Bach anti-drunkenness, pushing his wife back to the room, only Xiao Hizi and Leilai are still awake.

"Heping, come, I also respect you!" Leager's wine glass and Hudi glamor, Helhi drank a juice, whispered, "Uncle Lei, you deliberate them, is it a person Save your girlfriend ?? "

Leigh is slightly, looks up at him: "You are a smart child, will become a big device in the future."

"You don't want to go, it is very dangerous .." Hector pulled his sleeve with a thin little hand, "I don't want you to have something."

"I won't have anything." Leigh knead his hair, "Do you not say that I am your super uncle? I believe in me, I will alive it back, take you to leave China !!!"


"This is given to you." Leisi took down the bullet neckline on the neck and wore a small neck. "This is the 12 years old, my father gave me a gift, there is some of him. The word, wearing this necklace, in the future, you have went to China, and some people take care of you !!! "

"Thank you!" Xiaochi looked at the necklace.

"Oiss, go back to the room to sleep." Leles patted his shoulders, "If you are in front, I haven't come back, then I will prove that I and my girlfriend first, you don't have to worry, Zhuo Airline will protect your family, Take you left France. "

"I will go with you." Xiao Hecao pulled his sleeve, "You go alone, I don't worry."

"Oh ..." Leisheng smiled, "Silly children, what do you feel free? Let's talk, you can't help you, I have to protect you."


"Okay!" Leizan interrupts Xiao Hizi, "Obmite, go back to the house."

Said, Leles stood up, touched Wang Kai's car key on the sofa, swaying out, in fact, he also had a lot of wine, but his mind is still awake, he Very clear about your goals, he wants to see Williapi, he wants to take her, he can't let her marry Austin, absolutely impossible ...

Xiao Hizi looked at Le Leng's back, and the mood was very complicated. He hesitated. He decided to follow up, a big hand suddenly grabbed his shoulders from behind: "Hepzi, you can't go."

"Hey." Xiao Hizhen looked at his father. "Uncle Lei wants to find his girlfriend, I am worried that he will be dangerous."

"Go back to the room, I will persuade him." Bach said, "If he is willing to listen to my persuasion, naturally will come back with me, if you don't listen, it is his own way, it is dead, worry-free with people "

" ... ..."

"Back." Bach strength command.

Although Xiao Hizi is a little reluctant, I think that my father promised to persuade Le Le, so I returned to the room.

Bach looked back to the room, then struggled out to catch up with Leles ...

Le Le took the bus, is preparing to start the car, see Bach, hurry, he frowned: "Bach, how did you come out?"

"I know that I may not advise you, but I just want to tell you a few words." Bach came to the side of the car. "My wife understood Chinese, she heard Zhuo Airlines and tell you, so I told me, we I don't think that Zhuo Air is deliberate to find your girlfriend, he should do not have a heart, I hope you can think about it, don't impress. "

After listening to these words, Leisi was silent, and for a long time, he said: "Zhuo Air is my own comrades, he is a kind person, he will not fall, and you will not hurt you, I am looking for Fei. It is me. I mean, I have nothing to do with him, I know that there will be dangerous here, but I will protect myself, try not to do things, even if there is really one, Zhuo Airlines and Liu Kang will also bring your family. Going to China, when I arrive, my father will give you a follow-up life. "

"I know that you will arrange it, I am not worried about our own, I don't want to see you." Bach is the heart of the heart, "When you are so mad, you will be more important than life than life, but with age. Growth, more and more responsibility on the shoulders, you will understand that love is not the world, especially those who don't belong to you, don't be too obvious. "

"I know, Bach brother, I will remember your words, thank you." Le Le took his shoulders, "You go back to accompany you, rest assured, I will not have something."

"Okay." Bach is no longer advised, and then refunds a few steps.

Le Leng started the car, Bach is far from the back of his departure, sighing a breath, turning around, but seeing Zhuohang standing at the door, looking at Leizan's direction, ... ...

Bach came over and took the shoulders of Zhuo Airlines, and said that he said: "He knows, just unwilling to reveal, because he takes you a brother."

