The lobby manager left the office, Zhuohang looked at the bank card in his hand, still hesitating, don't want to find Leizie to explain tonight ...

If explained that Leles will not think that I am lie? After all, he now believes that Moyou, and before I said that I told him that Mo Siro was unique, now I overthrew my own statement, saying that Mo's soft question, will he believe me? ?

If you don't explain this thing, Mo Soft will find a way to drag him. He can't catch up with the plane to go to France tomorrow. At that time, I am afraid that the crack between him is getting deeper and deeper. ...

so what? I'm not looking forward to it half of it? That, I will have a chance.


Zhuo Air launched a sigh of relief, he didn't do it, although he like William Fei, I also hoped that Leles and Williafei broke up, he had the opportunity to approach Williapi, but Le Le Lie is He gname, even if he knew him before, he did not complain him, or as if he is a brother. .

Thinking of them in France, I have died in France, and Zhuo Airlines finally determined to find Leizie, telling him the truth of the fact.

Zhuo Airlined the bank card, took the mobile phone and the car key, on the way, he tried to call Mo Port, but also shutdown, he thought, Moofeng should now bring Leizi to her home, he is still Go to her home to find them ...


On the car, Mo Fu Chu pithed into a group, and the tears were watching Leizie: "Sorry, I will add trouble."

"Don't say this, it's not good ..." Le Lee is awkward, "I should first send you home, then leave, you are also, do you have a bad person, don't you call me? If you pay in time I, I will immediately let people save you, I will not make this. "

"Forget it, you hate me, I have decided that I will not see me later, I have power to mention any requirements for you?" Said Moofeng said, "and I don't want to delay you again."

"How do you say? Even if you are, I will never do you." Le Le is serious, "Although I don't have no men and women, I have always treated you as a sister, and you are injured because of me. So many people have been sinful, you have something, how can I not care? "

"You are good to me, because your kind is right and responsible, I can't be dragged down because I am old." You don't have to worry, let me go, I will take it off. go back."

"How is this? You can make this look now, I can't let you go home." Leizie is very annoyed. "You don't want to think about it, I will send you safely to home."


"Don't be, , take a break, soon it will be arrived." Leager looked at her. "There is still no injuries on your body? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"It's just a skin injury, it is not serious, just ..." Mo shine low, crying, "I am so afraid, I am so happy that now."

"Don't be afraid, there is me, I will not let anyone hurt you." Leigh distressed her shoulders.

"But you will go soon, after you gone, I will still be afraid." Mo said softly, "I really don't understand why I always encounter such a thing, those men always It is necessary to take you cheap? In the end, I have to say that I seduce them. What happened to this world? "

"Who dares to say eight, I am smashing his mouth." Leishan 's scotting anger, "You don't care, I will protect you."

"Well." Mo was crying into his arms, "I am, my heart is much more ..."

Leie took her shoulders, I feel very embarrassing, Mo Soft is only a beautiful and simple girl, serious life, hard work, no mistake, but fell in love with a man who should not love, and also for that The man has some things, it will provoke so many disaster, and he as a culprit, how can it be ignored? ? ?

Absolutely not ...

He is responsible for her after all.

At least to ensure her life is safe.


About an hour, the car, finally arrived at Moof.

Leizie stopped the car, helping Mo Yuc from the elevator, entered the house, he first helped her to sit down on the sofa, then gave her a cup of warm water, and put it on the water ...

Moiro looked at Le Lee busy look, feel warm, tears unconsciously flow. .

Maybe just start, she is close to him, but now, she is really trying to with him, even if there is no instruction of Austin, she only wants to stay in him forever ...

Now only one step away from success, she must grasp this happiness, absolutely can't let it go away from your palm. .

"Water is placed, I will help you to take a shower." Le Lee came out of the bedroom, helping Moy, "Can you see water in your body?"

"The old injuries before, there is nothing wrong with today, there is no trauma. It doesn't matter." Mo said that someone is in him, "Just, my feet were treated by that person, walking."

