Austin looked at the hand held by William, and there was a warm current in his heart. This is the first time Williafi's first initiative to contact him. Although it is just a handshake, his heart has already dissolved, Such a change, he believes that she will be completely opened to him soon ...

"Good!" Swims can't help but bother.

"Thank you." William did a smile.

Austin looked at her smile, and my heart was even more excited. Suddenly came over and kissed her lips.

William Feier's ability to go to he, but think of his father's safety, she still recovered her hand ...

Because there is a lot of people around, Austin did not continue, soon returned, but the hand of William Fiper refused to release: "I broke so many cases for you, you don't want to break so many cases. Let me be disappointed, otherwise, I don't know what I will do ... "

"I know, huh, huh." Williamfi laughed a few times.

"Time is not early, let's go back first." Sophor stands up, "Austin, trouble, you talk to your hand, then pick William to send it to our home, I have to go back to arrange, Ask a doctor to check for him to check and have a dress that he wears tomorrow. "

"I will send you back." Austin also stood up.

"No, there are those who are in the hands." Williamfi didn't want to see him.

"I am waiting for your father to come back, I will go again." Austin glared at her waist, "I also give you a confession."

William Feier is not good, just have to head: "Well."

"Now it is very happy." Queen smiled, "Austin, I will give you Feier, after you have to wait for her."

"I will definitely." Austin nodded solemnly.

"I have to go first." The queen got up and the assistant immediately put on her coat.

Mrs. Edward and Kirie also stood up and sent her.

"You don't have to send it, let Feier send me, I will talk to her." The Queen pulled William.

"Okay, I will send you out." Williafi took her arm.

"Put the coat and cool outside." Austin personally put it on the coat for William.

Mrs. Sophora looked at Austin, and the mood was a bit complicated. In fact, after so long, she found that Austin really love Williapi.

However, Astin is very raised from a small grace, develops generous and arrogant, or not, from a small to big, what is it, now, now in front of love, it becomes violent, so it is in Williafi On, he used a lot of hateful means.

This makes the William Fiper family excludes him, but in fact, his feelings of William Feather are true, and it is very deep ...


Williamfi is sent to the Queen, when I got on the bus, the Queen held her hand, whispered: "Feiier, don't blame my grandmother, my grandmother is not completely sacrificing your happiness, my grandmother has a lot of consideration ... "

"I know, you are in the sake of sake." Williafei can now understand her, "Although you don't have to love it on your surface, it is still very concerned about him. Otherwise, it will not be specifically come over tonight. One thing. "

"These are the reasons for one of them." The Queen sighed, meaning that it means that "the most important thing is, I believe that Austin is really love you, his love for you, absolutely more than other men It's deeper!!! I know, you have recently met a boyfriend, that boy, he can't keep it anygarted by Austish, it is impossible. "

William is silent, she doesn't want to controvers this topic with the Queen, does not mean that she recognizes the Queen, she firmly believes that Leles is the most true to her love is the most realistic, and the Austin is purely worthwei. Necessary.

What's more, even if I love her, she is not used, she doesn't love him, this is the key.

"Well, I know me, you can't hear it, but you will naturally understand." The Queen sighed and turned to get on the bus.

"Queen's grandmother is slow." William Feier gave the Queen to leave ...

At this moment, Williafei absolutely impresses that, soon, the Queen's words will be able to have a deep understanding, and the person who really loves her is Austin, and Leles have the feelings of her, fragile. one strike……


After the queen gone, Austin personally escorted William Fiper and Sophia home, and at the same time, his hand had went to Bordeaux's prison to pick William.

However, it is about more than eight hours of coming back, and now it is three pm, it is estimated that you can pick up people at around 11 o'clock in the evening.

But they have enough patience ...

However, Williafi's mood is very heavy, and the father's thing is basically solved, but Leles? How is he now? Is safe? Is there a better injury? When did he leave France smoothly ...


Time is a little bit ...

The sky is getting late, and it will go to the evening, the sun, the orange, Xia Guang, is red, and the manor is beautiful.

