"I will let you know now, what is called for life, I can't do it." Xiao Qi did not hurt the last cover on Blue Qianyu, I want to occupy her ...

"Hey, hey ..." Blue Qian Yu , spiritual and quasi, with the courage of death in the eyes.

"What are you laughing?" Xiao Qi stopped the action, he suddenly felt that the creepy ...

Blue Qian Yuzi black scorpion suddenly zooms with a strange ray, slamming a piece of broken glass on the ground, jealousy to his face, incorporated between her face, there is a few horror scars ...

"Don't, what are you doing?" Xiao Qi frightened his eyes, and his heart was suffocated at this moment. He slowed his hand, he grabbed her hand, and the sharp road, "Blue Qian Yu, you are crazy - - "

Blue Qian Yu is reluctantly grabbed the glass, but still does not meet Xiao Qi's strength, Xiao Qi got the glass piece, her palm was cut, blood DC, her face was deeply stabbed, but she : "You are all because I have a beautiful like me, ruining this face, you will not be wrapped again ..."

Blue-thousand feathers are full of blood, blood like decissets rivers source, and some broken glass is on the face, maybe because there are too many bles, her eyes are heavy, and consciousness is completely lost. Until unta ...

"Don't ... You can't die, your sins have not been repaid, my hatred has not yet let go, you can't die -" Xiao Qi panic shouts.

At this time, the sound of the car and Leigh in the outside: "Qian Yu, Qian Yu ----"

Xiao Qi was happing, and his hand was shaking, slow down, he took a good dress, escaped from the back door, when he went to the door, he also looked back at Blue Qian Yu, full of blood, biting his teeth, He left, while running while talking in the heart, blue thousand feather, you don't die, you don't die ...

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu -" Leigh's shouts are getting closer and closer, but unfortunately, Blue Qianyu can't respond to him.

Le Le took his hands under his hands and found it. After a while, Lei was finally discovered Xiao Qi's old car and that wooden house. He walked through the arrow, kicking the door, seeing the situation in front of him, he was shocked, panic, panic Put the blue thousand feathers, excited low shouts: "Qian Yu, thousand feathers, you wake up, wake up, you can't die, can't die ..."

"Thunder, let Ms. Blue to pick up the car, fast." The bodyguard is eager to remind.

Le Le rushed into the bus with Blue Qian Yu, and the bodyguard immediately opened the car and went to ...


It is like a nightmare, poor nightmare, cold if ice rushes to the military hospital, seeing Blue Thousand, shocking almost coma, soft fell on the sofa, crying.

Lei Zhen Ting looked at her quietly, and his eyes were full of mercy.

"How can this be? How can this ..." Qiao Qing cried next to tears.

Leles painfully held his head, saying that he blame: "It's not good, I am not good, if you rush it early, the quarter will not make this."

"The matter has been here, you don't blame again." Lei Zhen Ting said, "Fortunately, the life is still saving, and she already has three weeks of pregnancy."

"What? Qian Yu is pregnant?" Cold, if the ice is incredible, the heart is very powerful, this child is the night flame or ... Xiao Han's?

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