"Sophie, you can take care of Feier, don't send us." Ai Wude said.

"It doesn't matter, I will send you out." Sophored said.

"It is a family, you don't have to be too polite." Ai Huade laughed, "You have to go back to the house to pick up your luggage. Tomorrow, I will take you to the airport."

"That's okay." Sophored, "I went to the building to take care of Feier, you slowly."

"Rest early, good night."

Ai Wah and Austin walked out of the villa, ready to go to the train, Sophored, Sophored, then, the sound came from outside, and a rush to report, "Mrs. Lady, the people of Lei Jia came. ! "

Sophored, the eyes of the eyes, unbelieving: "What? Lei Jia?"

"Yes, Le Le and his parents are coming, the car is already outside the yard, waiting for your instructions."

"What do they come?"

Sophored is very surprised. If you are planned according to the original plan, the Leilai family is going to find Fei, but isn't it to find Leigh with Mo Sir? And later she said with cold if the ice is called, this is until there is, she will not let the Feier are wronged, nor do you want to see Leizie again.

She thought that the people of Leijia will not be able to manage Fei. I didn't expect this moment, they actually found a home.


Ai Wah and the father and son of Austum are also stunned, don't you say it? At 4 o'clock to Paris Airport? How can I come now?

The brow of the Austin is frowned, and the father is uneasy, what should I do? ? He is not afraid of the people who are afraid, just afraid that he and his father are being exposed, then the Feier will forgive him in their lives.

Aihua said: "It seems that we can't walk tonight, you go upstairs to accompany the Philippine, don't let her be bothered."

"She just served the medicine, I am afraid that I can't sleep now." Austi said.

"It doesn't matter, go." Ai Wah patted his shoulders, whispered in his ear, "This medicine will only seize after four or five hours, and we have the opportunity to complete the plan, the key is Let her drink. "

"Know it." Austin immediately understood what he turned and turned on.

"Austin ..." Sophie said him, "You are ..."

"I am going to accompany the Philippine." Austin said, "I can't let her hurt."

Sophie wrinkled, and his heart was like a numbness. She just agreed to Ai Huadian marriage. The people of this Leijia came again. What happened now?

"The person is a guest, go to the reception." Ai Huadus is returned to the living room. "Tonight is really lively. I still feel a bit exhausted, now I am not sleeping now."

"You don't have to be acidic, not me call them." Sophie wrinkled, "I have talked with Leizie's mother before, saying that the feet and Leles are over, don't Goodbye, I didn't expect ... "

"I understand." Ai Huade smiled at her, "Don't worry, I don't misunderstand, just for you, this, how do you cope?"

Mrs. Sophia is really very troubled. Although she has a deep grievance to Leles, Lei Zhen Ting and cold ice are all kinds of good people, and she is really a good person. She really doesn't want to be difficulties, but Ai Wah and Austin are Here, she can't be too good for them ...

"Lady, do you want to put them in?" Asked.

Sophie came to think, said: "The Duke of Ai Huad is said, the coming is a guest, of course, it is necessary to come in."

"Okay." With the order, it is soon, soon, the iron gate of the yard slowly opened, and a car came in.

Sophia is preparing to welcome it, Ai Huad is not cold, saying: "Leigh is so sad, it is so sad, you don't have it to be ignored by her mother?"

Sophie's brow wrinkle: "Feiier is my daughter, I certainly hurt her, Leizie is here, I must criticize him, but the head of the thunder and the cold lady have no mistakes, I have to be polite to people."

Said, she went straight out ...

Ai Huade looked at her back and looked upstairs, and sent a text message to Austin: "Be sure to say that this child is yours."


Upstairs, I will remove it immediately after watching the text message, raise your hand and prepare to knock on the door, the door is open, Williafi wears the pajamas standing in the door, see him, seeing some surprises: "Austin, you Haven't got it yet? "

"It's ready to go, come back again." The eyes of Austin crossed Williapi's hair, looking to the room, the bowl did not drink, and placed in the bed, he frowned, "What do you get up? ? Don't sleep so late? "

"I heard the car on the downstairs, I also heard the voice of the maid, is there a guest?" Williafei looked at the door.

"It seems ..." Austin deeply looked at William Fi, "It's a family of Leilali."

"Ah?" Williamfi is, the heartbeat is accelerated, she didn't think that Leles will come to her at this time, she suspects that she is dreaming, or an illusion.