Le Le was sitting on the chair at the door, waiting for Wang Kai's car to drive, Zhuohang said that Wang Kai came to give them a material, when he was sitting in the city, then looking for William Feather.

But now I am almost six o'clock, Wang Kai has not come, Leizie is anxious.

"Don't worry." Zhuo Air came over, whispered, "Just now I called Wang Kai, he said on the road, it will be an hour."

"One hour?" Le Lee frowned, "I got it at 7 o'clock. At this time, I will at least five hours driven. Then I can get to the Philippine home in the morning, but also want to mix in, time is good. "

"You just go see her, ask clear, can't spend a few time? Again, you go early, people have guarded, you can't go." Zhuo Air said.

"Not just see a side, say a few words ..." Le Leng's eyes, holding his fists, "I want to take her."

"What ???" Zhuo Airlines smashed the eyes, looked back, cautiously, hurriedly said, "Are you crazy, do you have to take her? This is too risky, you may not live in life. "

Zhuohang originally incited Leizie to find William Feather, just want Leizan's people who were being caught by the people of Austin, there was Williafi, and Leizie just want to ask her something, Austin Even if you caught Leigh, you won't put him. However, you will definitely promote Leizie's things. Leles will be difficult to have a chance to promote ...

But now Leles suddenly says that William Feather is going, it is very troublesome, it is not allowed, and Austin will kill Leles on the spot.

Zhuo Airlined just jealousy, the opportunity is lucky, so I want to take this to prevent him, he didn't think of the victory of death, after all, for so many years, the love of the comrades is true. .

"If I am alone, I will not be peaceful in this life, and I am alive like a walking dead, numb and empty, it is better than gambling !!!!"

Le Le took the beer in the cup, rubbed his mouth with sleeves, and said that he would like to let his life left a regret, or as before saying, if I have something, you must To help me take care of Heli, bring them safely to China !!! "

"Le Le ..."

Zhuo Airlines still said something, not far from the car, Leizie is coming out: "Wang Kai is!!!

Said, Leles ran in the past and greet Wang Kai ...

Zhuo Airlined looks at the back of the Leles, and I am very anxious. The resentment is a slap in my heart. If Le Le is really, he will never forgive himself ...


Wang Kai opened a cross-road car, with a lot of food and supplies, and drugs.

Le Le took him with him to move a box of things to the building. Wang Kaixing said: "I found that it is very peaceful in the city, and the people in Austin should have no search, wait a few days. , I want to arrange a special plane and send you back China. "

"Thank, brothers." Le Le Chong smiled, "Wait for us to drink a cup!"

"Well, I bought a box of red wine today. We don't want to go back tonight, just squeeze it here." Wang Kai smiled.

"Okay." These is the meaning of Leigh, waiting for them to drink, he can drive a car to go to the city to find Williapi.

Z Zhuo helped them move together, but he had been uneasy. He really wants to find an opportunity to persuade Leizie, but Leizie has been chatting with Wang Kai, and there are brothers, Zhuo Airlines, there is no chance to tell Leizan. .

However, Xiao Hiz is a little strange today, staring at Zhuo Air, it seems to be in preventing him.


Liu Kang and another brother kit a lot of Chinese food, and the long table was full. Wang Kai Kaikiki, Bach pushed his wife, Leizan took Xiao Hiz to go, everyone is happy, atmosphere Very warm, it seems that they are not escape, but open a family party.

Because Leizie tonight is very good, I am infected, this time, he is depressed every day, everyone does not dare to talk, and I don't dare to laugh.

Tomorrow is Williapi and Austin marriage days. Everyone thought that Leles will be very sad tonight. I didn't expect his mood to make it easier ...


Everyone is eating while drinking, while laughing, talking about the troops, talking about the previous police, a lot of past events are full of their memories.

Leles did not stop the brothers, and a cup took a drink. He also poured some wine to Bach, Bach did not resignate, and there were a lot.

In the evener, it was 10 o'clock in the evening, and the whole brothers were drunk, Zhuohang also lied in the table.

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