On the side of Austin, I took the clothes while going to the bathroom, the jacket, the vest, shirt lost a place, and walked into the clothes in the bathroom.

Although Williapi felt that he was a bit awkward, he thought that he may live alone, so there is no intention.

And the pajamas on her body is also soaked, so she took off the pajamas on her body. I found a skirt to replace it. At this time, I came to knock on the door outside: "Hey!"

William Feier is shocked, asking for tense: "Who?"

"Fili, is Mom."

The Sophifier turned his head and he stood not far away. He was rushing to Williafifei, but he stood up on the building, but he stood around the distance. He didn't get close, proved his good. Tutor.

"Oh, Mommy, what?" William Fili opened a gap.

"What are you doing?" Sophored saw Williafi actually wearing underwear, can't help but smash his eyes.

"I ..." Williafei is to explain, suddenly see Leizie standing behind, she stunned, he is really coming! ! !

"Fili ..." Leizie has not seen it clearly, his point of view, only see Williapi's face, the following are covered by Sophifier, he is excited to come, want to follow Williapi Speaking of a few words, William Fi is going to close, he hurriedly with his hand to stay, "Feier, you listen to me, in fact, I ..."

If he didn't finish it, he didn't finish it, because he didn't wear clothes, and the bedroom was scattered everywhere in Austin's clothes! ! !

Le Lee looked at her, the mind bombarded, like explosive, a mess, countless messy scenes flashed, all Williafi and Austine lingering scene ...

"Leigh, don't bring the door, you will get to Feier." Sophia quickly pushed the Leigh, pushed the Fei Lier into the room, explained, "Are you changing clothes? Come on."

William Fiier avoided the door and shouted, and her heart jumped. She knew that Leizie had just misunderstood, she thinks, don't explain it, no matter what, she has not done, she can't carry this black pot.

"Le Le, you don't misunderstand, Feier knows you, this is preparing to change clothes to the building." Sophia played a round field, "You go down, Feier changed the clothes."

"Well." Although the Leles of the thunderous mind is messy, there are many guess, but he heard that Sophifier said that he is willing to believe that he believes that Feiier is not that kind of person, must not.

Sophored is relieved in his heart, no matter what, Leizie's family teaches very well, noisy, noisy, and willing to explain, things are not awake.

"Feier, you, you slowly change your clothes, I am waiting for you downstairs." Leisi said, ready to go downstairs.

"Fili, help me take a bathrobe."

At this time, the big shout of Austin came from the room ...

Leizie suddenly shocked, horror, smashed his eyes, unbelieving the door, Austting is really in the room! ! ! It is also taking a bath in the bathroom. It is no wonder that the carpet is scattered with his clothes. It is no wonder that the Feier will be uneven. What did they do? ? ? ? Are they ... Is it what kind of thing? ?

How can Sophor hurt my brain? How can this Austine take a shower in the Philippine room? ?

Williapi also felt very speechless, this, she really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't be cleared, but why did she explain? She did not have anything to be sorry for Leisley, but he didn't know how many times didn't know how many beds were on, and they were still mixed with Mo Fu.

Since he is sorry for her, why do you ask her to protect him such as jade? ? ?

Thinking of this, William Fei is tall, set a good dress, and then open the door, cold and looked at Le Le: "Are you not accompanied? What is it ???"

Le Leng's anger, burning in the fire, holding hands into a punch, but he keeps reminding himself, can't impulsive, can't impulse, don't impulsive ...

He took advantage of a sigh of relief, and strive to make his voice sounded calm: "I am looking for you ..."

"What is it for me?" Williafei is so laughing, "Let me participate in you and Mo Sir's wedding?"

"I am with her, not what you think." Leles explained, "In fact, I ... I have always loved you."

"Is it?" Williafei laughed, "When you go to bed with her, it is also loved to be?"

Le Lee, no words.

"Fili, don't talk like this." Sophisticated said softly, "What if there is anything."

"We have nothing to say." William Fi is open, no longer watching Leizie, "You will go, we are over."

"Is it?" Le Leng indignantly stared at her. "Is it because Mo Soft, or because of Austin?"