"Advanced houses, cold outside."

Austin Welcome-to-Lower Feather returns to the room, Williapi is not here, the eyes also look at the door, Le Lezhen is coming? ? Isn't he bounced with Mo Mo? Why come to me again?

"Quickly lying down, don't be cold." Austin held William Fei's lying on the bed, covering the quilt for her, "Hey, your medicine has not drunk? Let's drink, it will be more bitter." "

Said, Austin is administered to Williafi, "Come, I feed you!"

"I don't want to drink." Williamfi wrinkled, "This medicine is too bitter, I drink awes."

"Is this not your Mommy to help you help you open the prescription? It is to nurse your body, hey, drink it." Austin patiently squatted her, "You Chinese is not a saying. It is good to be ill, you have to think about the health of your child. "

William Feier has no resignation, I have passed the medicine: "I am here ..."


Downstairs, Lei Jia people took a car, Sophied, Mrs. Sophied greets them: "The head of Lei, the cold lady, welcome you!"

"It's embarrassing, I am so popular." The cold lady said, "We just got off the plane, I wanted to visit again tomorrow morning, but Le Lee remembers Fei, we have to come."

"Hey?" Sophisticated, I looked coldly, "He didn't accompany the girl named Mo Mo in Hong Kong? How can I still have time to pay for our family?"

Le Lee is low, saying that he is right, he is doing wrong, it is unable to be joined by people, he has prepared it.

"Leisilil is confused, do something wrong, we have blamed him, but those things are hidden, I will tell you later." Cold Ruozi said, "Philippine? How? What? Are you ok?"

"she was……"

"The Philippine body is very good, thank you for your concern." Ai Huade's voice came, cold if ice turned his head, "this is ..."

"The Duke of Aihua, the father of Austin." Lei Zhenting said faintly, "I just saw your car, I would stay here for a long time?"

"Lei Shou is good." Ai Huade smiled slightly, "I and my son Austine is here, we will soon become a family, take care of each other, and it should be."

Sophia lowed his head, did not speak, this time she didn't know what to say. .

"Is a family?" Cold if the ice frowned to see Sophia, I saw her very difficult, cold if ice did not say anything, but the heart is not bad, Mo Castin is in the first, Fei Lier promised his proposal. ? ?

"Austin is here too?" Leigh reluctantly hired that the anger of the heart, cold-cold question, "What about others?"

"He rests in Feier's room, how? How? How do you find him?" Ai Huade raised her eyebrows.

"What ???" Leisha's mood becomes excited, "they actually ..."

"Leigh !!!" Lei Zhenwei drunk low, warned to him, indicating that he calm, not so impulsive.

"Sophie ..." Cold, if the ice said, "I know, Le Le is doing a lot of wrong things, hurting Fei, and we feel very apogase, he specially arrived at Paris, but also want When you apologize with Feier, explain the things that have happened during this time. I don't know if Feier has slept. Is it easy to come out with Leizan? "

Cold, if the ice is reasonable, Sophie can't bear to reject her, but it is not good to agree, she is not good to say, "I went to see it. You can go up !!!"

"Thank you."

The Leles family followed the Sophifier who entered the house, and Ai Hua was like a male owner as a male owner ordered the maid to prepare coffee and snacks, and asked the situation in the journey ...

Lei Zhen Ting did not like to deal with this hypocritical person. Leizie is more embarrassed to him.

Ai Huaded heard a lot of rumors about cold ice, but this was the first time I saw her. Sure enough, it is a powerful role. It is no wonder that so many people will take a lifetime to guard her.

At the same time, Ai Huade is also more cautious, dealing with such a powerful role, he has to be careful ...


In the room, Austin looked at the Chinese medicine that was accidentally poured in bed by William, and the brow wrinkled, this is bad, the medicine did not eat, today's plan is really white.

"Sorry, I just lost the medicine for a while, wet your clothes, you quickly go to the bathroom to clean it." Williafei said.

"No ..." Austin is looking forward to saying, but suddenly thinks another coup, Leizie is now downstairs, he should take this opportunity to make a misunderstanding, so he nodded, "This medicine sticky It is really uncomfortable to get it on the body. I am going to wash it, so I am fine, this is wet, you lay a little while on the sofa. "

"Well." William Fi is nodded, "Go Go."

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