"Ma 3!" Zhuo Airlines said, "I have already driven him away, and I still sit on the ground, you listen ..."

He listened to her cry at Mo Soft, Le Lee on the phone, immediately said, "I will come back now, you will help me look at her."

"OK." Zhuoa is refreshing.

Hanging up the phone, Zhuohang said to Mo said, "Don't cry, Leizie will come back soon!"

I heard this sentence, I'm so embarrassed, but I still put it very sad on the surface, continue to cry ...

Zhuo Airlines looked at her, and his brow was slightly frowned. He is very clear, this woman is not good, and it is a purpose. She can cheat the Leigh in the bureau, but I can't lie. .

Because he is inherently, he lives inherently, it will be particularly urgent, even unscrupulous.

Just, he is smashing, after all, Le Le Lie is grateful to him, so he hurts Leigh, now Leles now makes a thing of William, and no longer really likes Fei, he is Restarting to review this relationship.


Not long after, Leizie came to the fire, and the guest's guest of the restaurant had already gone, Z Zhuo and several security guards were guarded outside the toilet. Mo said that Mo said no longer crying, but still maintained The original posture, the knee sitting on the ground, the clothes are not entirely, the wolf is disadvantaged, see that I have suffered a lot before I have suffered a lot.

"Mo Port!" Leisheng shouted, Mo Yi looked up at him, the tears and red eyes made him feel trembled, "Sorry, I shouldn't be alone, You stay here .. "

"Le Leh ..." Mo Shuo joked into Lei Lihuai crying.

Leizie saw her, and his heart was very self-blaming: "Sorry, sorry ..."

Zhuo Air saw this scene next to it, and it was very speechless. Leizie was simply throwing the brain of Williapi. It didn't consider the feelings of Feier. It is not worthy of Feier to love.

"Don't cry, I will send you home." Le Lele was ready to hold Mo soft, and found that her underwear was pulled out, he was angry to teeth, "The bastard, I will never let them go !! !! "

He turned his head to Zhuo Airlines, "Give me the horse and three !!!"

"I have to send him to the police station, it is Mo said softly." Zhuo Airitely looked at Mo Soft.

Moofeng's eyes flashed, whispered: "I, I am afraid that this incident will pass, I have no face to see people."

"You can't do it like this person, let him go once, the next time he wants to worshiped the girl." Leager angrec, "I will send you back, I will find him later, I will find him. Teacher him. "

Mo Mo did not speak, and Chu Chu was buried in his arms.

Leizie took her step away, Z Zhuo Looked at their back, frowned tightly, after the surrounding guests, he whispered to the security guard: "You put the restaurant's monitoring video to call Let me see."

"Yes, Zhuo Total." Security is going to do immediately.


In fact, Le Le is the boss of this restaurant. It usually puts the restaurant to help the restaurant and Liu Kang help to take care. When he did something in his family, the restaurant was blocked, and it was universal before, and the business was so fast. Zhuo Airlines will come here every day to help Leizie stare at the business, and I didn't expect to meet such a thing tonight.

Zhuhang felt something wrong, although Ma San is a mixed body, the character is not good, but I have encountered Zhuo Airlines downstairs when I come, Zhuohang said with him. Don't be a trouble here, he also It is very clear that these truths, the whole dining process is very civilized, there is no difficulty to make any rude behavior ...

When they went to the toilet, they had already bought a single ready to leave. Why did you suddenly happen this time?

Zhuohang felt that there was a sure.

Therefore, he will let the security guards to show up the monitoring video to see him ...

Zhuo Air came to the office, and security has already transferred the monitoring video. The security guard said: "Zhuo, this, it seems that there is nothing wrong, you have a look."

"You go out first." Zhuohang condemned the security guard.

"Oh, ok." The security guards left, and only Zhuo Airlines left throughout the monitoring room.

Zhuo Air slap in the eyes, open the computer, from the perspective of the camera, Mo Port accidentally hit the Ma San after coming out, then talked to him a few words, and then pulled in him. ...

When I was pulled in, I still shouted, and then she kept called for help. This matter did not have any problems from the surface. It didn't make it wrong with the truth he know, but Zhuo Airlined always felt Don't be angry, he closes the lens and looks carefully, and quickly discovers the problem. .

When Moof stepped into Ma San, Ma San's hand was drinking her a few words, but Ma San did not have difficult her, but also let her go, but she did not hurry, but if there is a close to the horse , Rub his body, this is clear that it is tempting the horse! ! ! !

