Zhuo Air saw Leizie had already shaken it, and I took a hot iron to advise: "If you want to let the Philippine are completely related to the relationship with the Austin, it is necessary to force the Austin. What should I do, I think, you are more than me. Clearate. "

"I understand, thank you ..."

Le Leng responded, turned to leave, thoughts stayed in the words of Zhuohang, lost the soul, heart ...

Yes, he dragged like this, not only to let the Philippine and the Austin triggered the relationship, but will let her down, and finally did not pay.

In this way, it is better to make things a little, forced to force Austin, let things thoroughly come.

I want to have a new decision in my heart, insert the hand in the pocket, hold the ring box, this is too late to give Williagri gift, it is better to take this now The time is given to her, letting the relationship between them directly enter the last step ...


After getting on the bus, Cold, if the cold and Lei Zhenwei asked Leles, Zhuohang said something to him, he tried to say lightly, Zhuo Airlined only told him about someone you know ...

Cold if ice and Lei Zhen Ting see Leizie don't want to say more, have not asked more, just to see Williafi, must maintain a reason, don't impulse, come up with your own sincerity, what is good to say . .

Leizie should have a sound, look at the window, recall that the pasts with William Feather, the mood is like a five flavor, the complexity is difficult ...


Another half an hour of the car finally arrived at the Rose Manor.

Mrs. Sophor is waiting for them at the door of the manor. It is very sincere, Cold, and Lei Zhen Ting feel very apogase, Sophia smiled and said: "Will Leles and Feier eventually, you will be me and Fili's savior, you can come to explore Fei, I am very happy, of course, I want to treat VIPs. "

"You are really too much. On the contrary, we are really embarrassing ..." Cold if the ice is very embarrassed, "When the Zhen Ting was accident, Fei Lei rushed together, now you have something, we have a busy. In the help, Leizie also hurts the heart of Feier, we don't know what to say. "

"Young people, let them solve themselves." Soviet madam sighed, "After all, this kind of feelings can't be reluctant, they will eventually come together, or have to see the fate."

When I said this sentence, Sophia deeply looked at Le Lee, Leizie lowered his head, and did not send it. The Sophora is still a little disappointed. She has a long time to Move the Leles, and if she is not looking at his parents, she is not willing to give him a chance again ...

Now that Leles is coming, there is still nothing to say that it is really cold.

"Le Lee has been remembering the body of Feier, how is the Philippine?" Cold if the ice intends to close the relationship between Leles and William.

"She still looks old." Sophored is a simple answer.

"Bo mother, I want to see her, is she in the room?" Leizie finally speak.

"Sophisticated, Sophor," She knows that you are coming, this should be greeted, but these days are not suitable, so there is no. "

"Then I will go to her." Leager said, "Is it the room before?"

"Yes." Sophored, "You go up, she is waiting for you in the room."

"Okay, then I will go up first." Le Lee nodded to Sophora, and then hurried to the villa direction ...

Looking at his back, cold if the ice lamented: "In fact, Le Le is still very careful, he has always been albered with her."

"How is Leizan?" Asked Sophif. "

"Hey ..." Cold, if the ice sighed, the dignified said, "I said before France, I will explain this thing to you, so I will not hide now, but now It is inconvenient here, let's go to the house. "

"it is good."


Leizie has begun to go quickly, and then I can't help but run, because I am eager to see Philippine ...

But at the stairs of the villa, he stopped his footsteps, he was not difficult to say, and he did not know how to face Williapi.

"Thunder, why don't you go up?" The old helpers said.

Leizie has been living in a few days. The servants here have met him. At that time, he was deeply emotional with William, and made a lot of vigorous things for Williapi, so that many people were moving, so everyone I hope they can come together.

"I ..." Le Le low down, I don't know what to say, he wants to see William Fiier, but see her belly, he will think of her with Austin, he can't pass the one. Hom. .

"Miss Fiier has been waiting for you, don't you want to see her?" The mother asked softly.

