"It's time to say it clearly." Williafi looked at the mother. She also remembered the cold, before they came, could not explain the things of love Huade's lower medicine, and it will be more dangerous, but now this situation, If you don't say wear, they have no way to refuse to love Wah and Austin? Mrs. Sophied also thought of this, there was no longer stop Williafi.

"Duke of Ai Huad, please don't be in front of us, I really make me feel disgusting." William Fei's hampered Ai Huade, "Last night, you are in my Chinese medicine. ? You have never thought about retaining this child, so you want to harm my abortion, and put the responsibility in Leishe. "

When I heard this sentence, the face of Austin changed, bad, did Fimir think of he stumbled last night?

"You said this, I don't understand." Ai Huade is inexplicably like. "I have always been with your mom last night, and then I am ready to leave, Le Le, they come, From the beginning to the end, I have never touched your medicine. How can I get the medicine? Again, you almost aborted last night, clearly the Leles, you not only don't resent him, but also resentful me? Not too bad, is it black? "

"Ai Huad, when you arrive at this time, you will be loaded again." Sophie is cold and cold. The female mercenly small monarch gave the traditional Chinese medicine to give Philippine, just at that time, you took the opportunity to support Xiaojun, under the Chinese medicine, I have been experiencuiful, you have a lot of true, you have no good reputation. But fortunately, Feiier didn't drink that bowl, otherwise, the child is no longer. "

"Even if the bowl is really a problem, it can't represent the poison of my underground." Austin said that "it is not good, it is the maid of the child."

"How is it possible? Xiaojun followed me six years, her is the most clearly." Sophisticated angrily.

"A maid with you for seven years, you are still so trust in her, and I know you in the past seventeen years? You don't believe me?" Ai Huade is painful, "Sophie , You are too hot. "

"Just because I know you in seventeen years, I know more about your people." Sophisticated loudly looked at Ai Wah -

"Your life is the interests, you will not eat a little bit, you know that the flesh in the Philippine belly is not Austin, how can you accept this child ?? You will not !! !

The reason why you express it is so generous, just want to make Austin win, you have been delaying the time last night, not willing to go back, just because you know Leizie is coming.

You have a good time at that time, then leave, the medicinality is going to seize four or five hours, and then your father is not present, Leizie is just looking.

He and Feier have so many misunderstandings. It will always argue in a few words. When it is, it will be aborted. This responsibility will be pushed to his head, and no one can think of you.

How perfect this plan? ? Just I didn't think that Leizie will arrive in advance, I didn't think that Feiier didn't drink the bowl, you didn't leave, you want to stay, use Austin's presence ignition to ignite, let Leizie and Feier The more you have a lot.

And your son is like a tacit understanding with you, deliberately manufacturing mistakes will make Leizie mistakenly, let them have more powerful, then Le Leng hit him, he didn't come back. I causing the consent and partiality of Philippine, so Le Lee is more angry, and the lost hand pushes Fili, causing the situation behind ... "

Speaking of this, Sophia laughed, "This is really a coup, even I can't help but want to clam your hands !!!"

"You don't have ice and snow, don't like you for seventeen years." Ai Huade smiled slightly, no longer concealed, "Yes, I did it inside it, it is true that it is what you think, but One thing you guess ... "

He looked at William Feather -

"From beginning to end, this matter is my idea of ​​me, there is no half of the relationship with Austin. He is completely unknown. He said that he said to marry you, I resolutely disagree, but he is alone, his temper is to hold, once There is no one to change, even if I can't, especially in your business.

I have no way, I have to promise him, but I will never let him help other men, let alone, your child has different bloodlines. If you have a born, you can distinguish it is not Austin. At that time, Australia Stun will only become a laughter of the people in the world, and Lease, he will always be entangled with you, this is too unfair to Austine ... "

"Hey, why do you do this?" Austin's emotions were very excited. "I said that I can accept Fei's child, you do this, you can't help me."

He has already discussed well with his father. After the matter, he loaded innocent, continued tobo the trust of William, and all the responsibilities were borne by his father.

