"No." Austin held Williapi's hand, vowed to the guarantee, "I swear, you are with me, I will never pass you, I have been wronged, I will be married, I live alone, I Will not let me die to our lives, what do you like, I all according to you. "

When I heard these words, William Fiier couldn't help but somewhat movement. She turned her eyes. I remembered that Leles, Le Leisha's family was also very complicated, but his parents relatives were a good person, and she is in her. I always feel very practical, there is no burden ...

It is a pity that Leles is not loyal, he loves her, just a mirror flower.

Unlike Austine, willing to do everything for her, pay everything ...

"Fili ..." Austin said, "My feelings for you are not a day. Two years, from the time when I know how to be male and female, I deeply fell in love with you. This feelings will not change in their lives. I believe me, I will give you happiness! "

Williapi is almost said to be said to him, but as long as I think of his family, she is afraid.

"What are you worried about? Is it afraid that I am a mad?" Austin is anxious, "You rest assured, I will never let this happen, if I really hurt you, I will tell him the relationship. "

"Don't say this, he will last after all, everything you do is for you." Williafei is a bit embarrassing, what is her? "Let Austi are so affectionate.

"What I said is real……"

Austine hugs Williafi, but the eyes stared at the watch on the watch. At 10 o'clock, Le Lee's plane was only arrived in the morning, and there is still a long six hours. This play can fall into a climax. How do he dragged?


Downstairs, Ai Huade won this bureau of Sophie, laughing: "It's not easy, a game is so long-lasting."

"It's too powerful, I am always fighting you."

The Sophia is double, she knows, whether it is in the chess or in the strategy, she is always more than Ai Huad, not only because he is higher than her, but more importantly, he is enough enough to vicious enough. Objective, I will never do it.

"One game, what to fight?" Ai Huade looked at her. "We are people on the same boat, should stand on the same line, together with the same boat."

Sophia raised the lips, did not speak, more than the meaning, she is different from the love of the love, the values ​​are different, there is nothing to argue.

I love Huadel and said: "The special plane of the 11th point, my follower will take the form of you, tomorrow, I will go to work at 9:00 in the morning, I will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for 9 o'clock. Time is just good. "

The movement of Sophia, I looked at him wrong: "Don't use it so much ??"

"Guo government special plane, not everyone can use." Ai Huade smiled at her, "Without my arrangement, you can't stand in France, the Queen has stared at your mother and daughter."

"You mean, Feier has remembering the France with Austine, can you leave France ???" Soviet madam is a three feet, "Is this marriage or transaction? If you use this attitude to see this marriage, then I resolute Will not agree. "

"You have considered ..."

"Nothing to consider." Sophia interrupted his words, "My daughter is not brought to sacrifice, she will promise to marry Austin, because he is touched, I think he is a good relief. , Not what stresses. "

"Why is you so angry?" Ai Huade's soft voice, "If you are not for you, I will not have this policy."

Sophie is very angry, reversing his head, don't want to care about him ...

At this time, Ai Huaded's mobile phone rang, he took a look at it, deeply sighed, handed the mobile phone to Sophor: "You see, Austin is also sending a text message to call me not to be difficult. Children, saying that marriage is not anxious to be a moment, but also say that if I am so sad again, he is angry. I am a son, but I am thinking about your daughter. Which one is not that Leizie? How do you? Will not think? "

Sophia took a mobile phone to see the mobile phone, it is indeed a text message from Austin. The words are eager to show their own mind, let love Warde don't force them, but also say that if he forced them, I will cut my father and son. relationship.

Seeing this, Sophor Madam can't help but touch some, it seems that she is more than, Ai Huad is a human, but Austin is still in love with Feier ...

Ai Huade looked at the response of Sophia, knowing that his first step is scheduled, he is a bad person, lining the sincerity of Austin, so that the second step plan is good.

