After Le Le, Moof mood is very depressed, and someone sits in the original place to drink, until her mobile phone ringtone is ringing, she suddenly returned to the god, holding mobile phone to the toilet to answer the phone: "Master!" "

"How? Le Lean?" Austin asked straightly.

"He said, he wants to go to France to find Williafi ..." Moofeng said, "I did so much, or I can't stay."

"Do he want to come to France? Determine?" Austin did not dare to believe that things have been made up, how do you still come to France? Does Philippine consent?

"OK, the special plane is arranged." Mo Siri said, "He wants to break up with me, told me to forget him, and give me a bank card, it is a compensation for me, huh, huh ..."

"You still have a mood there to talk there?" Austin drunk low, "I will find a way to keep Leigh, and I can't let him come to France !!!"

"I really try my best, but I can't stay ..."

"Less waste." Austin interrupted her, "I want to do my best, but win !! If you can't stay in Leigh tonight, you can't get it, you will die very badly. !!!! "

Said, Austin hangs directly ...

Moiro listened to the blind sound from the phone, and he immediately panicked, what should I do? Le Lele has taken ten minutes. What can she use him back? I am afraid she calls now, he will not pick up. .

When she was cranky, she suddenly heard the laughter of two men, one of them said yes: "Master, you really look at the brothers, take us to such a noble and elegant place to eat, I still come to the first time However, the brothers usually rudely, this will fall down, I am sorry, hehe. "

"Yeah, I just saw a few women who had long legs, I really want to tune it!"

"You have given me a few, people come in this place is not rich, can't come, do people have a long distinct, have you hear it?"

"I heard."

"Don't give me a chaos ..."


When I heard these words, Mo said that she came, she put the mobile phone into the bag, pulling the collar, pulling the dress, pulling the sexy snow peak and thighs, moving elegance The pace, twisted small hips and walked out of the bathroom, pretend unintentional hit a man.

"Yeah, I am sorry!"

Moofa has an apology, the way, there is two men in the men's washing room, one looks a bit discouraged, wearing a dress, but there is a strand in the eyes, it should be mixed, but still A bit of a little forces.

The other two are completely small Luo Luo, Moofound did not put them in the eyes.

"I rely on, you have no long eyes ..." one of the little .

"So high heels, almost didn't give our boss to step on it." Another little Luo Luo said, "You don't have your eyes, do you go out?"

"Sorry, I am sorry ..." Moofie apologized.

"Forget it." That boss took her up and down, and his eyes flashed in the original desire. Although he had been a lesson of his hand, he couldn't help himself, like them, people like them. The nightclub, rarely come here, see this noble and elegant and sexy beauty, and it is a little ready to move.

"Beauty, if you walk, the person who stepped on it is me. If you have changed others, you will lose your temper." The boss was generous.

"Thank you, I just didn't deliberately." Mo Ziro smiled and left, but deliberately separated from the boss, sexy snow peaks wiped his arm, let him shock, he is aware Pulling her, "Beauty, are you here?"

"Yeah, why?" Mo said that he looked at him.

This boss is also a master of love. At first glance, this woman is actively indicating to himself, his lips hook, reach yourself: "That, it is better to meal together."

"No." Mo said that the old chest is still welcoming, the red lips is slightly, "I still have anything, I have to go first."

Although it is said that she didn't have a step at all, but attached to the boss, the body was like a snake, "" Next time, let's see it ... "

At this time, she is ready to leave, but the big flame of this boss has already checked it, where is it still willing to let her? Directly took her into the toilet, "We are very champion tonight, don't be next, this time I will help me give fire."

"Don't -" Mo said that it was dragged into the hands and handsome, and there were other guests to hear it by the boss, and there were other guests to hear, and the two blended immediately cold, "see what Look???"

Those guests did not continue to look down, one of the tables were secretly called, whispered: "How do you have such a thing? Hurry to take a look, there is a man to drag a female guest to the toilet. I am afraid I will do something. "

"Yes, thank you Mr. Zhang reminded." The waiter immediately called security to deal with ...