"Then I hold you." Leizie will hold it softly and go to the bathroom.

Mo Soft couldn't help but furnish, the arms naturally ring the Leigh's neck, embed the face in his chest, and feel the warmth of this warmth.

Leizie felt her dependence, there is a different feeling in my heart, he hugged her into the bathroom, whispered: "Bathrobes will come in, you have a bath, I will give you some cooking. Ginger tea. "

Said, he is going to go out, Mo said that it is tightly, "Don't go, I am afraid."

"I am outside." Leizhen didn't dare to look at her eyes, "Nothing, no one can hurt you."

"Why don't you look at me?" Mo soft sticker on him, grabbed his hand one hand, and another hand holding his face, "I love you, I really love you, I am more than anyone." Love you, Leizie, you see if I am not good? "

"Mo Soft ..." Leisheng is to say something, Mo Soft has already picked his feet, deeply kissed him, her kiss is warm, with obvious teasing, but also a sultry skill, General men can't resist ...

Leles also had a moment of confusion, but soon, he woke up, the mind flashed Williafei's beautiful face, he immediately pushed Mo Soft, turn it out of the bathroom ...

", -"

Moyou shouted behind, but unfortunately didn't look back, she was angry, she was actively embraced, he still did not move, why? Isn't his heart still thinking about William?

No, I must clear Williafifei from his heart, clear ...

Mo said, dealing with men, can't be tight, and knowing that Leles is a responsible man, will not be so forth, so she is taking a bath in An'an ...


Leles deeply called a sigh of relief, and the boulder of the brain, smashed himself, Le Le, Le Le, you can't continue to go wrong, otherwise he can't help you.

He has no men and women, and people you love are Feier, don't lose yourself because of the desire of men and women, don't. .

He walked to the kitchen and washed his face with cold water, let himself wake up, then give Mo Soft ginger soup.

He thought, wait for Mo Wei to take a shower, let her drink some ginger soup pressure, he can leave, can't stay here again.


Mo said that Leigh's mind, she washed in the bathtub and washed for more than 20 minutes.

Leager's ginger soup must be cooked, Mo said that Guo kisses the fragrance, she knows, the time is almost, so I get a bath towel and wrap the body and then go out of the bathroom.

"Was it?" Leng Lie glanced to remove her, immediately moved away, asking, "You ... don't wear clothes?"

"I have to take medicine, put on clothes is inconvenient." Mo Shitwood sat on the sofa, rubbed her hair with a towel, "My wound has not completely completed, every day, I have to rub it, do you help me?"

"I ... I am afraid that it is inconvenient." Leizan thought that it was already gifted when she gave her a drug. At that time, she had two injuries in her deep, and he did a long time to fight. When she was ashamed, she didn't expect to take the initiative tonight.

"The last time, you helped me rub .." Mo Fujiao said, "Moreover, we have already, what is it inconvenient?"

Leigh Heartbeat accelerated, remembered that night, it is very embarrassing ...

"Ginger soup is cooked?" Moof transferred topic, "I just think thirst."

"Oh, I will poured you." Leigh fell a glass of ginger soup, and the end handed it to Mo Soft, "it is hot, you slow down."

"Well." Mo said softly, "I am really hot."

"Waiting for it, drink it again." Le Le took the coffee table and looked at her, and immediately moved it. "I, I will go first, take a break, good night."

Leisheng got up and went, Mo said that he looked at him.

"You are now at home, there will be no things." Leisi frowned her, "You have a good rest, I really have to go."

"Okay, then you will go." This time, Mo Mo did not pull him again, "Go to France to find your Williapi !!"

Leizie didn't talk, and walked to the door ...

"Love this kind of thing is a guilt." Mo said his back, so he made a bitter saying, "I love you so much, I am willing to pay everything, but your mind is all in William, even her betrayal You don't mind, you don't care about it to France to find her, maybe she is going to bed with Austine now ... "

"Shut up !!!" Lerere excited roar, "Don't say this."


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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