"I have been to you for a long time." Leisha's emotions finally broke out, "How do you marry me, but what is the power to marry my father? My father is bright and unlucky, is fair and honest, not as you, for yourself, for yourself The future, forcing the daughter to marry the person she doesn't like. You are a hypocritical failure !!! "

"Let's go !!!" The Earl of William stood up and gave the Leles a slap.

"Ah !!!" Sophisticated madam was scared, hurriedly came over and pushed William Earl, "What can you do?" How can you play people? "

"What's going on? Hey, why do you play Leigh?" William Fili's fire rushed upstairs.

"There is no more family education, I am taught by his father." The Best of William was irritated.

"I have a tutor, not you said." Le Lerittenly said that "like you with this kind of trend, the only way is the figure, no qualification for your father lesson."

"You ..." The Earl of William also rushed to play the Leigh, Sophia hurriedly pulled him, "If you have something to say, don't do it." "Leis, you don't say your uncle, no matter what, he always It is your elder, Father of Fei. "

Le Leng glared at the count of William, turned and walked ...

"Where are you going?" Williafei rushed to take him, "I waited for me, my passport has not been found."

Leizie said coldly: "Your father just said that my family is going to fall, you will only have a bitter day, or stay in France as your princess."

Said, he pushed William Fei, and quickly away ...

"Bastard, you stand !!!" William Fiper excited shout.

Leigh , the car is straight ...

William Figer shouted to Sophia: "Mommy, you can find a passport, hurry."

"Fili, you just haven't listened to the words, but you can't go to Hong Kong with Leizie now." Sophor people worried about the heart, "Lei Jia went back to accept investigation. He is very difficult to protect, how can you have a strong perseverance? You stay at home, wait for him to complete our things and contact him ... "

"Don't, I am going to Hong Kong with him now." William is angry, "Mommy, I beg you, help me find a passport."

"Feier ..."

"Mommy, I know you feel bad, but you are not for me now, it is hurting me." Williamfi cried, "I said that no matter what is encountered, I have to be with Leiland. In the face of, when I did something, Le Leng didn't care about the France to save me. Now he has something, I am hiding far away? What is this ??? Do you want your daughter? Does the person? Can this person harvested the true happiness? "

When I heard these words, Sophia was silent, and it was indeed, and it was not willing to pay someone.

I thought about it, she helplessly sighed, turned to go upstairs: "Ok, I will give you a passport."

"No need to find it." The Earl of William looked at William Feather. "I know your mommy is soft, it is easy to be persuaded by you, so I have already hidden your passport."

"Hey, how can you do this?" Williafei said excited, "I just insulted the defenteen father, I also made it handed. I didn't say it. Because you are me, I don't want to be The people of others are presupply, but you are too disappointed. What powers do you have to decide my life? Before the Austine thing, you can't help me ??? Do you still want to take me again Push in the fire pit? "

"Fili, is for you." The Earl of William is very annoying, "Lei Jia will have an accident, Le Le will follow it, when he is joined, who is taking you?"

"Even if Leizie is joined, I will wait for him, I am an adult, I can support myself." William Fei didn't want to talk to William, "Hurry and give me a passport."

"I won't give you." William Earl turned to go upstairs, "You still don't understand things, I can't fight with you, waiting for you to mature, you will know the pain of you."

"Do you have any pain?" Williafei finally broke out. "You just have to please Queen grandmother, she is rare to find you to visit the palace, it is rare to order the command, you must do it, in your heart, I will always be a piece of chess. When did you treat me as your daughter? I really doubt, I am not your own life !!!! "

"You let go -" William Burg is angry, the forehead green rigs, trembling the finger, Williafei, "I raise you from small, you now say you for a man who just met a few months, Father ??? "

"I don't want to say you like this, but you really make people feel cold." Williamfi looked at him, "Do you really care about my feelings? Do you care about my happiness? No !!! It is all, all of you and the Queen's grandmother, let me live according to your thoughts, choose the future of the future, but I have never considered I would like to be willing, you think so, I am, but I I really don't think. "

"Fili ..." Sophisticated Mrs. Sophie looked at William Feather. This is the first time that she said to William, before, even if she was suspended by Austin, she did not accuse my father. But this time, she will say deeply in the heart. .

"Well, since you said this, I have no way." The Earl of William took out the Williafifei passport from the pocket, "You have to go, but you have to know your own choice. Don't cry back to me !!! "

"You can rest assured, I will die outside, I will not come back to you !!" William Feather picked up the passport and turned away.

"Fili ..." Sophia hurriedly followed it, handed her bag, "Hold the bag, your wallet and other documents are in it, what is much remember to call Mummy ... "

"Thank you Mommy." Williafei passed the package, and Sophia took out an international GM Jacquas to her. "There is some money in this, you have a self-defense, don't be difficult."

"What is it for her? What did she not believe in Leigh? I don't think of my family." William Eju is angry.

William Figer glared at him with anger, gave your card to your mother: "I don't have to have your money, Le Lee has money, he can support me."

Said, Williafi is gone ...

Sophia looked at her back, I couldn't help but tears, and I looked back at the Earl of William: "Feier said that there is no mistake, you have never considered her feelings, you only consider you and you Mother's decision, you put yourself in Feier, this is not good for her. "

"Even you said this?" William Earl is very angry, "Yes, Feiier is not my own, so I am so satisfied with her? Let her go to her life father."

William Earl is turned, and Sophored is crying ...


William Fiier stopped a taxi and went straight, and on the road, I was still calling Leizie, I hope he can wait for her.

Leles sat on the taxi and looked at the streets on the window, the mood was very complicated, the words of the Best of William, the words like a needle, tied in him. .

He felt that he was really useless. He was twenty years old, and there was no matter, so William's count will look down on him, and we will quit his father.

If he can have his own career like night flames, William Earl will have no pursuit.

The mobile phone has been shaking, Le Leida took it out, it is Williafi, his heart is very tangled, don't know if you should pick this phone ...

In fact, he is not a resentment, she regards her parents' opposition, and still standing on him, he is very grateful to her.

He just didn't want to be tired ...

I don't want her to follow him with hardships, I don't want to work in the trivial troubles in the future ...

Thinking of this, Leles hang up the phone, send a text message to Williafei: "Sorry, I shouldn't have the attitude toward you, I am incompetent, I can't give you a stable life, we will be separated, wait for me Have a good thing in the family, you must come to France to find you !! "

After receiving this SMS, Williapi's tears immediately fell, she trembled to reply: "Do you still know the Leles I know? How can we give up? We said that you have to face all things together, I When it is difficult, you don't care about all the protection of me, when you do something, I have to suffer with you, don't leave. Now just start, there is no big event, you choose to retreat, and then I will go to the future Finally, you are too disappointed. "

Leizie saw this text message, the eyes were also red, and immediately replied: "I am not giving up, I just don't want you to follow my discouragement, wait for my things, I will come back to find you, believe me!"

"I always believe that two people have worked together, and they will be with you. If you have no confidence in me, I will be very sad! I have been going to the airport. Wait for me, I have to return to Hong Kong with you. Everyone can't stop! "

Receive this SMS, Leizie is very touched, yeah, the night flames are not alive, he also has Williapi's trend to chase, when you encounter your dilemma, there is a person around you, this is also a share Strong power, he believes that William Feather is around, he will be more courage and confidence in the face! ! !

Thinking of this, Le Le looked up and said to the driver of the taxi: "Master, please park!"

At the same time, he dialed William Philippine phone; "I am waiting for you at the first corner of the airport section."

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