William Fiier walked out of the villa with Austin, Ai Huade sent them to get on the bus, but also said: "Austin, take care of Feier, I wish you a pleasant holiday."

"Thank you!" Austin is looking forward to this holiday. He is very grateful to the father to create this opportunity for him, can be able to get along with William, which is a very happy thing for him.

But he didn't know the Father's trading with William, he thought that this holiday just let them enhance their feelings.

"Well, get on the bus." Ai Huade cast a deep eye in Austish.

"Well." Austin nodded and helped William.

Ai Huade sent them to leave, and the lips were smile, he believed that after this, the son will definitely pay for it ...


In the distance, Leizie saw this scene, the mood is even more uneasy, what is the Williapi? Why is Philippine to walk so close? What is their relationship?

Le Leisheng continued to think, he hurriedly left the villa area, called a taxi, secretly followed by the car of the Austin ...


On the car, Williafei's heart is seriously looked at the window, and the ear still echoed the words that Ai Wah said, and there is a protocol. When her finger is branded, she has sold himself. ......

She has no choice, there is no way to retreat, in order to save her mother and Leis, she must do this. .

"Don't worry, your Mommy will not have something, Leizie will not have something." The comfort of the Austin body stickers, "I need some time, you have to wait, only seven days, soon I will come back." "

"I know." William Feier smashed the lips, "I believe that he will save people."

Yes, she believes that all the bets have been thrown out, she has to believe that she has to believe.

"That's good ..." Austin laughed, inadvertently touched her hand, "Your hand is cool, is it uncomfortable?"

"No, I am very good." Williafi did not look at him, she dared to look at him, every time she gained his eyes, she always remembered the agreement, let her take the initiative to climb his bed, how is it? Shameful things, but she has to do it ...

"What's wrong?" Austine wrinkled, "You seem to ... I am afraid of me? Is it what I said to you?"

"No ..." Williafi shook his head gently, "I just ... Some are tired."

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Austin looked at her deeply. "I look at your eyes full of blood, the spirit is not very good, is it too much? It's still a place, sleep Not used to ?? "

"There may be it." Williafei looked up in front, "Now go to the airport? Don't go back to pack your bag?"

"No." Austine shook his head, "I will have me with your company with you, and the documents are carrying it. If you need anything, I will let go of it, or go to Dubai. Row."

"Well." William did nodded and didn't say more.

Austish saw she didn't think about chatting with him, so I no longer bare her, just looked quietly ...

Williapi is a lip, testive Q: "Austin, you ... Do you still like me?"

"Of course, I like it." Austaki did not hesitate to answer, "How do you suddenly ask this? Isn't you ..."

"Do you have any wish?" Williafi looked at him.

"Wish?" Austin felt that she had some abnormalities, but still answered, "My wish is to be with you forever!"

"This ... should not be realized." William Fei said bluntly said, "I am already a Le Lee, I will not leave him in this life."

Austin lost his eyes, did not speak ...

"Sorry, I shouldn't say this." The apology of Williafei, "I just, just ... I can't deceive myself."

"I know." Austin smiled, "So I can't expect it, now, as long as you can accompany you around you, keep you, I feel very happy."

"Thank you, but ..." Williafei looked at him deeply. "If, if I become your woman, will you help me save the Lei and my mom?"

Austin sobbled, looked at her: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing ..." Williafei remembers Ai Wah's warning, can't let him know the transaction between them, so I will change his mouth. "For me, Le Le and my mommy is the most important person in this world, I Can't let them have any flash, I am worried, your father is lost, save them, then you will help me? "

William Fei is looking for a backward road for yourself, in case love, Warde is not willing to fulfill its promise, at least Austin will help her.

"I will." Austing didn't want to node, "I am willing to do anything for you."

"Includes rebellion your father?" William Fiper asked carefully.

"How can you ask this question? Is it hard for you?" Austin asked uneasy, "He forced you to go to Dubai with me?"

