"A car accident!" Said the driver of the taxi.

Le Learly, looked at the car that was hitted, and the eyes were very open: "It is the car of the horse !!!"

He immediately rushed down, and the scene was chaotic. The Master's car was hit by a running truck, and the whole crust was deformed. The people in the car naturally did not know the death.

"Major Horses -" Leighing excited shouting, rushing through the deformation car cover, want to rescue the horses.

At this time, the traffic police rushed over and helped him to open the tool to open the iron gate, rescued the dying horse, sent him to the hospital.

Le Leidu is close, even if you don't know ...


"The phone is not answered." Zhuohang wrinkled and handed the mobile phone to Williapi, "" May be busy. "

"Busy with the woman." The Earl of William smiled coldly. "If he didn't do anything, why not answer? If he really doesn't have any relationship with the woman, why do you want to go out at this time? See her? I have seen him on my own eyes ... "

"Don't say it .." Sophie interrupted the words of William, made a look, William Burg looked at William Fiier in the mood, and it would be a bit distressed. Only don't want you to be deceived, Leizu is not a man worthy of entrustment, you don't waste time on him ... "

"Fili, we are estimated and don't want Le Le to the end and the girl is not the relationship between the girl, you hurt this, he actually abandoned you, he left the girl, this is really cold ... "

"I believe in him." Williafei finally said, "He said that it is for Shu uncle, it must be like this, he will not lie to me."

"Okay, then it is this, just when Leles is really doing things, can it be more important than your safety?" Sophia frowned her -

"You look at all of him to Hong Kong, he is your only relying on your own, you put down the body of the thousand gold, follow him around, hard work, is worried, but you still don't give up, but what? Not only don't protect you, but when you are injured, you will lose you alone here ... he has made people feel cold. "

Williapi's eyes were humid. When I just woke up, I didn't see Leizie. In fact, she was very uncomfortable. She also had a moment of cranky, but she comforted himself in my heart, I can't believe him, believe he……

But now some evidence is in front of your eyes, parents' persuasion make her heart again. .

She doesn't know what to do ...

"Fili, Mommy is not letting you break up now, although some things are indeed, but they are not confirmed before, no one is arbitrarily determining him, I am really sorry, my mom is just too I have hurt you, you are expensive as the princess, now follow the Leles, the warm and full of safety is a problem ... "

Speaking of this, the voice of Sophia is swallowed. "Mommy still means, you will go home with Mommy, wait for Lizhan's things to solve, if you really want you, you will go to France to find you. of……"

"That is." William Earche's attachment, "Feiier, you are awkward, first with us, you and Leles, then let go."

Zhuo Airlines standing on the side, he didn't know what he didn't know, standing in his point of view, he did not want Leizie and William, if they were separated, his chance Come, but he actually regards Leizie as a brother, so it's really true that Leles is really true ...

Just I didn't think that Williafei's parents would be so deep about Leles, and Le Leidu is a chain at a critical moment, and he has nothing to say.

Therefore, Zhuo Air can only be silent.

"Feier ..." Sophia once again advised, "You obey, first with your mummy back to France, let's keep in touch with Leizhe later, okay?"

"I am going to make people go out of the hospital." William Earl turned to leave.

"No ..." Williafi finally broke out, everyone looked at her, she looked up, smiling at parents, "Hey, Mummy, I believe ... Leizu will not ... lie to me, he Is true ... Love me, he is ... leaving, there must be ... can't wait ... the hardship, I will ... wait for him ... come back! "

"Feier ..."

"I have already ... I decided!" William Figer interrupts the mother's words, don't want to listen again, "Le Le ... love doesn't love me, for me ... good, only me ... yourself ... the clearer, Others see ... just the surface. "

"How are you so stubborn?" Hubu, William, "Sometimes it is a fans, bystanders, you don't understand?"

"I am very tired, I want to rest ..." William Philippine is lying on the bed, sleeping his head in the quilt, she doesn't want to hear again, I don't want it.

