"I want ... Go to ... Fei Dare ..." Leigh is reluctant, "I want ... I will save her ..."

"I don't know who you said, but you have hurt this, how do you want to save others?" Women frowned, "Even if you can climb, what can you do?"

I heard this sentence, Le Lee is silent, yeah, he is really useless, just come to France to plant in the hands of Austine, but also to fight with people, grab the Feier, now Can't ...

"There is a big thing, you have to wait for the body to raise it again. You are so serious now, or you are healthy." The woman left this sentence and slipped the wheelchair.

"Do you want to drink water?" Xiao Hizhi asked.

"No, thank you." Leigh shook his head, looked at him, "Why is you ... save me? Not afraid ... Give yourself ... Is it trouble?"

"You haven't forgotten the car at the critical moment, avoid hit me, I think you are a good person, how can you see it for a good person?" Xiao Ho said with a smile, "I teach me," Although we are poor, we have to be a honest people. "

"Thank you." Leles looked at him, "You are so small, just like this ... There is a principle, in the future ... must be ...

"Hey, borrow you Ji Yan." Xiao Hiz is very happy, "Yes, why do people chasing you? Who are you ??"

"I ..." Leisha thought that heavier said lightly, "in short ... I am ... good people, I promise, you save me ... absolute ... no ... no mistake."

"I believe." Xiao Ho is looking forward to the head, "The first look saw your eyes, I knew that you are a good person."

"Oh ..." Leizie smiled, at this time, I met this child with pure soul, it is really a lucky thing for him, at least let him still have hope for the future. .

Thinking of Williafield, Le Lee's mood became heavy, and the smile on his face went, asked: "Right, have you ... I saw me ... Mobile?"

"No." Xiao Hand shook his head, "When we saved you, you didn't have anything."

Le Leng recalls what happened to that night, the incident suddenly, when he heard William Fei's screams, holding mobile phone excited, even the documents and wallets did not take, possibly When it was bought, the mobile phone was lost ...

Now he is seriously injured, can't save Williafi, but he is still holding her, when he was arrested, when he was arrested, saw her driving with him, her look is very anxious, should be aware of his news , Drive to him. .

Now she must be very worried.

Thinking of this, Leles said to Xiao Histle: "Can you, help me ... find a ... Telephone?"

"There is no phone in my family. If you want to call, you can go to the phone booth to play." Xiao Hui said, "But you are hurt now so heavy, I am afraid you can't go there, what do you have to die? Don't help you call it? "

Leisis thought, said the phone number of Sophia: "You, help me fight ... this ... call, tell her, Leles ... Nothing, let Feier ... don't ... Worry !!! "

"Just say these? What do I say?" Xiao Hui said.

"You are directly ... telling her, but don't ... Say your ... address, don't ... Say too long ... Time, absolute ... can't ... more than one minute."

Leles worried that Sophifier was still under the temptation of Austin. In case of being known to be hidden here now, not only he will be dangerous, but also tired.

"Understand." Xiao Hi nodded, "I am relieved, I will do it."

"Thank you!" Leigh is very grateful.

"Then I will go to the phone, you have a good rest." Xiao Hui lid the quilt for him.

"Well." Leisui sent him to leave, thinking that Austin people must think that I am dead, otherwise they will not give up, I don't know if there is no news, Feier must be very worried, I hope Xiao Heco This phone can make them feel at ease. .


Xiao Hui came to the phone pavilion opposite the street, his memory is very good, Leizie only said that the mobile phone number is, he remembers.

Plus the coin into it, directly dial the phone number, very fast, the phone is connected ...

"Hey!" At this time, the Sophia also discussed the marriage in the Austin family. It is also a discussion. In fact, what do you listen to the Mother's mother, how to do this unprecedented wedding, they are very polite to her Very enthusiastic, but the strong in my bones did not converge, all the details were taken by them, and the Sophia almost inserted.

Just talking about it, Sophored can finally pick it up, when she is ready to leave, when she gets the phone.

"Hello, I am trust, play this phone." Xiao Hi is politely said, "Someone let me tell you, Leizie is nothing, let Feiier don't worry !!!"

"What ???" Sophored was shout.

