Williafei is very disappointed, she believes that he is a inevitable reason will leave at that time, but she doesn't understand, why did he leave for so long, don't come back to see her? Even a phone is not ...

Is there anything in his heart?

Does he really be together with Mo?

Thinking about thinking, Williapi's tears have dropped down, the temperature in my heart, a little reduced ...


Its daybreak……

Leles waited for one night outside the first aid room. The doctor finally came out: "The patient is seriously injured, but it is finally rescued, and it has passed the dangerous period, but in his current situation, I am afraid I don't know when I can wake up. "

"How can it be?" Master's family sad crying.

"Isn't it become a vegetative?" Someone asked softly.

"Look at his willpower, if you are strong, you can still wake up, just time is really not good." Said the doctor.

A family cried more sad, although the life is coming back, but what is the difference between death? That one tenior chance, can not fall in them, really reliable ...

Leizie thought that this is awkward, so I asked my wife: "I don't know what happened before I didn't know what the horse is doing an accident. Why did I go to the door at that time? "

"I don't know, he went out to go home that night, I got home to go home before, but I haven't seen people at ten o'clock. I called him. He said that there is a matter of doing it. I would like to ask more than two sentences, but he suddenly turned his temper, I had to hang up the phone, I didn't expect it to have something like this ... "

The wife of the horse widen his tears. "I know this, I have to call him home anyway."

"Then do you know, do you know what he is with?" Leager asked.

"I don't know, but when I called, I seem to have heard ..."

"Thunder!" A voice sudden came, interrupted the words of the horse, the wife, and the loudtime of Leizan's consciousness, it was the Director of the Police Department, he smiled and laughed Lie, "You Probably forgot, you are not a policeman, nor is it colonel, no power to ask a witnesses.

Leigh Brow wrinkle: "Director Zhao, I am very clear about my current identity, I am not asking, but asking for a friend's identity, don't you do this?"

"Of course, I can't." Director Zhao said that "Who knows this case does not have a relationship with your father?"

"What do you mean ??" Leager is angry with him, "My dad's case has not been found yet, no one can say he is guilty."

"Then no one can say he is not guilty." Zhao Director said, "If it is really no problem, what should you be seal?"


"You are special, identity sensitive, you should know how to avoid bid!" Director Zhao did not give Leres, "I still have to accept the investigation, don't be more free here."

"You are just a public enmity." Le Leizhen was very angry. When the procuratorate took him to review him, Director Zhao had been difficult for him many times, and now it is here, it is not in the rules.

"I am just a public, according to the rule, I said, your father's case is serious, you must work hard, the relevant personnel must not involve the case, if you think I have any questions, you can complain to the above, I have to do it. Sitting is stable, unlike some people, corruption, bribery, smoking hard-earned money of the people, but also to be famous, saying that he is fair and clean ... "

"You give it to me -" Leizie rushed to play Zhao Director, and the wife of Ma Jong quickly pulled him, "Thunder, you don't impulse, don't impulse, this is not good for you ..."

Leishe's teeth glaring at Director Zhao, burning in an anger in his heart, but he could only put this anger. The words of the horse, the words of the horse, and he now hit it, it will be re-entered again. Police Bureau, what should Feier do? What should my mother and Qian Yu do? ? ?

"You go, here is our take care." The wife of the horses whispered, "Your girlfriend is still waiting for you ..."

Le Le This remembers Williafi, yeah, she is injured in another hospital, there is no loved ones around, he left overnight, she must worry.

I thought that Leles said to the wife of Ma Jong: "The nephew, then I will go first, let me see you again, if you have anything, I will call me, I must help you."

"Okay, thank you." Horse's head of his wife nodded.

"It's hard to guarantee it, can you help others?" Director Zhao said, "Be a person, the most taboo is praise, it is not forced."

"You will be true, you will be used in you in the future." Leisha is in the cold eye staring at Zhao Director, "I have a bad thing. I hope you are good."

Said, Leizie will leave ...


The Earl of William waited for one night outside the door, Leizie has not come back, he has no patience.

