"Okay, eat it." Austing said softly, "The steak is cool, it is not delicious."

"Well." William is nodded, continue to cut the steak, and the heart is still touched, she is thinking, if Ars is like this, maybe she won't hate him. .

"Beep -" The mobile phone of Austin rang, he put down the tableware, rubbed his mouth with the napkin, then pick up the phone to answer the phone, "!"

"The old witch announced today in the Executive Conference I will support her, I will default, but this will definitely can't do this, otherwise we will be very troubles!" Ai Huade's dignified ...

"Then what you mean ..." Austin looked at Williapi, Williafi also looked at him.

"Now in the palace is Leizie, his life is not related to us, we don't have to manage him." Ai Huada said, "You take William Fiper to leave France, first avoid the wind, wait for me to take the old witch town Live, you will come back. "


"I know, you are worried about Williafield is not good." Ai Huade knows the son's mind, "You can rest assured, then give me to do it, she stays three days in you, I should see her very much. Mommy? You come over now, and give it to me. "

"Ok ..."

Hanging up the phone, William Philippine immediately questioned: "How? You agreed to let me see my mommy?"

"Agree." Austin nodded, "You eat, I will take you."

"I don't eat it, I am going to go upstairs, we will leave immediately." Williafei put down the tableware, quickly upstairs ...

Austin looked at her back, and his heart was uneasy. He knew that his father's character, he would not suffer from a lifetime.

What's more, if Leizie has accidents in this battle, Williafei really belongs to Austin. The Queen and Leijia are regenerated, and it is also a good thing for them ...

why not? ? ?

Just, if these things know by Williapi, she is afraid that she will not forgive him in their lives. .


So at the same time, the palace is ...

The Queen took Leizie to her study, straightforward: "Today, at the Executive Meeting, I officially announced that IV will assist me even, cute waves seem to be willing, it is obvious, their father and son are not Plan to save you out. "

"Very normal, I am not having no reason, even hate, how can they sacrifice my power?" Leizie is very calm, "So, from the beginning, you should not do that transaction with them."

"What are you doing? Let me think about it with them?" The Queen angry at him.

"If it is a calculation, then why should I make yourself?" Leishan helplessly smiled, "I have no way, first keep Feiier and her mother, others, I can't take much."

"You are really great." The Queen's ridicule, "Can you do this worth? Now Feiier is around Masterk, Austin can occupy her at any time, what about it, what can I do for her? ?? When I arrived, I will not lose her, I am afraid I will also plant it. "

"I believe that Feiier will not betray our feelings." Leizie is firmly said, "More than one, guarding a person, it should not be delayed."

"Okay, you don't have to say this in front of me." Queen waved, "I now tell you now, Ai Huade will take measures, I am afraid I will let the Austin take Fife, and you It has become a real victim. "

"The Queen wants me to do it? I may wish to say." Leager didn't want to turn his corner with her.

The queen looked at him deeply, meaning that it would be deep and said: "I checked it, your father's case will soon be tried, and the chance to win is not. If you will promise me, let your father help me in the future. Do something, I put the Feier. "

"You this suggestion is very good." Leighing shrugged, "Austin and Ai Huade did not keep credit, but I and my father must not say that it is necessary, but I am afraid I can't promise you."

"Why?" Queen frowned, "You are not very loved, is you willing to sacrifice everything for her? Why don't you do this little thing? Have you ever thought that if you don't promise me, what will happen? Not only you will be dangerous, Feier will also become Austin people !!! "

"I know." Lei sighed, "I also want to promise you, but I promise is useless, the power is my father, not mine, even if there is a dangerous person, my father will not pay for you Do anything……"

"There is no other person here, why should you be so hypocriter in front of me?" The Queen smiled coldly. "If your father is really inexpensive, he will not be checked."

