William Fiier is happy: "Okay, Ok, you wait for me, I will go!"

"Well!" After the Leizie hanged the phone, he went down the taxi. Waiting for Williafield on the roadside. He said to himself in his heart. He is willing to live with the true heart of William. She is willing to follow him, not to give him This is already very difficult, he should believe she is right ...

About more than 20 minutes, Williapi is here, take a car, like a butterfly into Le Lear, swallow: "You are bad, actually get angry, ignore me."

"I'm sorry." Leisi is tightly holding her, "I will not leave you later."

"This is almost the same." Williafei rubbed tears, "I will not be like this now."

"Well." Le Leidian nodded, "I won't let go of your hand," no matter what happens. "

I heard this sentence, Williafi is a little touched, and the fee is deeply kissed the forehead of Leigh ...

"Don't you get on the bus?" The driver of the taxi driver was urging.

"On." William Fii quickly pulled the Le Lee, "Master, go to the airport."

The two smiles, holding the other party's hand, silently is determined in their hearts, in the future, in the future, spend together ...


When I came to the airport, Leles' mobile phone rang, Williapi made him concentrate on answering the phone, she gave a procedure.

Leizie looked at the call display, the look is a little dignified, and go to answer the phone ...

This phone is the leader of Lei Zhen Ting personally, and he ordered Le Le immediately returned to the country with a public office. Leles told him that he was already in the airport, and he would return to China after an hour. He will fully assist in investigation. Reaffirming that the father is embarrassing, hoping to re-investigate.

The leadership of the leadership will be handled by the public, and it is absolutely not a good person, and she will not let a criminal ...

Then I hang up the phone, Le Lee's mood is very heavy, the leadership tone indicates that they don't believe in Lei Zhen Ting, maybe I have a related evidence, and they have now had seven or eight thousand believe that Lei Zhen Ting has The problem, so I will turn Lie to go back ...

It seems that things are far more serious than Leizhen imagination.

"What happened?" Williafei's voice came, interrupted Leigh's thoughts, she went back, turned her, "Nothing, did you do it?"

"Well to do it." Williapi handed him to him. "There is not much time, we will go through the security check."

"Okay." Leilao dragged the suitcase, holding William Feirl, going to the security inspection, the mind is still thinking about the leader of the lead ...

"Who is the phone just played?" Williafei saw him some of his heart.

"The leadership of my dad." Leigh sighed, "Let me go back to cooperate with the investigation."

"You also have to investigate? Is it so serious?" Williafei wrinkled.

"Well." Leisi nodded, "far more serious than I imagined. Feiier, or you ..."

"You won't persuade me back?" Williafei didn't plead, "If you dare to say, we will really have a knife."

"But after I go back, I have to accept the investigation, you alone, I don't feel relieved." Lei Yan looked at her, "What should I do if I was imprisoned?"

"Just because there is that case, I have to go back with you." Williafei said seriously, "I want to help you and the truth and I want to save you."

"Fili, that is not so simple ..."

"You are too small." Williafei is a mouth, "Although I still seem to have anything, I live in the palace from Xiaoyao, follow my grandmother and my mommy, many skills, must help I have been busy. But my Chinese is not good, I still need someone to help, I see, you give Zhuo Airlines to call us, let him pick us, some people should take it. "

"Zhuo Air Office is very secure, but he is interested in you." Leishabao is a look, "I was caught in a glance," I have been sticking together, it is too dangerous. I still find Liu Kang! "

"Really small gas. Although Williafei said so, her face has a splendid smile, she likes to see Leizie's vinegar, prove that he cares about her ...


Le Leng's call, but the phone did not answer, he played again, no one, when he was doubtful, Zhuo Airlined phone called, Lei Lie thought, or to answer Tel: "Zhuohang!"

"Liu Kang is accepting investigations, it is inconvenient to contact you." Zhuohang low said, "He let me return to you, now your father's case is quite big, all relevant personnel are under investigation, I I went in to review for two days. "

"How can this be?" Leizie was very shocked. "You are my good friend, what is the relationship with my dad, even if you check it?"

"They doubt that we will go to France to France to have a political plan." Zhuohang whispered, "The imagination of the head is very good, we have no way."

