Leles said that the Queen, the Queen finally compromised: "Ok, let Leizan left."

Ai Huade and Austin finally made a breath, and William Fiier cried more sad, pulling Leigh's hand, said: "Sorry, sorry ..."

"I won't have anything, you will go first with my grandmother." Leisheng glanced at her, "Take care of yourself, wait for me!"

"Well." William Fili kept nod.

"Let's go." Austin pulled Williapi, and Ai Huaded also picked up Sophifier.

"Wait a minute." The Queen said.

"You won't regret it again?" Ai Huade wrinkled.

Queen made a look, followed by a document to IV, Queen said: "This is William and Sophie's divorce agreement, you take back to her sign."

"Good." Ai Huade is very happy to pick up.

"Don't, I don't divorce Sophie." The Eight William is very excited.

Queen ignored his words, said directly to AV: "You can go."

Ai Huard looked at William, with Austine with Sophia and Williapi.

"You stand to me, I don't divorce Sophie, I am not divorced ..." The Earl of William is still yelling, but no one will pay attention to him.

Le Lee looked at them far away, and the heart was not a taste, but at the same time, they also felt very helpless for their destiny ...


The father and son have different cars, and the car is on different directions.

"Where is this? Where is your Mommy? Why isn't it a direction?" Williafei asked excited.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt your mom, he just took her to a safe place." Austin said, "And, this incompetent, I can't let my mom know, so he has to keep confidential "

"Then we can also be together, why do you want to separate?" Williafei is in doubt that he is concerned about him. "You are not worried, I will leave my mom, then you invest in us. Do not return? "

"I saved you, purely for love, there is no other idea." Austin patient explanation, "But I am thinking, I will not be clear, he can promise the Queen's conditions, pay The big cost saves your mommy, I am very surprised, I think he should have your own decision. "

Austine is actually too light. He knows that his father loves Warde's mind, deliberately dividing their mother and daughter, more important reason is to give him a backward road, of course, pay such a big price, how can their father and son be easy to let go? When they completed the conditions of the Queen, let them return to other men? Such a great thing, his father and son can't do it.

William is not a fool. She is very understanding of these truths. I am too excited, I have been dizzy. Now she carefully, she and the mother's largest savior have only Darn and Leizhen. They are no regrets. Good to them, Although Ai Wah and Austin have also paid a price to save them, they are all conditional.

They have no way to flee, even if they know they have conditions, they can only jump in this fire pit ...

"Don't worry, I will take care of your mommy." Austin comforted again, "and I will guard you."

"Thank you for saving me." William Figer lowered his head and didn't dare to look at his hot eyes.

Austin looked at her deeply. She was still so beautiful, attracting his heart, let him not help but think to her, if it is before, he will can't help her, whether she is willing to be willing, But now, he will not reckless it ...

If he is just her body, he can get it at any time, but he is her heart ...

So, he has a step slowly.


The Queen makes people of William and Lerets in a set of rooms, this is a luxurious suites, there should be, there are maids to serve.

The Queen did not have a definition in the living environment and material conditions, but they limiting their freedom, and they also got together, at least talk, don't have depressed.

The mood of William, is very depressed. He and Sophia are completely finished. Even Williapi does not recognize him again. It feels that life has no hope, and there is no meaning in the same way. .

Le Le is also a heavy heart, and Williapi is taken away by Austine. He is worried that Austin will be unfavorable to her. Maybe there will be no other harm, but men and women do not happen? He has no bottom at all.

Two big men think about their own women, but Le Lee's emotions are much more stable than William, although he also worried that many things, but he repeatedly reminded himself, Feiier will not sorry him, he must believe her Must believe ...


William Fiier is careful everywhere, anti-Austin.

When Master, when I pursued her, I did a lot of crazy things until now, Williafi is a little lingering, and I am worried that he touches her.

Austin probably saw her concern, laughing in self-departure: "I finally understand now, how much I used to make you like a bird like a shock, so afraid of me."

Williamfi is very surprised, did not expect that he would say this.

"In fact, I am just because I love you ..." Austin watched her deeply, "I always want to be close to you, then I will make those things, but ... experience At the car accident, I understand that some things are strong, and love is like holding the sand in the hands, the more strengthening, the faster the loss. "

"Do you really understand?" Williamfi looked at him uneasy. He is deliberately saying to her, or really know how the truth? Does he really touch her again?

"Yeah ..." Austine smiled slightly, "I guarantee that you will not barely do anything, you are not early, you have to rest early, good night."

Said, he left the room, and closed the door.

Williapi looked at the closed door, and his heart was relieved. It was true.

However, the heart of the anti-human is indispensable, maybe Austine is just lie to her?

No matter what, it should still be more careful.

Thinking of this, Williafi locks the door, then push the table and chair to block the housing door, and then put the window is strict, in order to make it in the past ...


William Fiier took a shower and was sitting on the sofa and blowing his hair. He came to knock on the door outside. She immediately said: "What?"

"Fili, you are not hungry, do you need to eat something?" Ask, Austin.

"No!" William Fili immediately said.

"Then you have break early, what needs to be called, or the servants are also available, you have a maid outside the door." Austin is concerned.

"Well, I know, thank you." William Philippine responded.

"I will go back to the house and rest, good night."

This evening, Williafei can't sleep, that is, worrying that Mother Sophie, Leles, and worrying about themselves in Tiger points, being harassing by Austin.

But until Deniang, Austin didn't come to Williapi, she finally put down, because it was too tired, it gradually slept. .


William is like this to live in the villa of the Austus. It lives for three days. Everything is calm, and the Austin seems to be changed, and there is no more way to move for her, always with the ceremony. William Figer gradually relaxed.

Mount Athin accompanied her at home, she read the book, he took a tablet to do next to the table; she took a break, he was busy in the study; she was in a daze; she walked in the garden He follows her far away ...

Such a quiet wait, so that Williapi is slightly moved.

This evening, Williafifei and Austin have a dinner together, and she cuts steaks, and her face is very dignified.

"What happened? Is it worried about your mommy?" Ask, Austin asked.

"Well." William Fi is nodded, "I don't know how she is now, I want to see her."

"Okay, I gave me a phone call, let him tell me the address." Austish immediately took out the phone to let Alheard phone, but the phone did not answer, he was gentle, " Maybe he is busy, I will play again later. "

"Thank you." Williafei said, "That, do you know that Leles and I am now?"

On the side of Austin, I said: "I have asked this morning. Queen Queen will turn them in a secret room, and send people a maid to serve them, they are very good, there is nothing, I am also starting. To do things for the Queen, as long as things have been 78, she should put Leizie. "

"That's good." William Fei's long loose breath, "I really want to thank you, helping me a lot."

"You don't have to be so polite, I just want you to be happy .." Austin looked at her, "I used to pursue your way, now I am actively correcting. I hope you can reconsider me. ...... "


"I know!" Austin interrupted her words, and he said, "Love can't be reluctant, you don't like me, I will not force you, but I only hope to guard you when you are hurt, if One day, you are unfortunately unhappy, I think I will do it in the first time. This world is not only Leizie a man, he protects you, it will be replaced by me, but I will not ask you to make any return, as long as you Happy happiness is good. "

William Feather is touched to tears, I don't know what to say, just in my heart, there is a strong gratitude ...


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