Blue Qian Yu passes the mobile phone with injured hand, opens a text message, hundreds of text messages, each with deep touch her heart -

"Shen Jia, today's doctor said that the master's surgery has been postponed for half a month, because his injury is very slow, now doing surgery is too dangerous. The doctor said that the owner did not survive for life, he seems to be desperate to life, the old woman every day He is talking to him by him, encouraging him in a variety of ways, sometimes said that it is humid, but there is no use everywhere, I know, only less ladies, only she will let the owner re-ignant, I Zhao The army did not ask for people, and now I beg you, I beg you to let the young lady come back, even if you look at the owner! "

"Shen Jia, the doctor said that if no surgery, the cancer cells in the stomach will spread. When they are really cured, surgery can't be dragged, so doctors will set down today, the operation time is next month, but the owner The injury is too slow, the doctor said that surgery is still very big, maybe after surgery, he woke up again .. They let the old crowmeters sign, the old woman has a big temper, but the doctor said They really have no way ... "

"Shen Jia, today is already one, I can't wait any longer, I decided to go to Hong Kong to find a young lady, even if I ask, I have to ask her back."

"Shen Jia, I have already arrived in Hong Kong, please tell me where the young lady is?"


"The last text message is a little more than this afternoon." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Today is the second, there is still a week, the night flaming is going to do surgery, the night is not a matter of treatment, so Zhao Jun regards everything To find you, I listened to you, I heard the uncle, and Zhao Jun surveyed your falling, and found Xiao Jia ... "

If the cold, I haven't finished it, I will finish it, because Blue Qian Yu dials the phone of Zhao Jun -

"Dud ... beep ..." The phone rang two sounds, immediately connected, Zhao Jun was eager to shout, "Shen Jia, I found that the young lady has left the Xiao family, Xiao Hanzheng is looking for her everywhere, you must know What is her drop? Where is she? I beg you to tell me !!! "

"It's me ..." Blue Qian Yu speaks, and the voice is low.

"Lady !!!!" Zhao Jun Xinxi is mad, "Lady, is really you? It's great, I finally found you, you listen to me, master him ..."

"I know." Blue Qian Yu interrupted his words, "said" I know his situation ... "

"Lady, you don't know why I don't want to go back to the United States to see him? Do you really want to see death? Do you really have a little feeling? I don't believe ..."

"I have just known." Blue Qian Yu's tears fell, "Zhao Jun, trouble you help me contact your grandfather, I want to talk to him."

"Well, I immediately let him sink the phone, immediately."

"Well, I am waiting."


Three minutes later, the night of the old man opened the phone, the blue thousands of feathers received the phone as cold and Qiao Qing, and opened the speaker -

"Qian Yu, you finally contact me! Want your friend has awake? Do you already know the truth?"

The voice of the night, the voice is very tired, more than 20 days, he has worked hard because of the night flame.

Blue Qian Yu stunned, looked back at Qiao Qing, Qiao Qing said, "Right, Qian Yu, I have happened today, I haven't said to you, I was I fell from the floor, I didn't Guan Ying Flag. "

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