"Fili, come over !!!" Austin excited roar, "You are my woman, you must go back to me, come over !!!"

"Austin, don't deceive others, even if you use mean shameless means to be fraudulent, she will not fall in love with you !!" Leishe's teeth, "You don't think you do what you do. No one. I know, I already know that you refer to ... "

"Mix !!!" Austin took the gun to Leizan ...

"Austin, don't impulsive -" Ai Huade wants to pull Austine, but his speed is too fast, he can't hold it at all.

"Austin, don't -" William Fiper is in front of Leles and wants to stop Austin.

"Feiier let it open !!" Lei Li pulled William Figer to the body, she was afraid that she was implicated.

"Le Le!" Austin fiercely seized the Leles of the collar, and took him on the guardrail, with a gun against his head, "I played me very enjoyable last night? Now, I will still Give you."

Said, Austin took the gun and slammed his head, and two under three, Leles' head was smashed and DC ...

"God." Sophisticed Madam was frightened and hurriedly called alarm.

"What are you doing? You can't be alarm." Ai Huada immediately stopped her, two people pulled it, there is no way to scruplely scruplely ......

Austine is still playing Leres, he has a gun in his hand, and Leizhen did not dare to come back. He was afraid that he shot and pool fish, he had to be forced to bear his beatings, just wanted to wait until the appropriate time will take the gun in his hand first. .

William Feather also caught so much, rushed to Pulling Austine: "Stop, don't hit, stop -"

Austine saw Williafifei such a guardian, and his heart is even anger. The fierce uses the power of William, and the Williafield is imbalanced. The whole person is planted ...

"God, Feier -" Sophora is screaming.

Austine also stopped beating, look back ...

Williapi rolled down from the stairs, and the consequences were unimaginable. At this critical moment, the William Earck just came back from the outside, and held William Fi. "Fei, you are nothing. Feiier?"

William Fili's shock breath, but when she fell, she saved her stomach when she fell. Otherwise, she really can't escape this.

"Fili, sorry, I don't deliberately ..." Austin pointed to Leisi with a gun, turned to Williapi, sad, "Do you know how much I love you? Why is you not willing? Give me a chance? Are you not promised to marry me? How can I repent? "

"Austin, love can not be reluctant, you let me go." Williafei is struggling, "Don't let it be don't realize, this is not a good thing for me ..."

"No ..." Austin shook his head, "I won't let go, you promised to marry me, you can't repent."

"Austin ..."

What is Williafei is going to say, Leizie suddenly changed the hands of Austin, slammed, and Austin screamed, just wanted to counterattack, Leizie took his gun, Australia Stun immediately reached out to grab, two people pulled it, the gun fell to the ground, fell down by the gap ...

Everyone is slightly sighter, thinking that the battle is so over, but at this time, Austin suddenly allocated a dagger, and smashed the Leigh's chest.

"Leisheng !!!" William Figer screamed.

Leles agilely, while sweeping with the legs, Austin lost, and the dagger was just stabbed to Williafi ...

"Ah !!!!" Williafei's frightened eyes, watching the knife, just thorns, just at this critical moment, Leizan flutmed, and grabbed the dagger with his hand ...

Blood drops on William, rendering her white windbreaker, her eyes are big, stare at Leles' hands, the mind is blank, heartbeat ... Almost all will stop.

Until this moment she believed that Leles still loved her, otherwise, how can he save her? ? ?

"Watching him!" The downstairs drunk, a shadow of lightning, holding the thrive of Austine, and then, Lei Zhen Ting took several followed by rushing to control the situation ...

"Leigh, how are you?"

The Earl of William reacted, hurriedly helped Leigh, Leisha's shoulders were originally in the middle, and then he had just hard-studied his hand to catch the dagger. The whole palm is almost all cut, and there are too many blood loss. Now it is completely lost. Attack power, weakness, inadvertently ...

"Le Le, Le Le, how are you? Don't scare me .." William Fiper is excited.