"You have done the shameless thing, but also think about it." "William Fei is a big one," Le Le, you still have to face? "

"Who is not a face first ???" Le Leng also fired, and he couldn't control his emotions. "I will go to the palace in order to help you, just have a few days, just have a few days, you will follow The man is on the bed, is you so wait? "

"Hey !!!" William Feier gave him a slap in the face, the eyes were pouring, "you are not eligible to scold me ..."

She wanted to say that she did not have anything sorry for himself from beginning to end, but a group angered in the chest, she couldn't say it, why he can mix with other women, and accuse her here? ? What qualifications are he? ?

"Fili, what is your doing? Have something to say, how can you play people?" Sophored anxiously.

"Yes, I am not qualified ..." Le Le smiled and nodded, "So you don't say that I am sorry, we are, you are sorry, I am in the first ..."

"Le Le, you said this kind of words is too bad." Sophia is angry, "Feier is gone by you, how can she be sorry? She has been waiting for you to find her, wait It is a message that you betray her. "

"She is waiting for me?" Le Lee smiled, pointed at the big bed behind William, "She is waiting for me in bed with other men ????"

"You ..." Sophored is full of face, "How can you insult Fiier like this, she doesn't ..."

"Fili, what happened."

The explanation of Sophia has not been interrupted, and Austin came out of the bath towel. It was around a bath towel. He also took a towel in his hand and saw Le Le, he appeared very I don't know if Leizie will be here.

Seeing this scene, Leizie is more excited, pointing at William Fiier: "I insult her ??? It is her own insults !!! All are pregnant, I will go to bed with men, are you so hungry?"

"Your bastard -" Williafield is unscapage, and you will fight Leigh.

Leizie didn't return her hand, let her play, just watched her sadness: "It is wrong to see you, read the wrong you ..."

"Leigh, not allowed."

At this time, cold if ice hurriedly ran to the building, she heard the sound, first watched it, thinking that the two quarreled a few sentences, did not expect more fierce, so I immediately came upstairs to persuade.

Lei Zhen Ting is also ready to go upstairs. Ai Wah has pulled him: "Young people let them solve themselves, people will only add chaos."

Austin picks up his clothes to change behind the screen, no matter what, the purpose has been reached, first put the clothes and then say it. .


"Le Le, you let go of Feier, let go of her -" Sophia pushed Leigh.

"Le Le, you are cold, there is something to say." Cold if ice pulled Leigh.

Le Le finally let go, sad, say: "On the road, I have been reminding yourself, calm, calm, no matter what you see, what you have, you have to be calm, but now, see this scenario, how do you call me? calm?"

Cold, if the ice sweeps the room, frowning William Feier: "Fei, I believe you are not that kind of person, this must be a misunderstanding?"

"I ..." Williafei saw that cold ice is also coming, and how much is some awesome, ready to explain.

"Is there any kind of misunderstanding?" Leisha is angry with Williafei, "she didn't take the man with the man, how can people take a shower in her bathroom, she still has a dress, I just did it. "

William Fiier listened to this, the fire, excited roar: "Yes, I am going to bed with Austine, how???? ? "

"You ..." Leles was extremely angry. If you waive Williafi, Sophia immediately guarded in front of Williapi, "Do you dare to do it ???"

"You hit, you have the ability to kill me." Williafi bite his teeth, "I tell you, Austin is better than you, at least he never talks to other women, at least him Every time I am the most critical time, I am with me, what about you? Where are you ??? "

"It turned out in your heart, I am so incomplete? Then all is it white waste?" Leisha's eyes were red, "you have changed, it has become complete, if so, I have no Something. I only ask you ... "

He took advantage to suck a breath, stared at her belly, asked a word, "Who is your child in your belly?"

Williamfi's resentment stared at him, and the heart was so sad, she was hesitating, this time she should answer ......

"You said, who is it?" "Leishageless roar.

"You come to France, is it for this child?" Williafi cried.

"Yes, isn't it for your child?" Is it for you? "Le Leng said," What is this woman, what else is there? "

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