"If he really has a problem, this case is his end. We didn't use the value, and I have to use value, why should you still hop?" Leizie smiled, "In fact, you I also believe that my father is innocent, so there is no difficulty, right? "

The Queen's eyes flashed, and it was indeed, although she said some kind of scintage, but she didn't have difficult him from beginning to end, because she knew that Lei Zhen Ting's case actually had a very large turn.

"And, you still have a very painful, there is room for Feier ..." Le Lee deeply looked at her. "Although you know that Feier is not your respect, you have seen her after all, That emotion is not to say that you can erase it, you put it cold and ruthless, in fact, it is intended for Fili, you know that Ai Wah will not abide by the promise, worrying that Fei Lier follows Austin. It will be dangerous. So I plan to give me the opportunity to save her ... "

"You are really smart, it is no wonder that Feier likes you." The Queen sighed deeply -

"I hate Sophie, I will not forgive her betrayal and deception. For William, it is not a steel, but Fei is innocent. She does not know her own life from start to end. How can I blame her?

If I care about it is only blood source, then I will not love her, I have a grandson who is a child, they are born, but I am most pet-free, because She is different from them.

She only did herself, never catering to me, don't look like some people, but the end is deeply in the back.

In this case, I am very painful. I think that Feiier who has been petted is not our Willians' child. I really is very uncomfortable, I even adopted some extreme measures to deal with the problem, but I have never thought about it. To hurt the Feier ... "

Speaking here, the queen looked at Le Lee -

"Ai Huade is getting bigger, no longer respect for me, so this time, I use Fax and Sophie to threaten their father and son, I know that this kind of behavior can be seen, probably many people are behind me. , Including my son. But I don't have to be a law. If I don't hit Ai Huad, the status of William family is in jeopardy !!! "

"I don't understand politics, but listen to you, I still understand it." Lei Li did not say, "In fact, the truth is true, even if my father is really official, I can't help you, he has never been Participate in diplomacy, there is no international interpersonal relationship, and there is no role in your business. "

"I should say that you underestimate your father's ability, or said that you don't know your father at all?" The queen smiled slightly, "but forget it, you are as stubborn as your father, even how I persuade no results , Ai Huade's father and son will not compromise my compromise because you are imprisoned in me, Feier also fights the old and long-slip love, so ... "

The queen suddenly talked, and whispered, "You go!"

"Well?" Le Leidu, this is too unexpected, is he listening wrong? The Queen actually let him go? is this real? ?

The queen turned around and turned to Leizie: "I didn't regret it before, I didn't let people left the palace. I wouldn't let people notice it, so as not to love Huadian's father and son. I want to take the Philippine, I will not take care of her. Things, but Sophie ... I won't let go, William also never forget her, I can't let her come with the man at this time. "

"The Queen is talking about temporary. In fact, you have not intended to hurry." Leizan listened to her words, "Waiti Mrs. William, I will let her, right?"

"Some words don't need to be worn." Queen avoided his question, "Let's go, the soldiers outside have already opened, you are only seven minutes."

"I know, thank you !!!" Le Lee gave a deep bow deeply, turned and left ...

Listening to the closing sound from the back, the queen turned around, deep sigh, watching the family blessed at the table, so many children, she only holds Williapi, her love for Fei Never changed, even if such things happen, it will not change easily ...

Just, she has too much responsibility on her shoulders, and those responsibility make her a general situation, so she will have some endless people.

The people in the world misunderstood, including her most pro, but did not have to do it, she has been used to, some things, she must insist on her future generation to reserve the power, let them be bullied ...

So, she must go with Ai Huade.


Leizie slipped out of the palace with the fastest speed, and the difficulty beasts that were imprisoned for many years were finally got free. He breathed fresh air. His mood became excited. Now, he will find Feiier as soon as possible, take her away here ...

He believes that when he told Williapi, she would be with him, Sophie didn't have anything, the Queen just didn't want her so fast, as long as I waited, everything, everything You can solve it ...


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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