Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1503, hard work, small three 5

"That's okay." Mo said that it is no longer in order to avoid being observed by Leles, so she parked the car on the side of the road.

"Thank you, just helped me to solve, goodbye." Leigh said a sentence, pushing the door to get off.

"Le Le!" Mo said him.

"Is there something?" Le Leng looks at her, and there is a guard in his eyes.

"Today's truth is really acknowledge, I didn't expect to make this, harm your girlfriend is really sorry ..." The apology of Mo Port is very sincere.

Leizie is somewhat soft, and the tone has become gentle: "This doesn't blame you, just unexpected."

"It is actually really blame." Mo Shou low, said, "The room is my book, I am deliberately ordering you next door ..."

"What do you mean?" Leigh brows wrinkled, is she really problem? However, why did she admit it so soon? Shouldn't it be more installed?

"He is our company's customers. Today, today, my boss let me book a room in the hotel. I am worried that he is not the way to me, so I will be booked in you next door. Something, you will also come to save me ... "

Mo said softly, "I know that I don't do it like this, but I just want to be self-policy, I really didn't expect to be tired of your girlfriend."

"But how do you know which room I live?" Asked Leigh.

"I said that I am your friend, let the front desk open the room next door." Mo said.

"How do you know that I live in this hotel?" Leizie asked again.

"In fact, I will know when your girlfriend is booked." Mo said, "I was receiving customers at the hotel restaurant, I saw your girlfriend in the room, I knew that you live here."

"It turned out to be like this ..." Leigh suddenly headed.

"I know is that I am not good, you have to blame me, I have to blame me, I have nothing to say, but I really want to compensate you ..." Mo said, "I have been in the hospital, I have paid your woman. Friends' medical expenses, later, I will negotiate with the media and the police, this matter has nothing to do with you, will not make you difficult. "

"No, the clearer is self-cleared, I believe that the media and the police will not marry me." Leishake said, "I still feel that today's things are somewhat embarrassing, the hole is full, now you explain clear, I will understand, in short, I won't blame you this matter, you don't need your own blasphemy. "


"Just this, I have something to do, go first, goodbye."



Le Le was called a taxi on the road, and Mo Zo was sitting in the car and looked at him. The mood was very complicated. .

From her day, he is a very responsible person. He will protect the people around him, and even see the bad event will save it, see the righteousness, but when Williapi is injured today, he That is completely different from ordinary people ...

It seems that he is going to collapse, and his whole person is so crazy. Even if he would rather injured people ...

Mo said that he really likes Williafei, William Figer is also a dead center, they can really be a pair of natural place ...

Maybe she should be all them, so hard-to-eat a pair of golden girls, it seems to be a very unethical thing.

But in front of love, only want to do not want, there is no morality, at least for Mo said that this is like this ...

She only knew her love Lie, who has loved a lot of years, so that in France in the past few years, she has Leles' shadow ...

Now I finally have the opportunity to get close to him, she will never let this opportunity, absolutely will not ...


So at the same time, the hospital ...

The security guard dispels the quietness of the corridor from the hospital.

Zhuo Air accompanied Williapi in the ward, looked at her injured, he is very not a taste, he said in his heart, if you are my woman, I will never let you suffer this kind of harm, absolutely not ... ...

"Strong ..." Williafi woke up, whispered to Leigh's name.

"Fili." Zhuohang asked, "Are you awake? How is it? It hurts?"

Williapi slowly opened his eyes, and saw Zhuo Airlines through the blurry line, quickly moved again, looking for Leigh in the room, but he is not ...

"Thunder ... Strong?" Williafei hardly pressed to sit up, "He, will not be ... Do you have an accident?"

"You don't move." Zhuo Airlines quickly helped her, "Leizie went out to do things, soon, he will come back, he is fine, you don't have to worry."

"Oh, that's good ..." Williafei made a breath, it seems that she thinks more, just did a nightmare, dreaming that she and Leizie were separated, he didn't want her, she is in the dream Cried is so sad ...

