When you hear these words, Williafi's mood is very complicated. She doesn't know that I loved these is true. However, according to common sense, it should be some basis, maybe he is expanding the consequences.

If Ai Huad is helping the Queen, it must be sinful, it will lead to bad consequences, but it should not be killed.

But in any case, Ai Huade and Leizie are not cheerful, and even have a festival, he has no reason to save the Leidi to sacrifice so much.

Austin has always been in terms of business, political power belongs to his father. Even if Arship has a heart to help Williafi, you must first pass the love of Wah ...

Thinking of this, William Feier is more dignified: "Uncle, I know this thing is very difficult, but I can't help but ask for promise as Leles, I can help me save Leizie, I ... I am willing to do anything. "

"Anything?" Ai Huade watched her deeply, "including a woman who became Austin?"

William Feier stunned. In fact, she has already made a mental preparation. She knows that I will ask for some requirements, but she didn't think he would be so straightforward.

Ai Wah continued to say -

"I know, let you leave Leizie, marry the Austin, you will not agree, I don't want to charge any more.

Austin has always liked you, he has more than Leizi's feelings, for you, he even changing, these I saw it in my eyes.

I really don't want him to continue so painful, I also want to arrange other outstanding girls close to him, let him forget you, but he has never been a heart.

After this matter, you should get married with Leizhi? At that time, Austin was really too pitiful, and I didn't get everything, but I was unfair.

So, I think you should show your sincerity, properly compensate him, return him, let him pay you like! ! "

"I can understand your feelings ..." Williafei's lips, whispered, "Austin did done a lot, I am very grateful to him, but I think, compensation and return is not only possible. Use this method ... "

"In addition to these methods, do you have other valuable things to return him?" Ai Huade smiled faintly -

"Even if you have, we are not rare, the power is financial, we all have, you don't need to get it from you, and the you want ... Just you !!!"

William Fiier has no words, yes, in addition to her people, Austin is not rare.

Ai Huade continued to persuade: "There is not much demand, you only need to accompany you for seven days, just seven days, you took the initiative to become his woman, let him have a wish, I will help you save Leigh, and solve it Your Mommy's thing, let you return to Hong Kong !!! If you don't agree, then I will be reported, Le Le, I will not take, and your mom, you must stay around me, and the Queen, Queen I will find you in the future, I will not come out again ... "

When I heard this sentence, Williafi's face changed, and she was really difficult to solve her life. If I loved Huad, even if they are lucky, they can't get rid of the royal challenge ...

"When your mom is hurt, you ask Osten to save her, you said, as long as the Austine will save your mommy, you are willing, but now, your Mummy and Lerey have the fate of two people. In your hand, you are hesitant? It seems that your bones are selfish people. "

Ai Wah puts down the coffee cup -

"In this case, then we don't have any questions, just like this, you continue to enjoy Austin to you, maybe he can do a lot of things for you, do not ask for return, but the political situation, no me He can't do anything ..

Of course, I will not take care of her mom, but I will take care of her, but the worst is Leizie. He is for you, and he will voluntarily stay in the palace, because he trust you, I believe you will not throw down He doesn't matter.

But what about you? For your own safety, he is hesitant to save him. The Queen is soaring that Leles, nor does it know that it will be sentenced to him, waiting for you to think about it, maybe Leizie has been abolished ... "

"Don't say it." Williafei is excited to interrupt him.

"Well." Ai Huade is expected to come out, immediately take the paper pen, when Williapi's facial design, finally press your own handprint, then hand over the analog, "Let's see, Is there any place to be modified, if there is no problem, press a handprint next to it. "

Williafi took a look at it, Ai Huade wrote very clearly above. As long as Williafei accompanied Aust Ting seven days, I took the initiative to bed with Austin, and Ai Huaded rescued Leles, and resolved for Sophora. Have worry, send them back to Hong Kong. .

This transaction makes William Feather shame, but she has no other way ...