In the bathroom, the boss will be soft to the wall and hold her hand.

"Don't, don't, let me go ..." Moiled is struggling.

"Just now, you are deliberately embraced to me, what is the holding ??" The old breath is heavy, one hand is urgently pulling her clothes, "Let me try the goods here, I will later. "

"You dare to touch me, will regret it ..."

When Mo said, I realized that this man's strength is very big. After a while, she has already taken her collar, and then continue, she is afraid that she will really fall, although she is not a pure woman, but since he follow After Le Le, she didn't want to have intimate contact with any man.

This man really made her feel disgusting ...

"Regret? Laozi doesn't know how to write these two words !!!" Men drunk ...

"Ah - don't, don't ----" Mo Lu is screaming ...

Four security guards rushed, just heard this voice, it was necessary to break, but was blocked by the two little blended: "Our boss is happy, rolling, don't bother him !!!"

"This is not a nightclub, no matter what kind of person, you can't be chaotic here." The security of the security is far-off.

"Good tone, you know who we are boss ..."

The mixed words have not been finished, the security guards will drive them directly, and the two immediately fight them, three security guards should be paid, and another security guard hits the door ...

The boss is preparing to hold her, but fortunately this security is in time to stop everything ...

"Stop !!!" Security to the boss, will be behind him, "You are very courageous, do you know who the boss here is? Do you dare to provoke?"

"You help you see the dog, I'm got eyes? I don't know who I am?" The old boss shouted.

"Ma San, you dare to be a lot here, it is full." A familiar voice came, Mo Sir's back, it turned out to be Zhuo Air, she was very surprised, how can he be here?

"Zhuo!" The security guard saw Zhuo Air, and he greet him immediately.

Zhuohang also saw Mo Soft, brow wrinkle: "Mo soft? How is you?"

"Zhuo: This restaurant is you open?" The boss called Ma San is very surprised, "How? This girl know?"

"This restaurant is a brother, you are here, the courage is too big." Zhuo Airitened him in a cold, said to security guard, "alarm!"


"Zhuo, there is something to say ..." Ma San continued to pull Zhuo Air, "I haven't given this woman yet, this matter, let alone, she first seduce me first."

"You Hu said ..." Moiro shouted, "I just got a toilet, he took me in, but I said that I seduce him ..."

"Hey, small people, your mother is originally deliberately teasing me, now it is still installing ..."

"Okay." Zhuo Air interrupted his words, and looked at Mo soft. "You said, do you want to call the police?"

I thought about it, crying said: "Forget it, in case this, I am not very good."

"For you to know the phase." The horse was cold.

"Not rolling !!!" Zhuo Air of the cold.

Ma San immediately ran with two hands underwriting ...

"Are you okay?" Zhuoa frowned to look forward, "How can I make this? Do you come to the restaurant alone?"

"I came with Leizie. He left a person first ..." Moofi softly down on the ground, holding his head and keeping crying.

"You don't do this, first get together." Zhuo Air wanted to help her, but he saw her shaded clothes, he felt not convenient, and here so many people looked at it, it didn't really be very elegant, I thought about it, he Said, "If you don't, I will tell Le Lee and tell him about this matter?"

Mo Mo is still not talking, sitting in the ground, sad crying: "I have no face, hey ..."

Zhuohang really took her no way, I had to come to the Leigh, very fast, the phone is connected -

"Zhuo Airlines? Just, I have something to ask you ..."

"You listen to me first." Zhuohang interrupted Leles, "Mo Port encountered indecent in the restaurant, you hurry up."

"What ???" Le Leizhou is surprised, "How can I encounter a non-ritual? This is serious?"

"What do you call me?" Zhuo Airlines looked at Mo Fu, whispered, "The clothes were broken, it seems to be a lot of cheap, it is the last step ..."

"I rely on, who is dry ?? I dare to be so arrogant in my site ???" Leigh is three feet.


Recommend my new book "Deadly Pet: Love the Evil President", I hope everyone will support it! ! !

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