Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1550, the heart of the anti-human

"What is your so-called approach is to marry the Austin?" Sophisticated, "Marriage is a lifetime of a lifetime. It is not the anticipation you use, if you do something wrong now, regret it in the future That's too late."

William is silent, did not speak, in fact, she is somewhat entangled, when she is moved by Austin, she will feel that her decision is right, but afterwards, her heart will feel very unrest ... ...

"Mommy knows, you are now very tangled, Mommy only asks you something ..." Sophored Holding William Fei's hand, solemnly asked, "This child ... is not Austin of??"

William Feier didn't speak, and the eyes were a little flash. She was wrapped by Leizie and Mo Mo, and was touched by Austin, so I would say that, I think that she seems to be a little impulsive ...

Madam, Sophia, saw William Fili's mind, asked: "This child is not Austin, is Leigh, is it right?"

"Who is there any relationship?" Williafei smiled bitter. "Anti-Leizie has been with Mo Mo, he betrayed our feelings, I wounded my body without skin, I can't find him again, and Mes Ting, he is really good for me, and I am willing to accept this child, I have no reason not to consider him. "

"You are really confused !!!" Sophored is full of face, slow slow, her dignified -

"Leager betrayed you, you should not find him anymore, should you find Austin? Indeed, he is very loved to you, this I have to admit that a person persists so many unremitting efforts to pursue you. , Use various methods for various ways, that kind of perseverance is not the average person can do, in this, I feel admired.

And he is now very good to be inertile, the style is ignorant, the body is attached, gentle and delicate, so that I will have an illusion, this is almost perfect man, it is really a strong, for the purpose of the purpose. Forced you to parents, find people to fight Leigh, and always rape your Austine again and again. This is it two people! ! !

And you, probably forgotten the previous thing, is it aid? Do you feel that those things are going, no longer important? What is your current and future? ? ? But have you ever thought about it, is it really easy to change? Out of a car accident, I have experienced a life and death. ? ? Do you really believe? ? ? I think it is impossible. . "

When I heard these words, Williafei was in thought, recalling that Austine had a bad person before, her heart is very uneasy ...

In fact, she didn't think of these problems that my mother said, but sometimes she would stop being determined by emotions.

Now, after the mother's reminder, she looks forward, I don't have some seepage, indeed, and I will make some natural camouflage for some purposes. Sometimes I can see some natural camouflage. Bright side……

But thinking that Austin is good to her, Williafi is not willing to go to the wrong direction, she is uneasy: "Even if you say, Austin is hidden, but can't explain what, He didn't harm us, even helped us, last time you did something, if he helped him, our mother and daughter don't know what it is. "

Mrs. Sophia really wants to tell her, last time, although Austin has helped some busy, but the key or her biological father Lin En threaten Ai Huade, Ai Huade will let go, but Lin Enqi I can't tell Williapi. So Sophia can only continue to hit, from other perspectives to persuade William Fiier, she holds William Fiier's hand, and vigorously advise the heart -

"Feier, you are too young, some things are not thoughtful, but Mommy is already coming, experienced the twists and turns of life, the big life of life, the danger of human nature, is qualified to be your life Refers to the light, so I hope you can listen to the opinions of Mommy.

I know, you have been seriously injured in your feelings. Now the soul is particularly fragile. You need to comfort it. You need to find a relying on it. At this time, Austin is still not allowed to give you, and even willing to grieve themselves, accept you and others. Men's children, so you are very touched, you will be touched by any woman, but you think more about it ... "

Speaking of this, Sophifiers have a little low in the door, and the volume is lowered -

"Your pregnant news, Mommy is fully blocked, did not let anyone leaked it, how did Arskin know? Can you still come over? This shows that he has always been arranged by our side, stare Well with us. "

"Will n't it?" Williafei felt creepy.

"Otherwise? How do you explain, he received the news and rushed over?" Sophisticated, "Even if someone went out, I have to take a little time to pass it to him? But I Forget it, I know that he is here for an hour after pregnancy, he has to arrive at us at our home. What does this explain? When the doctor told me, when his eyes heard, immediately notified He, so he will come over so time. "

Williapi's brow is tight, and the mother is very reasonable. Every time she has anything, Austin will arrive in time, this is enough to explain that he really plays the eyeliner in her. ...

I thought about it, Williafei said: "But this can not explain anything, or he just wants to protect us, so can people be around us?"

"You said it nor doesn't reason." Sophored, "Currently, I am full of alert to him, but there is no evidence that he has problems, so I don't dare to say anything, but Feier, you think no Is it true that Austine is a child? I am afraid, I am afraid that this is just his slowdown, I hope that I have more concern, but what do I speculate is right? Then the child is dangerous !!! "

Williafei played a cold, and he was afraid to look at Sophia: "Mommy, what you mean is that Austine may be lie to me? I will give my child with him. Drop? "

"I have this kind of worry." Sophored helped his head, solemnly said that "Austin family is not so good, even if he really accepts this child, what about his parents? Ai Wah and Kirie are not a deficient light, they should be very clear that you are not clear, even if you are not clear, wait for the fetus, forced you to check it to determine that DNA is not impossible, When I arrived, this child is not Austin, this child is dangerous. "

"Heaven, I almost put myself into the road ..." William Fei's hurts the head of the brain, "I really really really, I didn't expect this."

"So I have been reminding you, even if you don't have Le Le, you don't have to give other men's opportunities." Sophie is mercy, "Child," Child, you are still small, less than twenty years old, Life is experienced, you have no experience, make a wrong decision, Mummy can understand, but in this big thing, you must have a Mummy, you can't make yourself, otherwise it will be unimaginable. "

"Sorry, Mommy ..." William Feier is very embarrassing, "I was really too vocong of this time, I promised Austin, what should I do?"

"You don't have to worry." Sophored woman patted her hand, stunned, "I see Ai Huade will not agree to this marriage, you will pick us up in a few days, wait for him, Aihua can't move us, we will drag it again. "

"Well ..." Williafi nodded.

"Fili ..." Sophia held Williapi's hand, "I know that Leles will bring you a big blow, but you have to be strong, you are in a high place, you have to bear the average person Unable to imagine, there are many people around you, and if you are not careful, you will be eaten, there is no bones ... "

"I know……"

William Feier is flustered, thinking that her weakness, she is very embarrassed, before her things makes the mother broken, now she still rely on the mother to pass the difficulties, she can't be so brave, she must be brave In the face of everything, it is to lose a love, there is nothing, Leigh does not cherish her, is his loss, she should not be sad for this man, not worth it.


Austin hurriedly rushed home, directly to the study, find a father, Ai Huade.

Ai Wah is talking to a business phone, seeing his son's look anxiously, and quickly hang up the phone, lifting him: "Austin, what happened?"

"Hey, I want to marry Fei." Austin said, "You go to a Philippine home with me, when you face her Mummy, you agree to this marriage !!"

Ai Huade's brow wrinkled, did not have an emergency response, but the official document in his hand ...

" ... ..."

"William Philippine is willing to marry you?" Ai Wah did not look up, and his eyes stared at the document.

"She is willing!" Austin said, "She said, as long as you agree with this marriage, she will marry me."

"Oh!" Ai Huade's laughter, "I used to install a clean and arrogant. Now it is not a princess, but also a wild species of the man, this time, I think of you."

Austin looked at my father: "Hey, how do you know that Feier is pregnant??"

"You know, I know." Ai Huade said coldly, "this woman can't marry."


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