Si Hui is shocked, knowing that there is really a problem, Blue Qian Yu must escape.

Si Hui put down the curtains, ready to turn back to the next door, go downstairs to see the situation, but just find that one female mercenition is in the flower bed, she looks carefully, the person is blue thousand ...

Blue Qian Yu is just looking up, the two eyes are relatively, and there is a complex ray in their eyes.

Blue Qian Yu is panicked, hurriedly rushed to the back door.

Not far from the bodyguards found her, yelling: "Who?"

Then chase her ...

Si Hui looked at the back of Blue Qian Yu, and the mood was more difficult. It turned out that the blue thousand Yu was not too strong. Maybe she had already known the owner and Shen Xin, I have already disappointed with the owner. It turns out that she is so urgent to escape the owner. But I have been bear to bear.

Si Hui suddenly felt that Blue Qian Yu is very poor, there are two powerful and perfect men on the surface, in fact, she has already been exhausted by this crazy possession.

Moreover, she has no love of the owner, even if it is barely, what is the meaning of she staying around? ?

What is the owner? ? ?

Thinking of this, Division leaps up, for the two bodyguards: "You step, I will chase."

"That person seems to be Miss L.." The bodyguard said, "look very like the back."

"No?" Si Hui was surprised, "Miss Lan is clearly in the room with the owner, how can I escape?"

"Ah?" The bodyguard was not very sure. He listened to the Sihui and some skeptical, "I don't know, but the maid is going to escape?"

"It may be stolen, it is a woman, you are not convenient, I will go to deal with it." Si Hui ran to the place where Blue Qian Yu fled.



Blue Qian Yu is desperately running, but it is still chasing it soon.

Blue Qian Yu is panicked, imbalanced falls, and the Si Hui came to help her. She suddenly took out a fruit knife to her neck, excited low: "Don't come over, I will not go back. !! "

"Miss L., what is your bitter?" Si Hui mercy looked at the blue milf, the testism, "the owner is so good to you, why do you want to escape?"

"His goodness is too self-private, I don't need it." Blue Qian Yu climbed up from the ground, holding a tree rod, one hand, cautious with fruit knife with fruit knife, "Si Hui, I know You like Xiao Han, let me go, as long as I am gone, no one is fighting you with you ... "

"Oh!" Si Hui laughed, "I am not Shen Xin, I will not betray the owner because of a private desire, and love is to be natural, two feelings, I can't like him, I hope You are walking. He is not happy, I will not be good in my heart. "

"Yes, you are different from Shen Xin." Blue Qian Yu looks deeply at her. "You are a girl who really knows love. You know that I really like a person, just look at him happy, so you never hurt Xiao The cold likes, never violates what he meant. Similarly, if Xiao Han really loves me, he will not be so for me, what he is doing now is a crazy Popularity, this Popularity, I can't get it crazy, I can't stand it, then I will have a tragedy sooner or later, and he will regret it later !! You just accommodate Yin Germany, let me. "

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Please support my other end of the work "Devil gambling: abdominal black BOSS is difficult to serve"

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