"He didn't force me, I volunteered." William Fei University said, "I asked this, I am worried that your father will not be able to fulfill the commitment, there is no other reason."

"If so, I will help you." Austin took her hand, "Even if I want to fight me, I will help you ..."

"Thank you ..." Williafi is very grateful, the eyes are moist.

Austin looked at her beautiful face, can't help but feel close to her, gently kissed her lips, because of tension, he breathed breathing, I was afraid that she would disgust, but this time she didn't even have Push him ...

Austine is frightened, and she kisses her, frenzy and affectionate ...

William Fei's closed eyes, silently endured his kiss, the mind is full of Leles, there is a voice in his heart, "No, no, no, your love is Leizie, no can……"

However, there is another voice saying, "Accept, you will take this step sooner or later. In order to save Lei and Mom, you must give yourself, you have no way to retreat ..."


On the street, the taxi is approaching, and Leizan saw this scene through the window, and the whole person was shocked. Why, why?

Is Philippine really changed? Is she really together with Austin? ?

No, impossible, no, no ...

She is forced, must be.

No, if she is forced, why not resist, do you want to cooperate? ? She is clearly accepting Austin. .

Why do she do this? Do she forgot that there is an oath of the mountains between us? What did she treat me? ?

Unconsciously, the car of the Austin has been open, stay away from Leles' sight, Leizie still stays in the direction of the wood, the whole person has not returned the god, the heart, like being torn-like ... ...

"Mr., the car is Rolls Royce, I can't catch up." The driver of the taxi said, "Where are you going?"

Le Le lost the soul of the low, and the words couldn't say it, and the heart was so sad in the heart ...

"Mr. !!!" The driver of the taxi once again shouted.

"Go to the airport." Leigh said low, "they should be the direction of the airport."

"Well." The driver driver drivers from the airport. He looked at him from the rearview mirror. Run, you, don't go too much, this world is a good woman, don't hang it on a tree. "

Leizie didn't talk, he was messy into a group, no hair, nor did you know what to say ...

"Hey ..." The driver of the taxi is deeply sigh.

"Dudu -" The ringtone of the phone sounded, the driver of the taxi driver reminded, "Your mobile phone rang."

Le Le came back to God, took out the phone to answer the phone: "Hey!"

"Le Le, I finally opened your phone." The phone came to a nice voice, with excitement and joy, "I found the clue of your father's case, this matter must help you, you Where is it now? I will give you the information. "

"Who are you?" Leisha's mind is still in William, and he has not heard these words at all.

"Hey." The other party has some accidents, and it is a little lost. "I am Mo Soft, I don't see it for more than a month, do you forget me?"

"No ..." Le Le came back, "What did you say?"

"I said that I found the clue of your father's case, I can help you ..." Moiro said, "Where are you? I came to you."

"I am in France." Leisi said, "What are you looking for?"

"Director Zhao, your father's thing is what he provoked." Mo said, "I have a video card, I will send it to you first."

"Okay." Leisha immediately came to the spirit, "You sent it to my qq, I will come immediately."

"Keep talking, I immediately sent it."



Soon, Mo Soft has sent the video, Leizie looked at the video, and even the Director Zhao was sitting in the car and told his hand to change the evidence of the Lei Zhenwei case. This video is obviously sneak shot, but it will still be very The big role, Leles is excited, immediately said: "Moof, where did you find this information?"

"I looked at you every day, I was very urgent. I thought in my heart, so I thought many ways to investigate. Later, I learned that Zhao's Director may have problems, so I found a chance to be director Zhao. The car installed the invisible picture, I didn't expect it to actually played ... "

"Thank you, you really have a big busy." Leigh is outward.

"You're welcome, I have other clues here. When are you coming back? I took information to find you."

"I ..." Leizan thought that William Feli came with Austin, can't feel very cold, and he is also comforting yourself, maybe Williafei is because he and the safety of Sophored will be affected by Austin Stress.

Now the most important thing is to solve the patient's case, only the father's official resurgence, he has the capital and the Austin, think of this, Le Le: "I will go back!"


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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