"Why?" Asked under Austin.

"Need me to say so clear?" Ai Huade wrinkled, no goodness, "The child is not your kind, you go back to this black pot? I haven't started to wear the green hat first, you Don't be embarrassed, I am thinking about it. "

"I know you will be this attitude." Austin sat down, stretched with the nature, "Hey, you know me, how can I raise children for others? Is this not a way to slow? Feiier is pregnant for three or four weeks, etc., let her take her to enter the door, just create an accident, let her abortion have a hundred? "

Ai Huade thought about it, sigh: "This is not a good way, but why do you have to find her? She follows other men, flowing, now there is also a royal princess, you marry her The goodness of the dite is not. There are so many nobles in this world, and one is stronger than her. "

"There are so many women in this world, maybe there is a good condition than Philippine, but I like her, this life only marry her alone, no one can change." Austin's eyes are unswerving.

"If I don't agree?" Ai Huad is unsolicited.

"You still agree, this marriage is a hundred people who have a good harm." Austin dismoured. "You think that William Earl is now going, but Fei Lier's biological father Lin En But the number of Dubai has a number of riches, and he has had cancer, life is not long, after he is dead, is it worthy of Fei, if Fei is married, those property is our home. "

"Yes !!" Ai Huade is like a dream, "You don't say, I have really forgot this important issue, and William Bo is outside the emotion of the royal family, there is nothing, can be indigenous, he is rich in enemy, It's almost dying, now William Feier is coming over, just able to inherit Lin En's property !!! "

"That is." Austish saw his father shake, immediately went to the father, "Hey, quickly change clothes, go to Feier family with me."

"Wait a minute." Ai Huade looked at him seriously. "I can go with you, but you have to promise me a condition."

"What are the conditions?" Asked under Austin.

Ai Huadhe said hello to say: "Half a month after marriage, you must let Williafei's abortion, I will never accept you for others."

"I don't accept it, you can rest assured that it is waiting for less than half a month. As long as I get married, I will let the Philippine abortion." Austin said.

"To speak, if you go back, I will deal with Williapi." "Ai Huade is severely warned.

"Calculating count counts, certain counts." Austin didn't want to listen to it at all, just want to hurry to enter the door ...


Aihua is replaced with clothes, which will prepare some gifts, then drive to Williapi family with Austin.

On the car, Austin thought that he would have to complete the dream of dreams, William Fei's wife, very excited, but also specially changed a suit, hit the tie, and took the mirror, let himself look It is solemn, so you can show your sincerity! ! !

Ai Huade looked at him nervous, I couldn't help but sigh: "I thought I was very infatuated, I didn't expect you to be infatuated than you, what is Williafei? She is not as young as her mother. At the time, her mother had already held a family, she had a family, she, she only knows that life is under the shelter of her mother, nothing, don't understand, I can't help you. "

"You are enough." Austin angryly looked at the father, "" Fili knows more things, but you don't know her, then, the woman is too savvy, and it is not necessarily a good thing. I like Fei. Simply lovely, anyone is not more than her. "

"Well, okay, each has love, I will not force it." Love Warde shift the topic, "But I see that you look like this, my heart is still a little worried, and if Williafi is in front of you, You may not have your hand. "

"I am not hurting her, just don't want to leave the wild species."

ArsTin is slightly frowned. Although he said on his mouth, but the heart is actually empty. If Feier really insists on leaving this child, he may, probably, can I don't do it? ?

No, this is the principle problem, you can't get it, this child, he is impossible to accept.

From the moment of knowing William Fiper, Austin didn't think about it to leave this child. He said that William Fei is to take care of her and children, just want to win her trust in that moment. And touching, everything is only for her, the child, he never thought about it. .

Thinking of this, Austin has once again declared: "You can rest assured, you will not leave the wild species."

"You must firmly strengthen your beliefs, don't be shaken by William." Ai Huade's reminder "

"You have to know, this is not just a child, or she is crying with Leles, as long as this child exists, she and Leigh relationship can't be broken.