"Who is framing my dad? Even you are all pulled out." Leisha's emotions were excited.

"You should also come back to accept the survey? I suggest you take the initiative to come back, don't wait for them to catch you."

"I have been at the airport, boarding it after half an hour."

"This is good, which flight? I will pick you up."

"Forget it, now they are all eyeted, I don't want to be tired again."

"It's all brothers, what is it tired?"

"Still, it is now a very period, you should pay attention to some, you will take more weight, I hang."

Said, Leizie hangs the phone ...

"What happened? How did you make a phone face?" Williafei wrinkled.

"Zhuo Airlines and Liu Kang are under investigation." Leigh sighed, "I didn't expect it to be tired of them, it seems that this is more serious than we imagined, Feier, we returned to Hong Kong, even them You can't contact it, you can only rely on yourself, you still ... "

"Even if you rely on yourself, I am not afraid." Williafei said firmly, "I believe that I can help you". "


"Don't be." Williafei interrupted his words. "You come to do things decisive, how is this? This is not what I like Leizie."

"If I go to face alone, I am not afraid of any difficulties. But with you, the scruple will be more, and I will have to be imprisoned, I will be investigated, and you will be a language. No, life is not familiar, I am really relieved. "

"You don't look at me, I don't do it? I will not be Chinese, but I am in English. Hong Kong is an international metropolis. The people who will be in English are all, and they can find a translation. I have to do something wrong. Difficult, you don't worry. "

"Feier ..."

"Don't say it, you are hungry, I will eat." Williafi did not listen to persuasion, took a ticket to the restaurant to eat.

Leizan looked at her, and his mood was very heavy. He suddenly felt that William Earl did not make sense, if they really did something, how did he give Fiier happiness? At least in the short term, he did not turn over ...

Le Lee is sitting on the waiting chair, still hesitating, don't think about the way William Feier persuaded it, the phone is coming again, this time is Blue Qian Yu, he immediately answers the phone: "Qian Yu!" "

"Le Le, I just heard that Uncle Lei Shu, I didn't expect to make it ..." Blue Qian Yu slightly sighs, "But I believe that Shushu is clear, it will find the truth soon, you don't have to worry too much. "

"I know, thank you, thousands of feathers." Leles concerned asked, "How is the body of the night flame? Is there any difficulty you?"

"We are fine, now temporarily crossing the difficulties." Blue Qianyu said relaxed, "You don't have to worry about us, take care of yourself."

"It's really sorry ..." Leizie is very embarrassing, "You don't have such a big thing, I am not around you, you have plans to return to Hong Kong to avoid refuge, but now my dad is coming again, I am really useless. Everything is not good. "

"You don't have this ..." Blue Qian Yu comfortable, "You have helped me, I am not a child, I can't I miss you in my life? And said that Shushu's things are only temporary, I have confidence, he I will definitely release it. Do you have no confidence? "

"Yes!" Le Lee's lips raised the shallow radians. "The original mood is very heavy, now I have talked with you for a while, and the heart is more comfortable."

"Don't have too much pressure, don't worry for us, even if the uncle is accepting investigations, we can go back to Hong Kong. I believe that there is no road to the world, with my ability, I can guard my ability. Family, you can also optimistic as I am !! "

"Well!" Lerentton felt full of strength, Blue Qian Yu is optimistic, and the fearful attitude affects him, so that he is full of confidence in the future.

"Le Le, what are you doing? Come and eat." William said to Leigh.

"It's coming." Leigh should have.

"Feier is also with you? She wants to go to Hong Kong together?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"Yeah, how can I persuade, she doesn't listen." Leisi helplessly said, "even my friends were investigated, she went to Hong Kong without a photo, I was really worried."

"Worried What? The boat is naturally straight to the bridge." Blue Qian Xia said, "I have experienced the feelings of wind and rain, and I feel that this is a good thing. I have to see it, maybe after this. You and Feiier will learn more about each other, love each other, and uncle and mother, will also know how to cherish each other! "

"Thank you, Qian Yu, you can always go deep into my heart !!"

"Smile face tomorrow, will also give you a smile tomorrow, brave !!"


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