Williamfi took a deep breath, and finally pressed his handprint next to it. This red fingerprint is like a line, it is branded in her, and she has a painful pain. Her tears are in my eyes. Turn, but she must have to force, do not let them fall ...

Ai Huade is satisfied: "I have already arranged a special plane. After two hours, you will go to Dubai with Austin, and have a beautiful seven-day holiday, after seven days, when you come back, Leles The thing is also solved. "

William Fei is cold and said: "I hope you can follow your promise, otherwise, I will tell Austine this matter, he knows that you will lie to him, will not forgive you."

"Don't worry, although some is difficult, but I still have a way to solve the problem. You just have to wait for Austin." Aihua wiped his hand with a paper towel. "You have to remember it, don't think it can be Mongolia, there is a lot of people around Masterk, you will move in your hands, if you try to be lie, not only my commitment, Leigh ... still die is very miserable !!! "

In the last sentence, with the chill of the people, Williafei played a cold, and looked at him wrong.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you obey, I will not hurt you." Ai Huade laughed, "After all, you are the favorite woman in Austin, but also the daughter of Sophie, but Leizan is still no If you have no reason, I have a hand to him !!! "

"You don't have to say it, I will do it." William Feier didn't want to hear it again, turn it to pick up the bag, hurried out to go out ...

"Wait a minute." Ai Huaded shouted again.

"Is there anything?" Williafei fell, but did not look back.

"This can not tell Austine." Ai Wah warned, "You have to make a wish, only this, he can be able to accept you with peace."

"I know ..." Williafi opened the door and went out.

"How?" "Austin got up and greeted," Is it nothing? Is there any difficulties? "

"No." Williamfi shook his head.

"How is your eyes red? Are you crying?" Austusi wrinkled, "What did he say to you?"

"That is to say, my mommy is, I have been crying." William Feier barely squeezed a smile, "uncle is very friendly to me, you don't think too much."

"That's good." Austine was a sigh of relief, "The aunt won't have something, I invited the best doctor to treat her, you don't have to worry."

"Well." Williamfi nod, "I know."

"Austin, the royal family is not peaceful, for safety, you temporarily take the air out to avoid the wind, the special plane is ready, you take Fiier to the airport." Ai Huad came out from the study.

"Where to go?" Austin pretended nothing.

"Dubai, did you like it very much before? I have already made people play the castle." Ai Wah said.

"What about the anger?" Asked Mount.

"I will take care of her, wait for you to come back, her injury is also almost the same." Ai Wah took his shoulders, "You also know that the political situation is very troublesome, I have to fulfill promise, rescue Leigh, If you don't have some trouble, if you are here, you will not only have a danger, but also affect me, so I arranged you to leave. "

"I am no problem, but ..." Austin looked at Williafi, "Fei, are you willing? Don't be reluctant."

"Go." Williafei fell to the lips, "uncle said, he must solve our things now, we don't want to add trouble to him, this occasion I am in a bad thing, and it is also a good thing. "

"That is ok." Austin nodded, "then let's go."

"I want to see my mommy again." William Figer walked to the medical room.

Ai Huade and the father and son of the Austus are in the eyes. Austin understands that the father solves all things, ginger is still the old spicy, only for ten minutes of time, I will convince William Fi. Let her have to leave with him ...

Just, what will it do in the end? If you come back from Dubai, Le Lee will hate me forever.


Williapi came to the hospital room, Sophifier is still fainting, she stands for a while in the bed, flowing with tears: "Mummy, I don't want, but I really have no way ... In short, this thing is resolved We don't return to France again. "

Her tears fell on the face of Sophia, which exuded warm temperatures, but unfortunately Sophia did not induce ...

"Mommy, I am gone, take care."

Williamfi leaving this sentence, turned to leave, she said to himself in my heart, but it is not a big deal, she is doing everything for her family, for Leles, even in the future. Leles will understand her ...

Most definitely. .


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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