"Austin, just don't want you to be used." Ai Huaded frowned him, "Let's see that Williafi is not really sincerely likes you, Leisi is doing together. I am worried about her, I'm going to be aborted, but she is easily forgiven. Now it is a cold attitude toward you. This shows that from the beginning to now, she didn't really want to marry you. She is just I want to take advantage of your mother and daughter to Hong Kong, wait until Hong Kong, she will open you. "

When I heard these words, Williapi had a low head. For Austin, she is indeed embarrassing, Ai Huad is right, she has never really wants to marry him, she just wants to use him ...

Now, things have been revealed, she can resent Ai Wah, but she can't resent Austine, she has no reason to hate a silent guarding her, love her man ...

"The words have already said this step, I think we have nothing to say."

Soviet madam sighed, excited,

"Austin's feelings of Feier, we all look in the eyes, and grateful from your heart, but love this kind of thing can't be reluctant, Philippine and Austin this life is no one, it is impossible together.

It is not entirely his problem, and you and your lady, I really don't want Fair to have such a father-in-law, I am afraid that I will not make mistakes, you and your lady don't know how to punish her, maybe When you are poisoned by you.

Last night, you don't want to pursue it, you will not pursue it, just hope that you should not be difficult for us. "

"How do you say this? When did I hurt your daughter?" Ai Huade was invincible, "the wild species should not come to the world, I am helping her, but I will not hurt her."

"It's enough, I don't want to tell you." Sophie saw a door, "Leizie still doesn't know the child's life, you have a small voice, this thing is here, let's go, let Feier yourself. Choose your own life. "

"Choose your own life ???" Austin smiled coldly, a pair of blood-filled eyes deeply stared at Williafi, "Do you want to go back to Leisan? What is he? People, do you haven't seen it yet? When you are most difficult, when he is most, he is? When he is sleeping with another woman, have you ever thought about you here? ?? "

"Don't say it, don't say ..." William Fiier cried and shook his head, "Austin, I know that you are good to me, I also know that Leles is not worthy of payment, I have never thought about returning to him. Around, I just want to go to Hong Kong to see my father ... "

"You want to go to Hong Kong, I will accompany you, I can accompany you anytime, anywhere," Austin helps her, "Feiier, you don't want to accept me now, I will not force you, you let me With your side, let me take care of you, I will wait patiently, waiting for you to open my heart to my heart .. "

"It's impossible ..." Williafei shook his head. "I just said that my Mommy said, I am very grateful, but we are destined to be together, love can't be reluctant, let's let go."

"Feier ..."

"Let her go !!!!"

Le Lee excited anger came, interrupted the words of Austin, everyone looked back at him, he just opened the few fists, this is coming in, the forehead Swelling, but he can't take care of so much, hurry up and run to save William Feier.

"It's all you, if you are not your appearance, Feier has long married me -" Mesatin hate into him, "Go to death, Le Le !!!"

Said, Austin fierce a gun pointed out Leigh ...

"Don't -" Williafield and Sophia are shocked, the two are not blocked, and Austin has opened a shot of Leizan ...

"Hey!" A dramatic, alarmed everyone, Le Lezhong gun, because there is a carved crush of the staircase to stop, he is just a gun in the shoulder, and there is no life danger. .

"Le Leh ..." Williafei excitedly rushed over, Austin pulled her, did not stop, she rushed to the stairway to hold Leigh, "You are nothing? Don't scare me."

Until this critical moment, she knew that she still loved him ...

"Fili!" Leizie hugged Williapi, grateful, "Sorry, sorry ..."

"I want to kill you -" Austine took the gun and rushed to the past, and Ai Wah quickly pulled him, whispered, "Are you crazy? This time I can't impulse !!! To kill him, we will More, but not here, let alone Lei Zhen Ting is still in Paris, Leizie is dead, our father and son can't escape the dry system. "

"Let's put down the gun, or I want to be alarm." Sophia panicked, she now understand why cold ice repeatedly reminds them, I can't talk to Ai Huad, and the father and son of Austus, because Mes Ting is a madman, and his violent character has not changed it all ...


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