"Yang's head, do you know what? Who wants to fall into my dad?"

"No, I know those, I just believe in you, I believe that your dad is a person, so I feel that someone will fall him. Ok, I have to hang it, you have to return to China, your dad, I can't help me. But if you want to know some relevant messages, you can find me, as long as you don't violate the regulations, I will know all. "

"thank you."


Hanging up the phone, Leles' mood is very heavy, he feels very embarrassed, his father has a big thing, but he is so happy, nothing is done for his father, it is true.

"Leigh, uncle, is there anything?"

William Feier asked, Ji Lee talked about the Chinese, she heard a slight, although she has always followed the Chinese in the Chinese, but it is too complicated, she still can't understand.

"Fili, sorry, can't accompany you. I have to go back to Hong Kong immediately." Leizan rushed to find a phone book and prepared to call the ticket. .

"I will go back with you." William Fiji immediately said, "No matter what, we face it together."

Lerentton lives, looked at her: "Feiier, you can say this, I am very touched, but things are not as simple as you think, this time I have to face it is very complicated, not three or two days If you can solve it, you can't help you, I have to take care of you, but this time I will have trouble, I am afraid I have no energy ... "

"In your heart, I am a person who can't do anything to make trouble." William did not look at him, "I promise will not add trouble to you, I can't help you." , Many people are better than being fought for a person. "

"Don't say it, I let a ticket." Leigh is very anxious, I want to order the ticket first.

"Let me be booked together. Anyway, I have to go with you." Williafi took his arm, "Where are you going, I will go, you can't throw me."

"You really hate it." Leishabao is a bit, "OK, let's go together, but in advance, if you go back and discover something more than I imagine, you will go back to France first, wait for me Solve it, come and find you. "

"When I arrive," Williafei is angry to hi, "Let me pay for the ticket, you have given a phone call to my mother."

"it is good."


William Feather quickly booked the ticket, Leles also called the Thunder Ting with cold.

Cold if the ice knows the news of Lei Zhen Ting, very excited: "It's no wonder that night, your dad suddenly called me, saying something Ming Ming, I still jeally, I am very bad, I am very bad. I only know now that it turned out that he was the only call he played before the dismissal. He just want to talk to me, but I am so on him ... "

"Mom, don't blame, Feier has a ticket to return to Hong Kong tonight, we will wait to go to the airport. After I go back, I will start to investigate my father's things. What is the situation? "

"How do you bring Fei's Feier? Now, you will go back, you can't come, how can you take care of her? And say, what should I do if you have to accept the investigation?"

"I also told her about these things, she is going to go with me."

Leles is a bit of uneasiness, he originally don't want William Figer to go back to be guilty, but Williafei is insisted, he has to compromise, now the mother also said this, he realizes the seriousness of the problem, it seems He should not compromise from the beginning ...

"This matter, you talk to Fei Jian, it is best not to let her, this is not a trouble, if it is really embarrassing, but also to make a phone call with her parents to say clearly, avoid it. What is the situation, her family blames you. "

"Oh, I know, my mother."

"You are going to be busy, I also look for my old friends to listen to your dad's news, see if there is any clue."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Le Lengui looked at William Feier, she has also gave the horse to the pasture owner, put the bag quickly and stepped: "Everything is arranged, let's go back to the hotel first, put your bags and pack your bags. Go back to take your passport. "

"Fili ..." Leigh is William Feier. "You are obedient, this time you don't go with me, this time is really troublesome, maybe I have to accept the review, That's no one person worked. "

"I am not a three-year-old child, no one cares, can't live?" Williafei wrinkled, "You said, you may have something, I don't follow it?"

"Feier ..."

"You don't have to say it." Williafi interrupted his words. "In short, I will not change my idea, I have to go to Hong Kong with you. You don't have to worry about me, don't have it. What is a person, I can take care of myself, and you still have so many friends in Hong Kong, Zhuo Air, Liu Kang will help us. "

"Oh, it is really no way." Leisher helpless sigh.

"Hurry and go, the time is very compact, and then I can't get up." Williapi took Leigh on the bus.

Leisis thinking again, saying: "I know that you said this little girl, if you must follow it, then you said with your parents, they agreed to go."

"OK, wait until we go back to take your passport, I will tell my mom."

"it is good."


The two have driven back to the hotel and have a baggage, and rush back to Bordeaux home. Fortunately, they will play today in Bordeaux pasture, not too far, time is still coming.

The Mrs. William went out, only Sophor Madam, she was about a few customers to talk about red wine business. When I was preparing for the contract, Williafei pulled Leager and ran home, and did not lose the end. One sentence: "Mommy, I have to go to Hong Kong with Leizan, what about my passport?"

"The passport is in the drawer of your room dressing table." Sophored should have a sound, and then greet the Relie, "Come, come and sit."

Leles to Sophored, and there are several customers.

Mrs. Sophia quickly signed the contract, sent away the customers, and smiled and asked the Relie: "I still think about calling you two days, ask your arrangement, I didn't expect you to decide to return to Hong Kong. , How? After going back, it is back to the army, or doing it under your father, or do business? "

"Bo mother, Feier just didn't tell you clearly. In fact, I will go back because I have something to do." Leishaw said that "I am going back to solve the problem."

"What? What is it?" Sophored is very unexpected.

Leisheng sighed, he was heavy, "My father was framed, let him stop accepting the review, and now I have been hoped, I have to go back to cooperate with the investigation."

"How can this be?" Sophored did not believe in his own ears, "Your father is so clean, how can you make a crime?"

"He is being embarrassing." Leisi said, "This must be a deliberate framed."

"Do you have any evidence that he is embarrassed?" A cold voice came, Leigh's consciousness looked up, William Earck came in, "I was still strange before, why your father will come to France You and Feier's things, now I will understand it, he knows that he has to fall, first find a good way to his son. "

"William, what are you talking about?" Sophored watched low.

"Don't I say it wrong?" William's scratching, "became our French royal son-in-law, how many men dreamed of things, you have no money, empty, have a strong father, but there is no Get carrying, saying it, you just like me, there is only one virtual name. Such you, how do you give Fili Happiness ??? "

"Afler, I am not the same as you." Leisheng strongly ended the anger in his heart, said calmly, "Although my dad didn't pave the way, he church me to make a man's truth, and the ability of self-sufficiency, even after we are thunder The family is really unfortunate, I can also raise the feet, and I will never let her follow me to suffer. "

"I'm really listening." The Earl of William, I looked at him. "What is the era? When the maid can work hard, you can raise his wife, you say to raise the feet, I certainly believe, hungry is not dead Also, I also raise it, but I'm fond from the small group of thousands of pets, I can't let her follow you. "

Leizie is anxious: "I have the ability to make Fei's rich life like now, let alone, my father's case has not yet checked, he just accepts the review, not convicted, uncle, how do you sure Will we live in the poor? "

"Your father's case, I have heard." The Earl of William sat on the sofa, squatting his legs, arrogant saying, "Today, the Queen, Queen, specially called me to the Palace, just talk to me."

"What? Are you already known?" Sophored looked at him horror, "What do you say?"

"She is absolutely can't let Feier go to Hong Kong together with this kid." The Earl of William is cold and calm, "said the Ray's case, although it is still in the period, but it is already eight or nine not left ten , Lei Zhenting's corruption and accepting bribes are the uniform thing. The internal people know that we are so clean in front of us. It is actually not a mites. "

"Don't insult my father !!!" Leigh excited anger.

"How? I am angry?" The Earl of William was cold and smiled. "Before installed so respectful, in fact, I am already jealous of me. You have a false defeat, just like your father !! I will never put it. Feier married you. "

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