"No, I want to see her ..." Lered out.

"That's it, if you don't fall in love, you will break up with peace, don't hurt each other; if you still love, you will be honest, don't think too much ..." The old maid patted his shoulders, "Go, there is no It is difficult to break, if you love, you will be brave. "

"Thank you!" Lei Li looks back, on the big step, finally came to Williafei's room, taking courage, gently ring the door ...


In the room, Williafei has been sitting on the sofa waiting for Leizie, hanging a heart, is looking forward to the uneasy, when she finally heard the knockout, could not help but feel the heart, staring at the door, as if A door can see Leles standing outside ...

"Hey!" The knockout sounded again. Subsequently, there was a call of Le Lee, "Fei, I am coming !! Do you open the door?"

I heard this familiar voice, I heard these almost joined words, Williafei is soft, get up and open the door ...

Many days, I have reunited again, two people who have lived so much, there is a kind of incredible feeling, as if they are separated, it is not ten days, but for more than ten years, the Hamato vowed, the sea is Sangtian, everything is everything Changed, at this moment, the two have been in front of each other, there is no excitement and happiness of the newly married, more is a sadness ...

Unknown Williafei's eyes unconsciously, turned around, panic wi, did not want Leizie to see yourself fragile.

"Sorry ..." Le Lee's voice low bit hoarse, the heart is unable to cover up, no matter what, he betrayed her is a fact, and it is also true that it is also true, no matter how she is, he is still she was.

"Sorry what ??" Williafei's asked, "Why are you apologizing to me?"

"A lot of things ..." Leager's sigh, "When you need me most, I have not paid you to protect you, take care of you, this is my dereliction of duty, there is this, clearly said to protect you Finally, you will come back first, and I have not chased it, I didn't explain anything to you ... "

"You don't have a righteousness to protect me, take care of me, are you not mine." Williafei is bitter, "everything is willing, I will not force you ..."

"Fei Dare!" Leizie helped her shoulders, the explanation of the dignity, "I know that you are angry with me, I am not in the crucial moment, I don't have to be heavy, I didn't explain it to you, you are angry, misunderstanding I, I have nothing to say, so now, I am special to find you, just want to tell you all the truth ... "

"What is the truth?" Williafei frowned, is it about Moiro, and he knows?

"This is a long ..." Leigh sighed, "I really don't know what to say."

"About Moofu?" Williafei looked deeply.

"Well ..." Leisi nodded, told him about Williafi with Moof, including Mo Port to him, and in France, she was abused with the wheel J. He did not say directly This matter is that Austin means that all doubts and evidence tell Williapi, let her go to the results, hope such a way to make her more convincing, this matter is related to Austin ...


At the same time, in the study downstairs, Cold, if the ice will also tell Sophifier, including those that occur in France ...

After the Sophifier listened, it was shocked and unbaudited: "It is terrible, there will be such a thing?"

"When we heard the doctor, I didn't dare to confuse it. However, it is the fact." Cold, if the ice is lighter, "Although Mo said a lot of wrong things, but now in this way, it is really a Poor people, Zhen Ting is a long life soldier, is a very responsible person, Leizie this is very similar to him, so I can't bear to lose Mo Sir. In fact, Le Lee's mind is very clear, he is really loved by Fei. It is just that Moof is too wide. There is also a means of email behind the scenes. If you don't find out what you know, you will be infinite after you, and you are a fixed bomb for everyone. "

"You are right." Sophor is looking back, "I have a resentment for Leizan, but now I understand this explanation, I will understand, there is such a thing, I can't do anyone. It should be, it should be investigated and clearly said. After the scene, the scene, I doubtful to Ai Huad, he got a lot of things in France, and I still want to cut the medicine, but I didn't drink the bowl. Medicine, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. "

"We also think so, but this is afraid that this matter is afraid that there is still a love, it also has a relationship with Austish, just don't know, Feiier will not believe ..." Cold Ruozi said.


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