"Children, children ..." Blue Qian Yu whisked in the nightmare, alarming everyone's heart, cold if ice, Qiao Qing, Leizan immediately held her hand, cold, crying, "Children Good ... "

Blue Qian Yu slowly opened his eyes, see Qiao Qing, is happy: "Qiao Qing, you ... wake up."

"Qian Yu ..." Qiao Qing cried up and did not pick up the gas, and a sentence is not clear.

"Wake up ... Just, wake up ... Just." The blue thousand is gratifying, "finally, a heart."

"Qian Yu, you can make this, I am also worried about me ..." Qiao Qing cried treminated, "Qian Yu, my poor feather ..."

"Qian Yu, is Xiao Qi destroyed your room? I must grab him, let him rope it." Leishe said.

"No ..." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "It is my own destroy."

"What?" Everyone was shocked, and if you ask for ice, "Why do you want this?"

Blue Qianyu closed his eyes, weakly said -

"He wants me ... rape, I have to keep it ... the child in the belly, I can't resist it, I have to ruin ... my face, so you can ... get rid of ... Night flames, Xiao Han, Xiao Qi, they are entangled I am not all because ... this beautiful face? Now no one ... I will entangle me, I finally ... liberated ... "

When I said the last sentence, her eyes slipped down, and the lips also raised a beautiful smile.

She finally relieved, and finally I can take the child to live peace and peace, no one will come to entangle.

No more ...

Cold, if the ice is low, the tears, the poor child, because you want to get rid of the men's entanglement, even if you have a beautiful woman, but the beauty brings an infinite disaster because of his beauty, if Yes, then they are willing to become ordinary women.

"How are you so stupid, how so stupid ..." Qiao Qing wiped tears, sobbing said, "Your face is so deep, it is difficult to cure you don't know?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to cure ..." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "Just like this, it is very good."

"Yes, it is very good." Le Lee hit the hands of the blue thousand feathers, "Qian Yu, no matter what you become, I like you, I will guard you around you until forever."

"Leigh !!!" Lei Zhen Ting is serious, "" You come out. "


"Out!" Lei Zhen Ting once again ordered.

Le Leizu, he waited for something that is not good, he will hurt the heart of Blue Qianyu, but he has to go out with his father.

If the cold looks back to Lei Zhen Ting, Lei Zhen Ting's eyes are very complicated, but it quickly opened his eyes, pretending to see her, pulling Leles out of the room ...

"Qian Yu, you should take it first, don't think more, wait for you to hurt, I will take you away." Cold Ruozi said.

"We are still ... I will leave early." Blue Qian Yu opened his eyes, "Leager's father ... it seems not too ... I like me, I don't want to give him ...

"Well, then I will talk to them." Cold, if the ice got up.

"Qian Yu, I will walk with you." Qiao Qing said, "Where are you going, I will go, I will accompany you, take care of you."

"Good sisters." Blue Qian Yu is very touched, holding Qiao Qing's hand, "Qiao Qing, at this time, fortunately there are you and Leizi, you are my best friend."


(Important notice, the website is selected to take the book to take a single chapter, expect this Friday to officially put the frame, please let the pro-recharge preparation, hope to continue to support, after the shelves will be added, the plot will be more exciting! Thank you !)

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