The people around him looked at her, including the mother of Austin, Kirn, a smart woman.

Sophored aware of his own disappearance, quickly said to the mother of Austin: "Mrs. Könie, I went to the bathroom."

"Okay." Mrs. Kön nodded.

The maid is the road of Sophif., Sophia came to the toilet, hiding the microphone, smashing the sound, anxiously: "Who are you? How can you know his business?" Where? "

"I saved him." Xiao Honestly said, "But I can't tell you, where he is."

"Are you saved him?" Sophored was confused, and the Austine didn't say Leigh in his hand? How is this child now say he saved him? what happened?

"Do you have anything to ask?" Xiaodi looked at time and has been more than 20 seconds.

"Can you say something to prove what you said?" Sophored halfway.

"He is Chinese, in 200 years old, looks handsome, height is about one meter eight seven, there are three sputum on the left shoulder, the shape of the three-shaped shape ..." Xiao Hi pole said, "Apologize, I want It's so much, please turn the girl named Fiier, let her don't have to worry about Le Le, time is coming, I hang. "


The Sophifier's words have not finished, and Hed is hung by the phone. He remembers the Leigh, can't be more than one minute, just just right to call fifty eight seconds.

Sophifier took a mobile phone, the heart was like a numbness, was it true if the child said? He really saved Leles? If it is true, the Austin is deceived, and Le Le is not in his hand, he wants to marry him with Leigh.

Mrs. Sophora looked at the call on the mobile phone. The phone number just did not know. It should be called with public calls that have not been recorded. She can't allocate it, and she doesn't know if there is anything in Leigh. However, the surface of the child said that it is true.

It is already a five-minute, and it is only 10 minutes away from the press conference. If Feiier really announces marriage at the press conference at the press conference, it is really unable to save.

Anyway, she must first find Fei Dei to ask things clearly ...

But the Philippine didn't call, what should I do? ?

Sophisticed Madam is in an urgent time, thinking about thinking, and finally decided to travel, play the phone of the Austin ...


William Fiper has a delicate nude makeup, put on holy and flawless white dress, shares the wavy curly hair, noble and elegant, and spiritual.

Austin hugged her waist from behind, obsessed with her hair: "Feiier, you are beautiful!"

Williamfi did not push her like it, but the mirror looks at the mirror, and the people behind the fantasy are Leles, her favorite Leles ...

"Bell Bell ..." The awkward ringtone interrupted this romantic and warm atmosphere.

Austin took out the phone and saw the call display, some accidents, he broke the mobile phone of Sophie, and her secret threatened her, but today, he gave her a new phone, because immediately It is necessary to announce a marriage, the Queen may talk to Sophia, ask what, he can't do things too much.

I didn't expect this moment, Sophia will call him, and he smiled at Williafei: "Your Mommy is playing!"

"My Mom?" Williafi is some do not believe it.

Austine is connected to the phone, open the hands: "Lady ~!"

"Austin, is the reporter reception began?" Sophisticated Mrs. Sophie has astonced to make his voice sound.

"Fast. How? Master is so urgent?" Austin looked at Williapi.

"I just discussed your mother's good wedding, now I have a little detail, I want to ask for a single opinion, can you give her phone?"

The heartbeat of Sophia is very fast, and the heart is panicked.

Austine is slightly, he did not think that Sophifier would play his phone to play Williapi, she wants to play?

He looked at William Feather, hesitated, or handed her mobile phone to her, under my eyelids, they should not dare to play the pattern.

"Thank you." Williapi took the mobile phone, turned off the hands-free, turned to the toilet, "Mommy, what happened?"

"Fili, I ask you, the Lezhi's left shoulder is not three oysters, the shape of the three strips is placed?"

Sophored asked anxiously, she would want to first determine that Xiao Hizi said is true.

William Fei Lei suddenly paused, and the whole person has been excited: "What do you ask this? Is it ..."

She didn't dare to finish the words, she was afraid that Austin heard that he stood three meters behind her.

"You tell me first, is it?" Sophie is anxious.

Williamfi thought about it, she once thought of Leigh's body, there was true three on the left shoulder, she quickly replied: "Yes!"

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