"I, I am fine ..." Le Lelewang lipped, barely squeezed a smile, with bloody hands, holding Williapi's hand, laminated her, said that I am weak, "I am Love ... I have never changed, forgive me ... Is it good?? "

William Feier cried and kept nod: "Well, um .."

She still loved him, even if he had betrayed her, even he hurt her heart, even if she is one more, then remind himself, can no longer believe him, don't forgive him ...

However, now, his behavior, his sincere sentence, or it is easy to get her forgive.

She doesn't want to deceive himself, I don't want to toss it again ...

She just wants to return to the past, there is no Mo Soft, no Austin, she is still his baby, he still loves her, hurts her, and pets her Leigh.

Even if they face a lot of difficulties, as long as they are tightly snuggling. . enough! ! ! !


Ai Huaded saw this scene, deeply sighed, and Austin finally lost, so much, he was exhausted, and he didn't expect it to be a bit of blood, one sentence.

Said wearing, Williapi's heart is not in Austine, and everything he does is meaningless to her.

Why bother?


"The Duke of Ai Huard, the police people are coming, you want to talk to your son to the police station, or now I will leave him immediately?" Lei Zhen Ting is staring at Ai Huad.

"For you." Ai Huadhe glanced at him, with it, and slammed with a fat.

"Please wait." Lei Zhen Ting called him.

Ai Huadon lives, and the laughs: "Thunder, don't forget, here is France, not China, the police are mine, even if I am really doing, you also have no way. "

"Hey!" Lei Zhen Ting did not show weak warnings, "Looking at the face of Feier, I don't want to make things big, so I have already letting you this time, but if you dare to let, I must have a certain The way to cure you !!! "

Ai Huad is not talking, hurry to leave, he is very clear, Lei Zhen Ting has just caught the fierce of Austin on the spot, and there is absolutely reason to complain to the country - the anti-private department, but the Lelei Zhen Ting did not do this, not because he afraid him Instead, it is behind the William Fiper's family. .

After all, the Earl of William is the French royal, Williapi and Sophie are also a French. In the future, it is still necessary to return to this land. If you make sin, I will revenue in them now ...

Lei Zhen Ting considers what is far-rectified. More explanates his temperament and ability, and Ai Huade dares to provoke him, not to mention this is not a power dispute, purely for a woman, the woman still pregnant with other men What should children, why? It is not worth it.

In this case, he decided to fight with him, but also fell to the people of Leijia, it is better to think that Austin gave up her.

Of course, Ai Wah will not let Williafield and Leisha, they still have a chess, this is not so easy to end ...

Although the woman did not have a background, the mind was not too much, but it was really that she had a relationship with Leles, and it was able to affected Leles and William.


Leigh is not light, Lei Zhen Ting will let people stop bleeding for him, then send him to the hospital to receive treatment, cold if ice is still waiting for them in the hospital.

William Fiier is worried, insisted to follow, Sophor and William Earl, but she had to go to the hospital with them.

On the road, Sophie said to Lei Zhenjing, she still blamed Le Lear last night, but now, the Leizie is so heavy, but she is really awkward.

Lei Zhen Ting is very calm, and it is more comfortable: "Le Le is a man's husband, and it is from the army. It is not much injured. You don't have to worry, he will not have something."

"It's not good ..." William Fiier cried and unclear, she kept behind the Leles, holding his hand, brushing his face on his face.

"Feier, you don't have anything bad, it is Lie Lie. You should also protect you." Lei Zhen Ting is very unhappy, "You don't be too excited, Leizie is not a fatal injury, he will not Something, you moved the tire gas last night, just fell, don't hurt the child in your belly. "

"Well ..." Williafi cried nodded.


Sophia is feeling in the depths of the heart, and a person's family environment is very important. Leisha's parents are well dawned, and they are deeply universally, so Leles will have a sense of responsibility, such a family will have a complete life; Stun is not so bad, but unfortunately he is born in a family full of conspiracy, will only step by step, can't look back. .

Just don't know if Leizie has anything between Moof, if he can follow the relationship with Mo, Sophia is willing to forgive him, support him with Fili. .


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