"Okay, don't be angry." Ai Huade patted her back, "As long as you promise to fulfill his promise, I will not do so, this matter is that your daughter agreed, now, she Don't you deliberately play Austin? You think about it, if Arskin is so happy to your family, would you be happy? "

Soviet Mrs is silent, it is indeed, this matter is also the incorrect of Williapi, before Lin En has lived in love, this is a long time, they haven't harass them, if it is not Williafi The softness promised to marry Austin, people will not be wrapped in them again ...

"This is." Ai Huade has retired one step, "as long as you guarantee to fulfill your commitment, I will not force Fai. I will register with Austish tomorrow. The marriage will wait for Lin En to handle it."

"Really?" Sophor laughed at him, "You should know that the child in the Philippine belly is not Austin, will you be so big?"

"There is no way, who makes Austin like Fili?" Ai Huade sighed, "Austin's personality, how much you know, he recognizes one thing, no one can change, I also take it He has no way, or you think that I will really accept it? "

When I heard these words, Sophia began to believe in him, Austin is indeed very stubborn, these are in the eyes, then say, even if their father and son have other conspiracy? Tomorrow they have to go to Hong Kong, waiting to leave France, their father and son are not able to take them.

Still now, Ai Wah is said to say ...

Thinking of this, Sophia nodded: "Well, I promise, after Lynn's condition is stable, I started to arrange Philippine and Austin's marriage."

"This is right." Ai Huade smiled, Sophia did not know, he secretly recorded the sound ...


At the early morning, the rain finally stopped, Ai Huade looked at the watch and said: "Almost returned, how can I can't still come?"

"I will go to see." Sophia got up to the floor, just didn't take it, the maid came to Williafei's good Chinese medicine, Ai Huad is quite casual, "That is what?"

"The Duke adult, this is a Chinese medicine for Miss Williapi." Maid answered.

"Give me a look." Ai Huade tricks, "How can she drink Chinese medicine in pregnant? Don't make a mistake."

"This is the medicine opened by the doctor." The female commission came over.

Ai Huade unveiled the cover and smelled, and the brow wrinkled: "This taste is too strong, can pregnant women drink?"

"There should be no problem, it is a doctor invited by the lady." Maid said.

"I see this medicine should be very bitter. You take some candy to give Fiier together, she drinks medicine and eats candy." Ai Wah said.

"Oh, right. I will take it right away." The maid puts the medicine on the coffee table, and quickly went to the kitchen to take candy.

Love Waide is around, seeing no one pays attention to it, immediately throwing the abortion in the sleeves into the bowl ...

His action is very fast, just a few seconds, when the maid came back, he was holding the phone to call the phone, told the driver to put the car, say they were ready to go back.

The maid did not pay attention to what is wrong, and the Chinese medicine will go upstairs.

At this time, the Sophora was knocked on the door, and the Austin stationed in the door: "What is the mother, what ??"

"The rain stops, you will call you together."

Sophia looked at the room, Williafei leaned against the bed listening to the chapter, and the coat of the Austin was placed on the bedside chair. It seems that he did not make anything more effective for Fei.

But Sophia still can't let him stay here for the night, and then, "Fili is not in good health, this time I am accompanying her to sleep, you go back early, will we go to the airport tomorrow morning? ? "

"Oh, ok." Austin did not look back. He has already discussed the plan with his father. It is also time to go, he turned his head, deeply looked at Williapi, "Feiner, I am leaving!"

"Well." William Fi is nodded, "is careful on the road."

"Well, you have a rest early, don't think about it" Austine is concerned.

"Know it." Williafei smiled, "Remember your jacket."

"Oh, right." Austin came back to take the coat, leaned over kissed the forehead of Williafei, and then he reluctantly walked out of the room, and he greeted the Sophifier.

"The car is ready, your mommy is still waiting for us at home, hurry." Aihua put a coat.

On the side of Mount, wearing a coat, Sophia sent him later, women who sent medicine were passed with them, and Sophia also said: "We must look at Fili. "

"Yes, lady." The maid responded.

Austin has a bowl of medicine, and looks to his father. Ai Huade's eyes are deep. He is not a tight. He knows that his father has completed the task. He said in his heart, Feiier, don't blame me, I am so It is for our future to think ...

This kind of species should not come to this world, and we will have children. .


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