You think that Leles is a purebred Chinese. You and Williafei are French people. If the child will live successfully, inherit the Leigh's bloodline, then people will recognize it. His species, what is your face? ? What is the face of our family? ? ?

Also, Leles will also know that this child is him. He will come to grab the child. William Fiier is a little easy to be silent, saying that it is because of the cause of the child, and you will be broken with him, you will really It's not worth it! ! ! "

When I heard these words, Austin suddenly realized that, he was just a heart thoughts and did not want to raise children for others. I really didn't expect such a deep, now the father is a analysis, he understands, this is far more than him. It's more complicated, and a child has too much things, I want William Figer to die with him, they have to slap in the roots! ! !

"Austin, you are all for you, you have to understand the pain of the ground."

Ai Wah took the back of the Austin, and he worked hard.

"In fact, our french thinking is not so conservative. Now this society, divorce remarriage is very common, you like Williafei, you can ignore her, I really don't mind.

To be honest, even if she doesn't have Lin Yue, I will agree with this marriage, I am not waiting for a few years, you have played her greysstick and then divorced, and I re-married a wealth.

However, you have to get Williapi, I have to help you complete your wish, you must be cautious, our home is big, future generations should inherit our 100-year base industry, do not let The blood is chaos.

Besides, Lei Zhen Ting is now in the official job. How much we have to take him, if Williafi is staying, in the future, the people of Leijia will grab the child, we are inevitable, there is still a trouble, there is so much happening It is better to solve things in the case now, it is a hundred! ! ! "

"Oh ..." Austin sighed, "I understand, you! You don't have to persuade, I will stick to my belief, I will never be shaken by anything, I will have a door, I will At the beginning of it. "

"In fact, I don't need to wait until that time ..." Ai Huade is smiling, "it is a good time now."

"Now ???" Austusi eye wrinkle, "No! Now Feiier has not married me, can't let her abort this time, even if I do it, I can't make it, I don't know that I finish, she I am afraid it will be sad, my heart is cold, then leave this place ... "

"This kind of thing, I don't need you to refer to it." Ai Huade means that it is deeply long. "We should come to kill people, you have two !!!"

"What do you mean?" Austine did not understand the father's meaning.

"Hey, look at it yourself." Ai Wah handed his mobile phone to the Austine.

Austin took a mobile phone and the mobile phone screen is a SMS interface. Before two hours, Ai Wah received a message. The content is very simple: a three-port I have already boarded the plane from China to Paris, France. In the future, France time arrived at Paris at four in the morning!

"Le Lee France?" "Yusin shouted," Nobody inform me ??? That Moy, what do you do? "

He took out the mobile phone and was ready to give Moilephone ...

"No need to play." Ai Huadel holds the hand of Austin. "How can the woman have to fight the Ray family, even if the Leigh is in the bureau, the mind is not clear, Lei Zhen Ting, cold if ice is not The light of the oil, not to mention there is a night flame, and their family is a great role. Just a person can see your conspiracy, take action. "

"You all know what I arranged?" Austish is very surprised. It turns out that all his actions are in the palm of your father.

"You are my son, I have to guarantee your safety!" Ai Huade smiled slightly, "said the return to Zheng, this car is coming to William, I will talk about the business, you listen to me ..."

"Well." Austin nodded.

"Now, in addition to you and Williapi, there are me, no one dares to affirm whom this child is, I am afraid that Leizie thinks that this child is yours, so he will make it like Williafei, now he The reason why it will come to France to find William, but it is necessary to confirm this.

You must now do three things, first, you have to let Williafi believe in unswervingly, you are full of love, you can pay everything, this matter, I will work with you, anyway you I don't mind when I am guilty;

Second, you have to let Leizie believe that this child is yours;

Third, you have to let William Feier completely die of Le Le, standing at you ... "


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