"Fili ..." William Earl also wants to say something, Sophor, but let's go out, let Feier take a rest. "

"Hey ..." The Best of William sighed, turn around, Sophia looked at Williafei, gentle to Zhuo Airlines, "What is your name?"

"Zhuo Air, Excellence Zhuo, Sailing." Zhuo Airlines quickly answered, "I am a Leleman, with him for many years, and I have a long time with Fei."

"Well." Sophisticated, I smiled, "Can you talk about a step?"

"Okay." Zhuohang quickly followed her to walk out of the ward, but also closed the door.


Outside the door, Sophia is straightforward asking: "Zhuo Air, do you know the girl named Moof?"

"Cognition." Zhuo Airlines nodded. "She is the sister of Mojun, Mo Jun is Leizie's classmates, two relationships are quite good, but Leles rarely contact after going to the army, Mo Jun also opened Security company, his sister is always studying abroad, we have not seen her for many years. I really didn't think she would have a collection with Leles. "

"Is that before, Leisheng and Moofang have a relationship?" Sophie asked.

"This ..." Zhuo Air of the eyes flashed, and the look is not natural.

"It seems to be there." Sophored frowned.

"Actually, I can't talk." Zhuo Airlines immediately explained, "Mo said that Leigh is Leigh, but also take the initiative to pursue Leis, but Leizie does not like her. They have not intended, and she will study abroad. They should have no contact. "

"No matter what to say, there is a collection of intersections, which is the most prone to problems." Sophisticated, "I always thought that Leles was a steady and reliable boy, it seems that I am optimistic."

"Auntie, in fact, Leles is very good to Feier." Zhuo Airlines said, "Today's things should be misunderstood."

"No matter what, I still have to thank you, specially caught up to take care of Feier, and take care of it so much."

Mrs. Sophie is a sensitive person. When Z Zhuo Huai took care of Williafei, she was observed outside, she found that Zhuohang like Williapi.

"I and Leles are brothers, Feiier is Leizie's girlfriend, they have something now, I have to help this brother," Zhuo Air is sorry. "

"You still have to righteousness." Sophisticated Mrs. Sophie carefully, "Are you working in the army now?"

"Yes." Zhuo Airlines nodded, "I was a deputy officer of Le Le, after Le Le leaving, I was promoted to the school."

"Young is good, very good." Sophie said with appreciation, "Okay, I don't delay your time, you go busy, let me pay it here, I will keep Fei."

"I promised Leizie to take care of Feier, I won't leave before he came back." Zhuohang said.

"That's trouble, try again with Leizie, I want to talk to him alone." Sophie said.

"Okay, I will try again to call Leizie again."



Zhuo Air came to Leigh, and there was no one for more than ten times in a row. Later, it simply prompted to shut down.

The Earl of William, heard this tip, he was angry with iron, biting his teeth: "The kid is definitely mixed with the woman's ghost, otherwise why phone is not connected, now there is still shut down?"

"Maybe, it's too busy. I didn't see the call, and then the mobile phone was turned off." Zhuohang found a very bad reason.

"Hey ..." Soviet madam sighed, "If there is still a fifer in his heart, you should take the initiative to ask the Philippine situation, leave three or four hours, now there is still a little news, there is no news Let people doubt his sincerity. "

"What should I do? Feier refuses to go back to us, and you persuade her again?" William's Earl said.

"Wait, now I am 11 o'clock, wait for Leizie back, let's talk to him first, Feier is really going back, but I have to pay with him." Sophor said.

"Okay." The Earl of William is very helpless, but he has to wait for the sex of which.


In the room, Williafi is also waiting for Leizie. I hope he can come back soon. At this moment, she really wants to see him at this moment.


Time is a little bit, an hour, two hours, three hours ...

The night is getting deeper, and the turf will go to 3:30 in the morning, Sophia is very tired, squatting on the bedside of Williapi.

The Earl of William and Zhuo Airlines are guarded outside, waiting for Leizie back. .

William Fei has always look at the direction of the door, listening to the movement of the outside, always look forward to Le Lee back, but unfortunately, if you haven't waited for him ... ------------- ---

Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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