"Why don't I believe? Feier has long known that Austin has done a lot of things behind." Sophie said, "If Leis is talked to Fili, she will listen to the real relationship, she will listen."

"I think, they should now talk about this thing ..."


In the room of William, Leles has told Williapi, heard these truths, and Williapi's face became very dignified, and silent for a long time, only to speak: "Although I have already Psychological preparation, but to tell the truth, I heard these things, I am still very uncomfortable, I didn't expect that Mo Mo did experience so cruel injuries ... "

"Mo Soft now makes this, it is really poor, I have more sympathy and embarrassment for her, there is no men and women, I hope you can understand, there is such a thing, I really don't have a way to set it." Thunder Explain.

William Feather smiled and sorrowful: "Well, since the matter is now clear, I can understand your choice in France, but before? You are related to Moof, is it really all drugs ?? If you really have no feelings, you will not give her a chance to give her. "

"I didn't have any preparation for her, I always treated her, and when my father did something, she helped me find some evidence, although I now know those evidence may be a bait that Austine deliberately released, but for the time I am in a hurry, I don't have a much more thoughtlessness, so I will lose ... "

"Forget it, this matter, I don't want to mention again."

William Figer is irritating to interrupt Leles, now she is very disgusted on this matter, no matter if it is interested, it is not intentional, the relationship is the fact, this matter has become a thorn, deeply tied in William Porny, I think about her heart. .

"Okay, then we don't mention those things." Leishae said, "The past is already in the past, even if it reperesulates, let us put down the past, start again?"

Williapi is low, did not speak, the mood is like a five flavor, it is not a taste ...

"Let go of the past, start again" These eight words are easy, but do it, is it as simple as it? Can they really do it? She is not confident.

"Fili ..." Leizie held Williapi's hand, sincerely said, "I have only sympathy and embarrassment for Mo Suited, there is absolutely no one tolerance, I can guarantee you, I will never Unclear with her, as long as you can put down Austin, I will not pursue the past, we start with the head, is it good? "

William Figer felt sad from his heart, she was loyal to him, and he never betrayed him, but he was really betrayed her, from the body to the heart, let her feel great insults, things To now, he is still generous to tell her, as long as she can put down the Austin, he will not think with her ...

what is this? ? What kind of? ? ?

"Why don't you talk?" Leizie's uneasy looked at Williapi, "Are you worried about your child?"

William Fei's lips, testive saying: "Yes, I am worried about the child's problem, how do you intend to solve your child?"

"This one……"

Lei Yan's surface is somewhat hard, in fact, I am still thinking, this child is his or Austin, it is still an unknown, he also feels that Feier is not intentionally qi him, so he said So now I want to use this way to test the Philippine and figure out the truth.

"You don't want to accept it?" William is laughed, "because this is the child of Austin, so you will not accept it?"

Her heart is in the blood, Le Le, in your eyes, is I am a relaxed woman? do you know? This is your child, your flesh, why don't you believe me? ?

Leizan silently took a moment, and the dignity said: "Feiier, not I don't want to accept your child, I just don't want you to correct it with Austin."

"What do you want? Let me fight the child?" Williafei red an eye asked.

"No ..." Leles immediately replied, "The child is a life after all, how can I ask such cruel requirements?"

When I heard this sentence, Williafi's face was slightly well, continued to ask: "What should you say? Can you accept your child, you can't fight, how to deal with?"

"What I think, the worst plan is ..." Le Lee looked lips, whispered, "When you give birth, return to Austin!"

"You let me give the child to the Austine?" William Fiier looked at him, "I didn't listen to it?"

"I know, I said, you may not accept it, but I am also thinking about the big situation. You first listen to me ..." Leisi is eager to say, "Austin's personality, you know, he is for you Can be entangled for so many years, how can I make it easy for my flesh? I don't want you to be entangled with him, so I will put forward such a suggestion. Of course, I am just suggesting, I will not barely do anything. Things, including this child, I also hope to find a better way to solve this problem, such as ... "

He suddenly turned, "I will continue to say," I find out the evidence of Austin and his father as soon as possible, so that they will rope, so they will not be entangled, and I will follow you. This child is like a child. "

"What do you mean? I hope I help you investigate it?" Williafei looked deeply.

"How can you ask this? I have never thought ..." Leighbrow wrinkled, seriously said, "I just hope that you can understand me, don't resent me in the future."

William is silent. Although Leizie is doing wrong, hurt her, but his bones are a principled person, especially for this kind of non-alignment, he is very honest, will not ly, so he said It is what he thinks, but this also proves that he is really deep, it seems to be in his heart, she really loves Austin, so he will be nervous, this is ......

Leizie saw Williafi hesitation, it would not help some anxious: "Feier, Austine is temporarily controlled by his father, so you can go back to Hong Kong, but soon, he will restore freedom, At the time, he would come to entangle you. You are now pregnant, the father is serious, the mother is also a heart, don't hesitate, accept me, let me take care of you! "

Said, he kneel on the ground, took out the ring box, opened the box cover, and handed it to Williafei, "Fei, this ring, when we went to the United States, I went to the United States, I was silently bought, I have decided. You have never changed it, until now, I still love you, I want to fight with you, I hope you can promise me !!! "

Williamfi is a bit mistake. She did not think that Leles will have such a move, or she didn't think about it. After so many things happened, Leizie will marry her for his wife. He is really true, still another the reason? ?

She is somewhat confused, unclear ...

"Fili!" Leizie held Williapi's hand, sincerely said, "No matter what the situation, no matter what happens, I have never changed your feelings, I want to marry you, Just because I love you, there is no other idea, I hope you can believe me! Accept me !!! "

"I ..." Williafei is a bit nervous, some don't know what it is, and the behavior of Leizie is too sudden, let her don't know how to do it ...

"Marry me, marry you is my wish!" Leizie again pleaded again, "Remember? When we have each other, we have promised forever, never separate, this promise, this promise, this promise I will stick to the end, you will, right ??? "

I heard this sentence, recalling the sweet and happy memories of the past, Williafi can't help with tears, the heart became soft, finally got down: "Yes, I will adhere to the promise !!! "

"Feier ..." Leizie Xinxi, hugging William Feather, keeping kissing her hair and cheek.

Williapi closed his eyes snuggled in him. This warm feeling is so real, everything seems to return to the past, when they are together, they still fall in love, the feelings have never changed ...

Even if this is an illusion, still an illusion, she doesn't want to lose, even if it is wrong, I want to be wrong ...

I thought here, she looked up and hugged Leigh.

"Fili, believe me, I will use action and time to prove that I am really ..."

Leles kissed William Fili's auricle, said in her ear, holding her hand, putting the ring in her right hand.


Outside, Sophia and Cold Bozo passed through the hidden door, and the two smiled and comforted, which was good, they finally came together.

However, Lei Zhen Ting is not optimistic. He always feel that things are not resolved first, it is not a good turning.

Mo Soft and Austine will be the resistance of their advancement, Leizie can't be completely ignorant, Williafi does not do it, and the unfortunate of Austine ...

Between them, how much will they experience some twists and turns.

Just don't know how long these twists have been tired, they have been tired, don't want to toss again.

"I believe that everything will be better than we see,"

Cold, if the ice shot, the back of the thunder, a warm smile, she was hinting him, not too pessimistic, everything will be fine, will be ...


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