More than a dozen hours of voyage, finally returned to Hong Kong ...

Going out of the airport, Le Le looked at this familiar city, the familiar sky, felt some confused, he didn't understand why the world always likes my fraud.

Isn't peace together?

Why don't you fight?

Night flames were because they were harmed by people, and now the father is suffocating, and he never likes him to compete with people. It must be desperately killed. .

"Don't worry, no matter how difficult your road is, I will accompany you around you." Williamfi took the arm of the night flaming, smiled, "I am your little Fusheng, this hurdle, we It must be able to get over. "

"You are not afraid?" Le Leishaw smartly, "What do you do if you caught you? Your delicate, where is it, where is it?"

"What are you afraid?" William Figer is white. "If you are, even hell, I also dare."

When I heard this sentence, Leizie was very touched, reached out of William Fi, affectionate kissed her forehead: "You are around, I am confident !!"

"And us ..." A familiar voice came, Le Le looked up, it was Zhuohang and Liu Kang, he was very surprised, "How come you?"

"Good brothers have to come back, we are of course come." The two quickly came over, Liu Kang smiled, "Fortunately, I will come out this morning, or I can't get up."

"You are really, if you haven't finished, I will hang the phone. Fortunately, I can call this time. Only this time is only this flight. Otherwise, I will miss it." Zhuo Airlines said, "What is it?" Let's go, my car parked below, time long to deduct money. "

"Come, I will help you with your baggage." Liu Kang helped the Leilaki bag, Zhuo Air, also helped the Williafei bag package, "Hard work in the way, hurry home, I booked to give you a wind."

"Thank you." Leizie was very touched, at this time, there are these brothers, he really don't want to live.

"Thank you, I really mean !!" William Fiper patted Zhuo's shoulder, "I know you will come."

"Of course, we are good friends." Zhuo Airlines smiled, "Go, go on the elevator."



A group is ready to drive home from the elevator, ready to drive home, but at this time, several prosecutors came over, show their documents, said to Leizan: "Leisha, about Lei Zhenting, please go back to us with us. survey."

"He just returned, his feet have not stepped into the house, do not ride late late?" Liu Kang said.

"Do you think this is to eat? Can you change the time?" The inspector was cold and glanced. "You are a policeman, you should know what is the official law."

"Ke Lean has no break, he is not a prisoner." Liu Kang has a little fire.

"Liu Kang ..." Leizie made a look, indicating that he didn't say more, so as not to cause trouble.

Liu Kang had to shut up.

"I will go with you." Leigh is very fit.

"This is good, everyone cooperates with each other, saves the additional event." The prosecutor said.

"Zhuo Airlines, Liu Kang, helping me take care of Feier." Leizie said to the two brothers, and then said to Williapi, "Hey, I will come back soon."

"I am waiting for you." Williapi's eyes looked at him.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Leigh held her face and smoked her a kiss at her forehead, followed the inspection official.

William Fiier looked at the back of them. He is very uncomfortable, although I have been prepared, but now I have to take Leres, she knows that she is afraid of separation ...

"Fili, don't worry, Leizie is only helping to investigate, will soon come back." Zhuo Airlines comforted, "get on the bus, go home first."



I got on the car, Williafei asked: "Yes, how is Bach?"

"I have already settled." Zhuo Airlines said, "The head of Lei gave them a house, and also gave Bach to find a job, Xiao Hiji also got a foreign language school, and their family is very good now. "

"That's good." William Feather made a breath, "the key in Leishan, do you have?"

Zhuohang heard this sentence, the look became dignified, smashed the lips, whispered: "Feiier, Leles' house is also sealed."

"Ah?" Why? "" Williafei's horror wide eyes, "The house is his private property, why is it to be sealed? What is the law?"

"Now I doubt the property of Leizie's property is related to the head of Lei, so I have been allowed to be sealed, and I can solve it after I haven't had the relationship." Zhuo Airlines said, "Today, Leles Bank card is about to be frozen. , You have to prepare your mind. "

"It seems that the fact is really serious than I imagined ..." Williafei's face became stunned. "Fortunately, I brought my bank card when I went out."