"Do you want to drink some water?" Zhuohang asked.

"Well ..." William did his head.

"Sitting first, I will give you it right away." Zhuo Air of Waitian is sitting up, giving her two pillows, let her feel comfortable, then give her a water.

At this time, the outside came on the door, Zhuohang is going to see, the door is pushed away, William Earl and Sophia came in from outside, and he was wrong: "You are ..."

"Hey, Mommy, you ... how come?" Williamfi saw them and was surprised.

"It turned out to be an uncle, you are good!" Zhuo Airlines greeted them quickly.

"Hello." Sophor should have a sentence. I saw Williafi's look, I couldn't help but sore, my tears fell down, she walked over, holding William Feier, distressed, "You are so big, I have never been there so seriously , Leles guy, keeping you with me, but now, look at what he takes care of you? "

"Don't say, now I will take the Philippine back, and don't see the stinking bodies in the future." William's anger said.

"Yeah, Feiier, go back to us, Mommy can never let you hurt this." Sophifier got up and took the coat to Williafi.

"Mommy, don't do this ..." Williafi took her, "I, I am with Le Le ... very good ..."

"He hurts you, you still say that he is good?" William's count is angry, "Philippine, although I did something wrong before, but from small to big, it can be a finger head. I am afraid that you are hurt by a little bit, but you look at the hospital now, wear a bloody shirt, Leizie? What is it ?? "

"Aflerie, Leles is a little bit, temporarily go out, will come back soon." Zhuoa is carefully explained.

"Is there something?" William Earl is cold and standing, "What is more important than Feier? Feier is lying in the hospital, but he abandoned her, with other women went out, this man. Can you also believe? "

"Hey." Zhuo Airlines stunned, "Unexpected, are you misunderstood? Leigh is not that kind of person."

"Hey, I know ... You don't like it ... Le Le, you ... you can't ... this ..." Biased ... "William Fi is weak," Leizie is for me ... ... with other women ... together? He just ... go out .... "

"I know, you don't believe in me. But your mommy, what should you always believe?" William's essay.

"Mummy ..." Williafei looked at Sophifier.

"Although I really don't want to believe, I really saw Leizie's car." Sophored helpless sigh, "I and you listened to him at the hospital at the hospital, say some I am very embarrassed, I can't say it, in short, from the current situation, Leles did not have the relationship with the woman. "

When I heard these words, Williamfi stunned. She couldn't believe this is true. If this is from the father's mouth, she will not care, but now he heard the mother's pro-person, she has to doubt ......

"Who is you saying?" Zhuo Airlines asked curiously.

"It's a Chinese woman. We also saw it in France. They both were very embarrassed. I said that they didn't believe it, but you didn't believe me." The Earche William said.

"This should be misunderstood, Leizu is not such a person, and I have never heard of what kind of woman who has a woman with him." Zhuo Hua helped the Leles, "Feiier, should you believe in Le Le? "

Williamfi is low, silent, and thinking about the previous things ...

Le Le heard the screams of women from the next door, I didn't want to rush out, then I broke out, I was defeated, and that time, Mo was crying into his arms, he did not Pushing her ...

When the man held a vase, Williafei did not hesitate to block him for him, but at that time, his hand as if it was a head of Moyou.

When you think of this, Williafei's heart is cold, and Le Lezhen is with the woman? ?

Still, I think more.

"Fili, don't think about it, this is certain." Zhuohang advised, "Lease said to me when he walked, he was because he received his father's clue, so he still left. I will take care of you. "

"I called him ..." William Fei's decisive said, "Where is it now?"

"Good." Zhuo Airline immediately took out the mobile phone to Leizan ...


At the same time, Leles took a taxi tricycle to go downstairs, and the car turned to bend, ready to open, at this time, only listening to the sound of "" nearby, and there is a car impact Police ...


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