In the ward, Sophia has been washed with clothes. Now take care of William Feier wash, Williafei's face is still very bad, and the face is very pale, no blood, the spirit is very bad, Su The Philler is very distressed.

"Breakfast is bought back." Zhuoa didn't sleep overnight, or the spirit of shaking, I went to buy breakfast early in the morning, and I also ran to the far-reaching Cantonese to buy Williapi's favorite cow porridge.

"Afather, the master, I don't know what you like, I will buy breakfast according to the taste of Feier. You will eat hot first, I will take care of Feier." Zhuo Airlined breakfast on the table I laughed and said, "Today I am the first guest to go to the store, so I bought the most fresh food, very fragrant."

"Thank you, Zhuo Air, it is too much trouble." Sophored said.

"I see Leizie hasn't yet this little child." The Earl of William said, "Human is not going to stay here, the big things are taking care of the face, but the Lereen boy, even the individual is gone."

When I heard this sentence, I couldn't hide the joy of Zhuo Airlines: "Uncle, you have a prize, this is what."

"You are really very good." Sophored also appreciate Zhuo Airlines.

It's just that Williapi does not respond, keeping a heavy low ...

"Fili, you can drink milk first." Zhuo Airlines came over with a glass of milk. "I just opened the cover, I was not hot, and the temperature was just right."

"Thank you." Williafei wants to pick up the milk, but her hand has no strength, the cup falls in bed, the milk is all sprinkled on her ...

"Ah!" Zhuo Airlines quickly raised the cup and took the paper towel to her, "Sorry, I am sorry, I blame me, I shouldn't let go."

"It's none of your business ..." Williafei said that he suddenly cried, "I am too stupid ..."

"Fili, what happened? Is it hot? You don't cry, you cry, my heart is chaotic." Zhuo Airlined panic, taking the paper towel to her tears, "Don't think about it, Le Le There must be something to do, he will come back soon ... "

William Fi is no longer caught up, and the cry of Zhuo Airlines, she is really grievous, she is very difficult, she can follow Leizie to suffer hard, nothing, she just wants to be injured When he was afraid, he was able to be by her ...

Why can't I do this? why?

Zhuo Airlines hugged Williapi, gently patted her back, he wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say, from yesterday, he has been telling Leigh Good, but the last words, the words, not only comfortable to William, but hurt themselves ...

He took a breath and whispered in her ear: "If you are my girlfriend, I must, I will never let you tears ..."

Just, the door was pushed away, Le Le came into, finished the whole hearing, he stunned, looked at the two people who were closely embodied, and the heart is like a five-flavor, complicated ... ...

"Leizie, you are back !!" Sophored shouted.

William Figer and Zhuoa's consciousness are separated, while looking at the past, Le Lele's face is somewhat stiff, but still squeezing a smile: "Sorry, I am too late ..."

"You are stinking, do you know if you come back?" The Earl of William waved a fist, Leizan did not break, the forehead was played, and it was a big piece ...

"Feier throws everything to go with you, you are like this?" William Earl is very angry, rushing to play, Sophie, "William, what is this? What is this? Have something to say? Can you solve the problem? "

"Sorry ..." Leizie did not refute this time, he did wrong, Williafi followed him suffering, he did not protect her, the crucial moment is not around her, William Earl should hit him. He should also.

"Now I don't mean this three words." Sophisticated Madame, I got up and down, "What happened? Where did you go? Where is it last night? How did you get a blood?"

Williamfi also found that Leizie is a wolf, and it is full of blood, it seems that it is really something last night.

"Yeah Le Le, where did you go last night? Feiier has been waiting for you, she, she is very worried about you." Zhuoa is somewhat embarrassing, he knows that Leles heard the sentence he said.

Leizie looked at William Feather and whispered: "The Major, who said last night, said, there is an important clue, call me in the past, but when I rushed, he just had a car accident, I went Save him, I guarded the night in the hospital, so ... "

"What kind of horse is you? He has a car accident, you have to keep a night in the hospital, Feier accident, you don't want to be guilty?" William didn't say good.

"Yeah, Le Le, even if you care about friends, you can't do anything, you are very worried about your phone, we are all worried about you." Sophored said.


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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