"Don't worry, I am here, I will take care of you." Zhuohang looked at her from the rearview mirror, "I live alone in my family, although I am a little, but more convenient than the hotel, If you don't mind, stay in my house first? "

"Well, I can only do this." William Fi is nodded, "I haven't much money in my card, I am so wasteful, and I am still in the hotel, I am not convenient, live with you. A photo should be. "

"Yes, I think so." There is a joy in the eyes of Zhuo Airlines. "I have been close to Liu Kang's home. What happens, everyone can take each other."

"What are you talking about? I can't understand one sentence." Liu Kang asked.

"It is negotiating with Feier, let her temporarily live in my house." Zhuo Airlines said.

"Ah? This is not very good?" Liu Kang frowned, "Leigh is not at home, you and the Philippine Shanrenan widow people live together, this ..."

"Is there anything bad? Feiier is a Lelei girlfriend, I just help him take care of her, can you have anything? Again, he will come back in two days. Is it now a person to live?"

"It's also." Liu Kang nodded, and then said, "I know that you are interesting to Feier, but you can't hit her idea, she is a Le Lee, we can't do that kind of fare A bad thing. "

"Where did you think?" Zhuo Airlines have some annoying. "How can I make that kind of thing? If you don't worry, then you have received your home."

"That is not convenient, my family has a mother, and our family does not understand French, I don't know English, I can't communicate. I still live in your home. Anyway, Leizie is coming back for two days."


In this way, Zhuo Air brought Williapi to his home. His home is located on the side of the city's three ring, a set of 110 square meters of houses, although it is not big, it is not luxurious, but the decoration is very warm .

"Sorry, my home is too simple, I hope you don't mind." Zhuo said.

"Very good." Williafield said, "and very warm, stay in the hotel without this feeling."

"I just feel that it is convenient to take care, here is also close to the army, driving for more than half a car."

"Well, you are very busy in your army, go busy, don't worry about me, I can take care of yourself, I will call you something."

"I invited three days, and I will accompany you at home in three days, and Leizie is almost returned."

"Oh, that's good, take this three days, we went to listen to the case of Lei Uncle, see if there is anything to do for them."

After hearing this sentence, Zhuo Air of the Look became lifted, silent for a few seconds, he whispered: "Feiier, not I splash you cold water, the Lei Shou's official position is too big, his case is a national secret, you me The ability is impossible to investigate any spider silk, and you can't do anything. "

"That can't you still sit?" Williamphore said, "We always want to do way."

"I also want to help them, but I really love Mo I can help." Zhuo Airfold frowned, "I originally just a deputy, even if it is now promoted to colonel, in addition to managing recruits, there is no power. And, I don't What big people know, I can't find something, I am alarmed up, they are likely to re-examine me, and condemn you back. "

"No,?" Williamfi stunned.

"Really, I have no exaggeration at all, I have not cheated you." Zhuohang advised, "I better don't worry, wait for Leigh, he and his mother will find ways, they know more people Maybe I can find the clue, I will always be able to quite strong. "

William Philippine low, silence.

"Of course, you don't have pressure, regardless of the final case of the thunder, Leizie should not have something." Zhuo Airlines comforted her, "I think, he can put it in a few days."

"I know that he will come out soon, I just think, I can't do anything, I feel very embarrassed." William Fili said, "Now think about it, Leizie didn't let me follow, maybe it. I can't help him, but also let him worry, he must be very worried about me now. "

"Feier ..." Zhuo Airitened deeply looked at her, "You really love Leizie."

"Of course, he is my boyfriend." Williapi said.

"What extent is you developed?" Zhuo Airlines tried.

"What happened, it is getting married." Williamfi offright.

Zhuo Air of the face became stiff, did not expect so fast, they developed to such a deep point ...

"What's wrong?" Williafi looked at him.

"Oh, there is nothing." Zhuo Airlines immediately explained, "I just asked casually, the things of Lei Jia were not able to solve it in a short half, you have to make a mental preparation."

"I know." William Fi is nodded, "Leizie said with me, since I came to Hong Kong with him, I have confidence with him to spend the difficulties.

. "

"You are really a good girl, Leizie can have such a good girlfriend is fortunate!"

"Hey, I think so, you will have a good girl in the future."

"Oh, thank you, you take a while, I will give you a good time."

Said, he got up and went to the kitchen, just turned, his face became very stunned, and his eyes flashed with complex rays ...

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