It seems that Ma San has not lied, and Mo Shou is really intentionally seduce him. She is in discharge, very few men can resist, not to mention the born horse three? ?

She is interested in taking the horse three, and calling loudly, what do you want to do? ? ?

Zhuohang is unbelievable, when he is thinking, his mobile phone rang, he quickly listened to the phone, it was Cold if the ice came: "Zhuo Air, sorry, bother you, a little thing I want to ask you. "

"Aunt, please say!" Zhuo Airlines respectfully said.

"Is Leigh not going to Greeland tonight? How did I call him a call? He is still in the restaurant?" Cold asked.

"He came to the restaurant tonight, but soon, he left ..." Zhuo Airline did not tell the cold, if you worry, "the mother, what is your urgent matter? Do you want me to go? Help you find him? "

"It is not particularly urgent, because we will go to France tomorrow morning, I want to remind him to go home early, now I am twelve, he has not come back, the phone will not fight, I am a little worried." Cold if ice said.

"Do you want to go to France tomorrow?" Zhuohang is very unexpected, "Is it looking for Fei?"

"Yes." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Leager does not tell you?"

"No ..." Zhuohang remembered that Mo Siro, is Mo Ken knowing Leizie tomorrow to go to France, so do you have so many things? Do she want to drag Leles? ? ?

"Zhuo Air, Zhuohang ..." cold ifped on the phone.

"Well?" Zhuohang came back to God, "Is there anything else?"

"Nothing, since Le Lele is not in Gree, I think, he may be no electric mobile phone, the party should contact me." Cold if the ice knows Zhuohang like Williafei, don't want to Navigation is too much.

"Okay, if there is anything you need to do, please do it, I will do it." Zhuo Airlines said.

"Thank you !!! Temporarily, you are busy, goodbye."



Hanging up the phone, Zhuo Airlines immediately called Leisi phone, and suddenly touted the shutdown, his brows frowned tightly, I thought about it, try to make Mo Port, and it is also shut down, what is going on? ? ?

"Hey ..." At this time, he came to knock on the door outside, Zhuohang came back to God, should have, "come in!"

The lobby manager of the restaurant quickly came in, and handed a bank card to Zhuohang: "Zhuo, this is the Lei Bank card, he falls at the table, our waiter picks up me, I am worried. Let's take it to you first, you have time to transfer to Lei. "

"Why is his bank card falling on a table?" Zhuo Air took the card.

After Lei Home, Leles did not have money, this few days of the company, hotels, shopping malls and restaurants, etc., but fixed assets and funds have not yet unified, and his hand does not have much Money, this card is still before he detects some million for some million soldiers. Why do he bring this money to your body, still fall in the restaurant? Too strange.

"I saw that Lei always gave this card to Miss Mo." The lobby manager said softly. "At that time, the mood of the lady was very low, but also cried, Lei Lei is very unrelenting ... "

"It turned out to be like this ..." Zhuo Wei muttered his words, he is finally understood, Leizie tomorrow is going to France to find Williapi, so tonight with Mo Fukao, or more exactly I want to break up with her, I also gave her a rich breakup fee, but Mo said that there is no such thing, in order to retain Le Le, he has created an independent incident ...

Thinking of this, Zhuo Airlines only felt creepy, this woman's heart machine is really deep, she is like this, Leles are afraid that I can't really go tomorrow.

"Zhuo, Zhuo Total ??" The Manager of the Lobby called a few.

"Well?" Zhuo Airlined looked at her, "Is there something?"

"There is one thing, I don't know if I should say it." The lobby manager wants to say.

"What? You said." Zhuohang asked.

"Actually ... actually ..." The lobby manager hesitated, and he was courage to say. "In fact, when Mo Mo was unity, I just came out from the bathroom. At the time, I saw her seems to be ..."

"What seems to be?" Zhuohang asked.

"It seems that I am interested in Mr. Ma, the action is very intimate .." The lobby manager said, "I don't know if I am too sensitive, in short, in my intuition, she is clearly hit Mr. Ma ..."

"This kind of words can't be said." Zhuohang interrupted the lobby manager, "

"Sorry." The Lobby Manager quickly apologized, "I shouldn't say this, maybe I have a mistake, or I am too sensitive."

"It's okay, you should go first."



Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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