seems that she is so disgusted, and she has never changed.


William is sitting for a long time in the bathroom toilet, and it is said that there is no movement outside. She carefully opened the door, sewing through the unshaled door, she saw that Austin was asleep on the bed.

Williamfi is put down, walks out of the bathroom, ready to sit on the sofa, suddenly found that the Austin's mobile phone is put together, she stares at the mobile phone, and the mood slows tense. .

If you use Austin's mobile phone to send a text message to his part, order them to put Leizie, don't know how to do it? ?

No matter what, I have to try it.

Thinking of this, Williapi passengers walked quietly, squatting on the floor, finding the phone number just made in the call record, weaving the SMS, "put the Leles!", Then send it out.

Looking at the tips of "SMS send success", Williafei is ecstatic, but at this time, the mobile phone actually rang, just now the number called ...

"Bell ..." The awkward call ringtone was shocked by Williafei, and she had a turn to turn the ring. At this time, a hand came over from his head and took the phone directly.

Williamfi is shocked, looks up, touch the cold eyes of Austum, she can't help with the winner.

"Hey!" Austin answers the phone and opens hands-free.

"The master, the text message just did you send?" The phone came from a question.

"Of course, not." Austin smiled coldly, "I am going to lyrically, how can I easily put him? Not to mention, even if I really want to ask you, I will call it directly, not send text messages. "

"That's good, what else is there?"

"No, go to your business, take care of Le Le, don't let him die."



Hanging up the phone, Austin staring in William: "Under my eyelids, do you dare to come?"

"I ..." Williafei's retreat, "You, have you seen it just?"

"Of course, I saw it." Mesin laughed, "I saw you picking up my mobile phone, I saw you sending text messages, but I know that my hand will not be fooled, I want to see you panicked. I look like it, so I will play with you, no one can make a hand under my eyelids, you are no exception !!! "

Said, he turned up from the bed, only one bullet underwear is wearing it.

"What do you want to do ??" William Feather's horror wide eyes, "You don't mess."

"Take your clothes, go to bed!" Austin approached her step by step.

"Don't -" Williafei turned to open the door, want to escape, but unfortunately, her hand has not hit the door, and the Austin hugs her back, squatting in a soft bed.

"Ah!" Williafei screamed, he still wants to climb it, Austin suddenly rushed to put her down, "Don't mess, otherwise I really will use you to cook your rice."


"Hey, sleep." Austin turned down and touched William Feiji in his arms and did not touch her.

William is still rest assured, it can't fall asleep. She looked at him. When she closed her eyes. I thought about it. When they played together, I really want to talk to now this violent man now, all Say when I am a child, I can see a person's nature, why will he become like this now? ? ?

"Looking at me again, I will take you away." Austine opened his eyes, and the evil stared at William Feather. "Do you know how much I don't help you? Don't challenge my homemade. force."

William Fi is hurricar.

"Sleep, hey." Austin put her face in his chest, her soft little body curled up like a cat, this feeling is really good, although she is forced, but she is now with He is together, as you dream, he believes that they will eventually go together, will definitely ...

I don't remember how long it took, Austin fell asleep, and he seems to be very tired, and there is a slight snoring.

Williafei can't sleep at all. She was imprisoned by him in his arms. The whole heart was not peaceful. In his mind, in his heart, it was Leizie, and she loved a man. .

The same bed is dreaming, is it like this?

He loves her, she doesn't love him, even if she sleeps, she thinks about another man.

His feelings are humble, but he still hopes!


Williapi tried to break free from Austak, but she moved slightly, he would hold her more tight, for fear that she escaped.

Later, she could only compromise, watching the ceiling in the eyes, praying in my heart, Le Le, Le Le, you won't have something, wait for me, I must save you.


One minute, the alarm is on time.

Austine opened his eyes, he turned over to get up, and walked over to the bathroom. He said to Williafi: "Hurry up, makeup artist and clothing will come, they will give you carefully, today's reporters The reception is very important, you have to make attend !!! "

"Don't you don't do it? You can publish it directly." Williamfi sat up.

"No." Austin looked back at her, "You must publish our wedding in front of the media, then you can prove that you are willing to marry me !!!"


"Nothing is." Austin's strong interruption, "You'd better give me, if this reporter will have any accidents, I will be on Leisi."

This sentence is very effective, like a curse, trial is not cool, Williafei's lower head: "Ok, I know."

"This is awkward." Austin smiled happy, "Quickly get up."



Austine just washed well, the makeup artist and the clothing will knock on the door, Williafei walks to open the door, they push a hanger, there are ten luxury noble dress above for her to choose, but also prepared A lot of jewelry.

There is no mood of William, she doesn't like that occasion.

However, for Leigh's safety, she only got it.

The clothing makes her choice, she just said that the sentence "casual", the clothing didn't know how to respond, at this time, Austin wore clothes and walked over, and looked at the white: "Just this set! Holy, noble and elegant, very suitable for your temperament !!!"

"You said it is good." Williamfi felt that it didn't matter.

"Then let's change it for you first." A female assistant took the dress to the small bedroom, and another one came over to support Weli-Low, and there is a getting accessory ...

William Feier is dressed up, always has no expression, there is no mood, and Austin saw her look, the heart was very uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be branched outside this time, can only bear it.


at the same time.

Zhuo Airlines and Liu Kang have reached Paris, and the two of the two prior to the privately detective friends who have passed the phone before and found his detective office.

Wang Kai learned the news of Leizan, and I was very shocked. I would like to investigate Leles' drops with them. Considering that he is familiar with Paris, Zhuo Airlines agreed.

Wang Kai immediately found the address of Williapi's villa in Paris. Liu Kanghua said that I have to go to Williapi, but Zhuo Airlines are more cautious, he thinks that Austin will definitely have a preparation, if it is going to find it, I will only fight the snake, and I decided to first ambush nearby, and wait for the appropriate time to find Williapi or Sophia.

However, Zhuo Airlines also sent people to overseas Chinese hotels to re-investigate, and they can always find clues.


At this time, Leles in the slums of the slums have been struggling for two days and two nights, and finally wake up, and the lips are dry, and they are fascinated: "Water ..."

"Hey, what do he say?" He asked her father.

"He is talking about Chinese, it is what you want to drink water." The woman who is awkward immediately sucked a little water to Leizi.

Leizie drunk water, after a while, finally opened his eyes, although the sight is not too clear, but also learned his situation, this is a simple house, he is lying on a mattress that exudes a musty Next to a middle-aged woman sitting next to, there is a black boy, this boy seems to have seen.

"You finally woke up, do you remember me?" Heldo asked excited.

Leles recalled carefully, and he only remembered that he was almost hit by himself. "Is you?"

"It is me, I am saved you with me." He said, "We only used the easiest drug, did not expect still play, thank you, thank you, you finally woke up !!!"

"Thank you ... Save me ..." Leisha's body is very weak, but he hard to sit up.

"Don't move." Woman quickly pressed him, "You hurt very serious, you must rest in bed."

"I want ... Go to ... Feier ..."

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