"Hey ..." Si Hui is deeply sighing, "Miss Blue, now, you really don't know what to say. Since you have found the owner with Shen Xin, I want you to be true to him Dead, but ... "

"You are wrong!" Blue Qian Yu interrupts her, "I am not because I found this thing, in fact, my feelings with Xiao Han have already changed, and we will go back when we break up three and a half. After three and a half years later, we have encountered, he still in the bed of other women, starting from that moment, I have died for his heart. And he is a kind of unwillingness, just starting to be unwilling Because I am Xiao Qi's girlfriend, I am not willing to be because I chose the night flame. From the small to big, he is like this, it is better than others, he is not willing to lose to Xiao Qi and Night flames So I don't want to occupy me. In fact, I don't have to say more, you are also clear, Si Hui, Xiao Han is a wrong way, we can't be wrong, it is wrong ... "

Si Hui is very tangled, she knows that Blue Qian Yu is right, she should have to let her go, but she doesn't want to betray Xiao Han.

"You do this for him, it is timely stopped him from going down, not betrayal." Blue Qian Yu looked through the mind of Si Hui, continuing to persuade, "Is it true that a person is not like this? Timely, this is good for him. "

Si Hui smiled and sighs: "You are a woman who likes the owner, the mind is paste, you have to say, you really convince me. Ok, just a bold, this time I let you go, You should be careful, if you encounter this next time, I will not let you go again. "

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu is happy, and then retired for a few seconds, turning around and fled.

Si Hui looked at her back, said to himself, Si Hui, I hope you do it right!


Blue Qian Yu ran for nearly half an hour, really running, stopped to take a small beauty mobile phone to call the cold, very fast, the phone is open, the cold voice came from that: " Hey!"

"It's me ..." Blue Qian Yu is still panting.

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu is really you?" Cold, if the ice is excited to know, "Leager told me that you were hit by Xiao Han, I am looking for you in the past few days, but I don't know where Xiao Han hides where you hide, I I don't dare to make it right with him, I am afraid that he hurts you, Qian Yu, where are you? "

"I am ..." Blue Qian Yu didn't finish, one hand suddenly reached over and took her call, blue thousands of feathers look back, horror, smashing, "Xiao ..."

Xiao Qi took the mobile phone battery directly, discarding the phone in the distance, turned his head, staring at the blue millet, his face raised the evil smile: "Qian Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

"How can you here? What do you want to do?" Blue Qian Yu Pan back.

"I have been following you ..." Xiao Qi approached her step by step, reaching her face, "Qian Yu, do you know? I miss you very much."

"Don't touch me." Blue Qian Yu opened his hand, turned and wanted to escape, Xiao Qi grabbed her hair, and she rudely came back, she just struggled, he was in her. After the back and neck, she fell soft in his arms ...

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