Zhuo Airlined low, eyes red ...


When the Sophifier and Williapi returned home, it is already 8:30 in the evening.

I didn't come back in a week, it became a little cold, and the servants and bodyguards were all changed, all of the people of Austin.

Even so, it is better than in the Austin home, Sophifier and William Feier goes back to the house early morning to wash clothes, Austin drinks wine, talk about the phone ...

Back to the room, Sophia put water in the bathtub, said to Williafifei: "Feiier, you go to a bath, change your clothes to take a break, you are not so fast, we have to wait a few hour."

"Do I really want to marry him?" Williafi is sitting in bed, watching the empty hole, there is no content, "Do I really want to decide my life like this?"

"Hey ..." Sophor mercy looked at her, "Fei, Mommy knows, this is unfair to you, Mommy also thought about helping you, but Mommy really helpless, sorry ... "

Williapi did not speak, embed his face on the knee, let the tears spread ...

"Blame blame you, his arrogance is self-contained." Sophor people think of this incident, "I really regret it, I really shouldn't go to Hong Kong, let you It is done in a prison, and he is dead is life, and it is better to sacrifice your happiness than now. "

"Mommy, you don't say anymore ..." Williafei's mood is very annoyed. "I think I am quiet, let's take a break."

"How is it? I am not here, if I wait for the next Austine to harass you?" Sophie is refused, "I will go to the bath, then go to the small living room to rest, will not Noisy to you, I can guard you in the second. "

"Well." Williafield should be a light, poured in bed, with the head.

Sophie saw that she appeared, very distressed, my mind is still thinking about any way to help her daughter, but I want to think, she didn't think of a savior ...


William Fiier hiding in the quilt silently, she wanted Leigh, when she met difficulties every time, he would fall from the sky, save her in the water, now, she also hopes that he can come like before. She is with her, take her away ...

But she knows, this is impossible, it is impossible.


Le Le opened the car to the city, and went straight to Williafei's home in Paris.

Thinking soon, I can see Fei. His mood is very urgent. He repeatedly reminds himself in his mind, Feiier is loved him, and everything is forced by Austin, maybe for his own family. Perhaps it is for him, in short, she must not be willing to agree to marry Austin.

As long as he finds her, she will go with him, will be! ! !


Austin plays the lighter and looked at the fire in the flash. The mind is thousands of thoughts. He always feels what happens tonight. It is destined to pass quietly ...

Tomorrow, Williapi is to become his bride. This is his willing for many years. He can't make anyone destroy, absolutely can't.


Sophifier took a shower, see Williafei also hiding in the quilt in the quilt, she wanted to comfort her daughter, but she didn't know what to say, she felt to her daughter, and I also thought of the last One, the only one perhaps you can save Warmuffe, she wants to talk to that person, maybe I can't think about the results ...


Time is like a hourglass, a little lapse.

In the eye, I went to the night of 11:30. Austting has a slight tiredness. These days are busy working on the wedding, almost do not sleep well, he looked at the mobile phone, the time is almost, the hand is early Calling on the way of returning, it should now be coming.

He looked up again and looked at the floor. Nothing moved. Today he didn't provoke William Fi. William was very quiet. Even Sophia did not meet his husband.

It can be thought of, William Earl is not so popular in this home, and even say that their mother and daughter have some resentment.

Just there is no way, after all, is your own loved ones, even if you resent, they must take into account his safety.

It is because of this, William Fiier will fall into the hands of Austine. Maybe life is sometimes so helpless, it is not true, for William Fi, this is the beginning of a night, can be Austin For it, it is a happy starting point ...

This is the last night, Austin hopes that everything can be held smoothly, don't surprise anything ...

" -" The phone finally rang, Austin answers the phone, "How?"

"The owner, we went to the villa area, William's countess is not suitable, may need a doctor to prepare."

"Ok, I know." Austin hangs up the phone and asks the side of the side. "Do you go to Sophia to arrange the doctor?"


"Wait a minute." Austin stood up, "I still go."

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